View Full Version : Attn:anerlich

07-08-2005, 12:15 PM
I was just curious what kinds of "things" have you measured with the "power meter" that you mentioned in another thread? Did any of the test results surprise you? Thanks.

07-10-2005, 05:16 PM
Sorry, I missed this first time round.

These pieces of equipment, when we used them at least, were a bit too fragile. It kept breaking, and eventually became irreparable.

The biggest eye opener for me was the difference in comparative speed between the front and side kicks. I think most people find the side kick more difficult to learn, and kicks above the waist require most people to cultivate a certainl level of flexibility. Whereas most people can do some sort of front kick, though we could bicker endlessly how best to perform it.

But every student, from beginner to advanced, could hit the bag quicker with a sidekick than with a front kick.

Experimentation are wonderful things - they INSTANTLY resolve all the theoretical arguments about elbow and knee positioning, power generation bla bla bla bla. Either one approach is more powerful, or faster, than another or it isn't.

Theories should EXPLAIN results, not predict them.

07-11-2005, 08:59 PM
Did you happen to record force generated by side kick vs. front or other stats like that? Was this punch faster than that one, what kind of punch generated the most force, etc. How invloved did you guys get? How many different ways can you hit the thing? Thanks again--just curious.