View Full Version : MMA and Kung Fu

07-19-2005, 02:44 AM
Hi all,

You don't seem to get much Kung Fu (same as Aikido and I practice that) in Mixed Martial Arts. Is that a concern for you guys?

I know from watching previously that Jujutsu used to win a lot of UFC events etc, but now, competetors have wisened up and cross training in other arts.

Has anyone had much success in local MMA events using just Kung Fu?



07-19-2005, 05:13 AM
Not locally, but overseas there has been some success. But i used to do only wing chun but recently i started practicing grappling and my abilities have sky rocketed, personally i wouldnt enter a comp with just kung fu unless i was extreamly high level and could easily drop someone with one hit. Because once a grappler takes you down and you only know kung fu your finished.

Samurai Jack
07-23-2005, 07:49 PM
I do aikido and kungfu. I have no problem what-so-ever with my core arts not being represented in MMA. It dosen't even matter a little. Whatever art you practice, you should just practice it until it's second nature. That's the only combat secret there is, and the key to almost every MMA champion's sucess. Get good at what you do. The rest will sort itself out.

07-23-2005, 08:02 PM
I do aikido and kungfu. I have no problem what-so-ever with my core arts not being represented in MMA. It dosen't even matter a little. Whatever art you practice you should just practice it until it's second nature. That's the only combat secret there is, and the key to almost every MMA champion's sucess. Get good at what you do. The rest will sort itself out.

Samurai Jack has applied a Kata dori men uchi to the correct and followed up with a Beng Chuan.