View Full Version : I was on TV performing MuayThai!!!!

Khun Kao Charuad
07-23-2005, 03:42 PM
I was just watching the History Channel (Wild West Tech), and there was a local commercial run during the break for the upcoming Asian Festival DC. They had a still shot of me performing a MuayThai fighting demonstration and live action shot of me performing the Ram Muay!!!!!


Our school is performing the MuayThai demonstrations again this year, however, I'm unlikely to be there because it is the same day as the WKA National tournament, and I have 3 fighters competing. Half of our guys are going to support the team at Nationals, the other half is going with Master Danny to perform the demonstration.

Unfortunately, the website has our school information all wrong. They have us listed as "One Life Experience" (WTF?!? Our school is "One Spirit") and our phone number is totally wrong as well. Oh well. I just gotta make sure our guys go with plenty of CORRECT flyers and business cards to hand out at the demo.....



(pics from last years demo)

07-29-2005, 08:31 AM
cool. sucks about the typos though. "One life experience" does NOT make me think about MA...