View Full Version : Bruce Lee Questions and his role in the MMA craze of today

Horatio Algiers
10-19-2001, 08:39 PM
Bruce Lee MMA connection?
I have a question first of all. Who is the asian girl that was in the majority of his(Bruce Lee's) films. She plays Mei-Ling in Enter The Dragon but I remember her also in Return of the Dragon and also The Chinese Connection if I'm not mistaken. Was she related to him somehow, friend, lover etc? Seems odd to me that she has bit rolls in all his films which seem geared to show Asian women that Bruce has dynamic attraction.
I got to wondering if Bruce's obsession for fame was inversely correlated to the MMA craze today. If you watch the movie, the entire thing is written as if a showcase for each martial artist fighting abililty. The advantage of this being that it furthers each of their individual careers, be it action star(Jim Kelly), Martial artists/buisnessmanBob Wall), or international film star(Bruce Lee) who of course gets top billing it being his vehicle of stardom and a great opportunity to showcase his own unique fighting system. This will not only appease the tradtionalists as they can see his philosophical insight(which is also ironic as Bruce was a philosophy Major in college), as well as show the practical applications of his developed style of no style. It seems Ironic to me then that the film was a initially hit everywhere except his home country Hong Kong. MMA seems a sport not a self defense applications of one's style showcase although that is a natural by prodct of it.
To elaborate, the purpose of the training is to compete at an expert level. Dedication to this produces a prize fighter who fights others of his caliber to win a purse. From this comes fame and success which like a successful film/martial arts showcase does for it's actors. The Gracies success in the MMA format propelled the system of BJJ and their name with it. The popularity of the system following this is marked by the success and number of schools around nowadays.
I'm not calling MMA a scripted event either. It isn't Extreme Professional wrestling. I see it personally as a more extreme boxing, but not having as dignified a place yet in the run of marketable fighting sports. The top dawg of this being American Boxing as reflected by it's prize money.
Getting back to my original point. I believe Bruce at a relatively early age decided he was going to be the biggest star he couild be. this being his modus operandi he finds film and excells in it. His fighting unfamiliar to the U.S. as Karate was prior to it being brought back here by returning marines or Taekwondo which has aside from it's marketability been able to showcase it beauty in the Olympics by people who are the cream of their crop. Bruce however was without question in terrific physical shape as most action stars are nowadays (Arnold, Sylvestor young Bruce Willis). Trying to become the first Asian international superstar would be a handicap during his era however so different routs would need to be taken. My god am I rambling....

Horatio Algiers
10-19-2001, 08:40 PM
Anyway what I want's to ask originally is who is the mystery asian girl in all of Bruces movies, and does anyone else share any of these thoughts?
Did bruces exposure of non boxing Western fighting arts spur the onset of other styles into the U.S., that being where they can make their fortune. Watch Enter the Dragon some time and ask yourself if the fighting seems(which showy may seem primitive by todays standards) deasigned to show each stars ability and resume. The choreography to me says this.
In some ways this was what was so refreshing about the Original Karate Kid. Though very Hollywood the teen nature of it with it's traditional training story theme was unique for it's time. At least it wasn't made as a showcase for okinowan SP? Karate. Enter the dragon although admittedly one of my favorites was also a star vehicle for so many, (Bob Wall, Shie Ken, Bruce Lee, Jim Kelly. Jon Saxxon, and even Jackie Chan). Look at Jet Li today. Would bruce have used wires? Jet's success and yes he is an amazing martial artist even if people can't agree on his street effectiveness, comes on the coatails of Bruces.

10-19-2001, 09:16 PM
Well, the girl (Ms. Miu), finally after many years, admitted that she's one of his "girlfriends" in a HK magazine. The other girlfriend/mistress (where he passed away)has also "finally" admitted it. That could have been the reason a rumor of devoice between Bruce and Linda was in the air. But out of respect a lot of people avoided to talk about these things. We just have to remember that we are only human and to err is human.

About the MMA thing, he would be almost single handedly started the paradigm. Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Martial Atheleticism would hardly be like the great balls of fire without the "impact" (pun intend) of his effort. I don't idolize the guy but I will give credit when credit is due. Those who diss him should think about the pressure he faced and the courage he has to go against all odds and be what he honestly can be (with a bit of deceptions of course). That, my friend, is an artist even master of life. Not a lot of people can handle that.


Contraria Sunt Complementa

Horatio Algiers
10-19-2001, 09:44 PM
well said Mantis,
We are all human afterall and each of has appetites that stem from this. Bruce despite misgivings many have for him found his goal of success despite the numerous obsticles barring it's path durring those years. The fact that he went the lengths that he did I feel shows that despite his one trackedness, in some regards was a very disciplined individual who knew what his goals were and what he needed to do to attain them.

10-20-2001, 12:11 AM
the girl in question is the beautiful Nora Miao
(not Miss Miu...or whatever that is)
She was a childhood friend of Bruce's but met him in his adult years when the filmed the Big Boss.
As far as I know she was never his lover.
Good friends (and the most beautiful Asian girl in movies if I may so ;) Never took her clothes off once in any of his films, and was the sexiest I've seen)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

straight blast
10-20-2001, 12:23 AM
Nora Miao & Betty Ting Pei are his two cutest lead ladies ;)

"Through strength, learn gentleness. Through gentleness, strength will prevail"

10-20-2001, 12:33 AM
Nora Miao Yes!!!! :D :D :D
NORA!!!!!!! :D

Betty Ting Pei...................

...... :( eh..



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-20-2001, 12:41 AM
Wait just a second!!

She played "Mei Ling" in Enter the Dragon????
You mean the girl in the pic? That Bruce talked to for 2 seconds before he did his black-suit spiderman routine??

that wasn't Nora... :(
some other actress. Nora was only in Bruce's HK flicks. She was a singer too :D

(at least I think... didn't look like her in Enter the Dragon)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-20-2001, 12:43 AM
Yeah I just checked.
She was not in Enter the Dragon.

She had a lead part in Way of the Dragon though.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-20-2001, 12:58 AM
Thanks, Horatio.


Okay my PinYin sucks. It is Miao then. There was nothing going on between them, *right* . I guess it would be safe to say the former President Clinton had no intimate encounter(so he claimed) with... Never mind ... Believe what you will. My point was not to pass judgement on a person solely based on personal life. What they do in their private lives is their business. As far as I am concern, they had done a great service to the general public, they are still great men.



Contraria Sunt Complementa

10-20-2001, 02:11 AM
BRUCE gf is believed to be a BETTY TING PING...the other actress NORA is suppose to be a family friend...whether he INTERCEPTED her or not...hehehe...is unknown...lol!


10-20-2001, 02:13 AM
Oh sorry, I didn't know you meant Miao.

I really don't think they had anything going (thought hey might have during childhood BEFORE Bruce was married)

True, great people do do a lot for the world, but you most certainly can pass "judgment" on something somebody does in his private life.

If I gave to the Red Cross all the time, but liked to rape children in my "private life" you better believe people can pass judgment on me and my moralities. ;)

I know that's an extreme case, but hey, just saying some people take it way too far.

I admire Bruce quite a bit.
I have a pic of us "pal"ing around somewhere, just can't seem to find it. :D



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-20-2001, 02:29 AM
By the way, I'm not saying we shouldn't appreciate Bruce for all he's done (or to the lesser extents...gulp..Bill Clinton for actually doing great things for the country. :) )

They obviously did, and should be appreciated for it no doubt.

I'm a philo student, and always have to take "theories" apart no matter what they may be :D
You'd be surprised how many women find it sensually irresistable!!! Just ask.....

oh wait... I'm single right now.

Hmmmm..better contemplate about that!


Take care,


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-20-2001, 04:20 AM
If Lee had a major role in MMA it would have happened way before the Gracies came along. While Lee played with idea's the turning point was the first 4 UFC's.

"Americans don't have the courage to come here," Mullah Mohammed Omar, leader of the Taliban who right about now is getting jiggy with his first of 70 virgins.

“Are you guys ready? Let’s roll.” Last words of Todd Beamer heard over his mobile line right before rushing a hijacker.