View Full Version : Watch my video and rip me a new one!

Chief Fox
08-04-2005, 08:41 PM
Ok, looks like we all need something new to talk about so here's a video of me doing our beginner staff form.

Me and a guy from class have decided to document all of our forms on video so there will be more coming.

Here's the link: http://www.mccarriedesign.com/staff_form.mov

08-04-2005, 08:57 PM
I thought it was going to be you throwing footballs past the camera...

Good stuff though...I saw some similarities between that and a staff form that I know...what is it called? And that's beginner stuff? It looked pretty challenging...

08-04-2005, 09:02 PM
Lol @ teh baldspot.

The form looked great, though. Hella long. Longer than Tokumine no Kun.

08-04-2005, 09:07 PM
OK since someone else said something, Fox you are a stud otherwise, but just shave it all off...

Chief Fox
08-04-2005, 09:12 PM
D@MN! I'm in total denial!

08-04-2005, 11:31 PM
Hey that was pretty good Fox. uhm that looks like a tai shing pek kwar staff form. But your profile says your from praying mantis.
anyway good stuff


08-05-2005, 04:48 AM
nice form. what song is that?

Judge Pen
08-05-2005, 06:46 AM
Cheif, great job! You earned my respect by putting yourself out there. I have nothing bad to say about your form!

Chief Fox
08-05-2005, 07:05 AM
Hey thanks guys.

Tekarius: Not sure on the origins of the form. At my school we study Long Fist, Praying Mantis and a few other bits and pieces from other styles as well. I try to focus on Praying Mantis.

cjurakpt: That was the first weapon form that I learned. I've been doing it for about 3 years.

Kristoffer: That song is "WIPEOUT" by the Safaris, 1963. It still rocks.

08-05-2005, 08:55 AM
unable to download an appropriate decompressor !!! :eek:

ill have to wait to get home now. dammnit

Chief Fox
08-05-2005, 09:43 AM
That's funny. It's a Quicktime .mov file. I made it with IMovie on my Mac.

08-05-2005, 10:02 AM
Hey CF!

In BSL (Bei Shao Lin or Bak Siu Lam) that set is called "King of Nine Province".

Good job putting it up for public scrutiny!


08-05-2005, 10:03 AM
that was pretty cool man. thanks for sharing with us.

08-05-2005, 10:42 AM
The form itself was nicely done.

In my not so humble opinion you need to work on your spirit and intensity. You have the moves now lets give it some feirce intent!

Cool for posting it. Keep them coming.

Chief Fox
08-05-2005, 11:04 AM
Hey thanks again guys.

SaekSan: Thanks for the info on the form. We pretty much just call it our first staff form. Actually it's the only staff form I know.

Mortal1: You're right. My friend and I are really just documenting the forms at this point in time so it's supposed to be a technical representation. But fierce intent (my sifu calls it "martial intent") is very much a part of the form too. That is something I need to have more of in all of my forms. Thanks for the input. With out the martial intent it would just be a dance with a stick. :D

08-05-2005, 11:56 AM
nice...I saw elements from all the staff sets I know...good stuff.

oh, and where are you...the scenery looks nice ???

08-05-2005, 12:20 PM
The music really goes well with it. :D

Chief Fox
08-05-2005, 12:38 PM
I'm in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 60 miles south of Denver right along the front range. It's a great place to live.

It's kinda funny how the music worked out. I just wanted to throw something in there. Pretty cool how it worked out. Not planned at all.

Thanks for all the comments. :D

08-05-2005, 08:35 PM
finally got home, nice form man.

norther practitioner
08-05-2005, 09:51 PM
pretty good bro... you'll have to head up to Boulder some day.. well go through some stuff...

norther practitioner
08-05-2005, 09:55 PM
CO springs is a cool place if you already have a womun, and don't mind a couple wwjd freaks from time to time. :p

It's a nice area.

I was in a gas station down there and I opened the door for some dude, he said bless you son... I looked at him and said buddha bless you, he looked at me if I were the devil... it was pretty funny.

Chief Fox
08-05-2005, 10:05 PM
CO springs is a cool place if you already have a womun, and don't mind a couple wwjd freaks from time to time. :p

It's a nice area.

I was in a gas station down there and I opened the door for some dude, he said bless you son... I looked at him and said buddha bless you, he looked at me if I were the devil... it was pretty funny.
Yeah, we've got our share of freaks. Well maybe more than our share. I try to stay away from them.