View Full Version : Things I've learned as a competative athlete

08-05-2005, 12:51 PM
1. There is always somebody better than you.

2. Even if you are the best, you are the best THAT DAY, for that short period of time. So refer back to rule 1.

3. For every person you look at and think "I wish I were that good/strong/fast, etc," there is somebody looking at you thinking "I wish I were that good/strong/fast, etc."

4. Contrary to popular opinion, you CAN teach heart. What you can't teach is desire. If a person doesn't have the drive to be good, no amount of flogging or encouragement is going to bring that out.

5. An ******* is an *******. Even if they are nice "off the court/mat/ring," they are still *******s. Stress brings out a person's true personality. Don't hang out with *******s. It's bad for you.

6. The best thing you can do for your training is surround yourself with people who want it.

7. Being as good as you can be is the cumulative product of decisions you make. No obstacle is insurmountable. You can choose to let it be, or you can decide your priorities lay elsewhere - as long as you understand that that is YOU, not "circumstances," or "somebody else."

8. Not all chicks dig cauliflower ear.

9. But the ones that do are cool as ****.

10. Wait! I thought of something: "Can't never could."

08-05-2005, 02:12 PM
Hallelujah! it's the first chapter of the gospel of St. MP

Can we get an Amen for that?!



08-05-2005, 02:29 PM
Amen Mother****er!

08-05-2005, 03:13 PM
Don't get me wrong, I think these observations are great. But then are there really groupies of wrestlers out there? I mean I can understand football, Hockey, Soccer, TKD and even XMA (new age Karate) have groupies but wrestling? :D


08-05-2005, 04:29 PM
I mean I can understand football, Hockey, Soccer, TKD and even XMA (new age Karate) have groupies but wrestling? :D

need to watch pro wrestling more often. less training more tv. :D

08-05-2005, 06:41 PM
In response to the first post:

Cool post. Not quite getting the # 8 or # 9.


Mr Punch
08-06-2005, 02:25 AM
... how to spell 'Competitive'!!! :eek:


Otherwise, good stuff!

David Jamieson
08-06-2005, 06:56 AM
In response to the first post:

Cool post. Not quite getting the # 8 or # 9.


Cauliflower ear is what boxers commonly get from having their ears crunched into their heads so many times.

Just a term.

08-06-2005, 07:03 AM
Great truisms. You were paying attention.

08-06-2005, 08:18 AM
Nice observations, good post MP :)

08-06-2005, 06:36 PM
i got a few.......

everyday i'm either 'sore'...... 'really sore'...... or 'can't ****in move i'm so sore'....

those last 2 pounds are the hardest to get rid of....

when you come across that guy that is better then you..... it really really hurts....

judges suck ass..... go for the knock out.....

sponsors would be nice......

promoters that pay for gas and a room are REALLY appreciated.....

08-09-2005, 10:50 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think these observations are great. But then are there really groupies of wrestlers out there? I mean I can understand football, Hockey, Soccer, TKD and even XMA (new age Karate) have groupies but wrestling? :D


they're called Mat Maids

ostensibly they were scorekeepers and statisticians ;)

lol, my sop****re year in HS there was a senior who was a mat maid and could beat the living snot out of me...she would have wrestled 185 and I was just a measly 138 and I think she dressed out for practice most days just to do so.

08-09-2005, 11:51 AM
Cauliflower ear is what boxers commonly get from having their ears crunched into their heads so many times.

Just a term.

it's common in grapplers too.

08-09-2005, 11:57 AM
judges suck ass..... go for the knock out.....


08-09-2005, 07:09 PM
Don't get me wrong, I think these observations are great. But then are there really groupies of wrestlers out there? I mean I can understand football, Hockey, Soccer, TKD and even XMA (new age Karate) have groupies but wrestling? :D


Oh yeah, baby! :cool:

08-09-2005, 07:11 PM
1. There is always somebody better than you.


You mean that guy Larry? Yeah, he's tough.

08-11-2005, 09:54 AM
very astute observations, and rather inspiring as well....i wish i had read them before i went to china three weeks ago....maybe i wouldn't have felt so insignificant at the the tournament i was in. :)


08-11-2005, 07:47 PM
1. You can never have enough conditioning

2. Few things are as exhilerating as defeating another skilled man in combat.

3. life is short, fight while you can.