View Full Version : Autumn Remembrance: Zhang Yi Mou's 3rd CMA movie coming

08-08-2005, 01:07 PM
After Hero, House of the flying daggers,

Director Zhang is working on the 3rd CMA movie.

Featuring Chow Yun Fat.

Chow (http://www.ew.com/ew/allabout/0,9930,7549_11_0_,00.html)

Chow is shooting the movie "bitter sea" at the moment.

It is based on a true story in 1937. A British man witnessed the siege of Shanghai and the rape of Naking. He managed to rescue group of children and walk 1000 km to safety.

Chow acts as a PLA commander.

08-08-2005, 01:14 PM
Here is a link to news:

bitter sea (http://www.timeout.com/film/news/547.html)

08-08-2005, 01:38 PM
Here is a link;

Autumn Remembrance (http://www.moviesonline.ca/film2300.htm)

Mighty Scott
08-08-2005, 01:58 PM
I heard Zhang Yi Mou was giving up martial arts movies after House of Flying Daggers. I guess they're like potatoe chips... once you start you can't stop.

08-08-2005, 02:00 PM
I am going to watch "bitter sea". About, Zhang Yi Mu, I don't really like his movie, his style is nothing but Hong Kong clone cheap action movies. JM2C

Mr Punch
08-09-2005, 01:18 AM
Zhang Yimou is also making this (http://imdb.com/title/tt0437447/) which looks interesting, even if in part only because Ken Takakura's in it, and I thought he was dead...! :o

And Chow Yun Fat is also in Pirates of the Caribbean 3... which may be fun... or it may be getting pretty tired by then...!

Mr Punch
08-09-2005, 01:18 AM
About, Zhang Yi Mu, I don't really like his movie, his style is nothing but Hong Kong clone cheap action movies. JM2CInteresting. I don't really see him as cheap or cloned.

08-09-2005, 06:28 AM
I am going to watch "bitter sea". About, Zhang Yi Mu, I don't really like his movie, his style is nothing but Hong Kong clone cheap action movies. JM2C

Have you seen his other movies? I'm guessing from you comment that you haven't.


Mighty Scott
08-09-2005, 06:32 AM
I saw "Raise the Red Lantern" (and "Hero" and House of "Flying Daggers"). I begining to think he doesn't like hapy endings.

08-09-2005, 07:32 PM
Hero carried too much political overtone.

Zhang Yi Mou picks his topics carefully. He is good in the presentations with a single color scheme. His pictures are like a painting in scenes.

Over 2000 years, nobody said Qin Shi Huang was a good guy except him in his movie. But the focus is on his assassins.

Shi Mian Mai Fu is a very classical or most exciting CMA story of all times.

There are non stop plotting and actions. It is a thriller.

I think he put a romantic triangle twist, sort of derailed a lot of the real suspensions and real actions.

Fei Dao Men had the imperial guards where they wanted them which is all out in the woods.

So that other groups may go inside the palace to overthrow the Tang.

The romance in the woods was watched by all sides. Fei Dao Men, the police, and the imperial guards.

I know both stories well. My ideas toward these 2 events are not effected by his movies.

I am biased. I love the stories so I like the movies.

The main characters were "sacrificed" for a higher purpose or goal bigger than their personal lives. So it is still to accomplish some thing that is bigger than oneself.

Sort of if I die, China may be unified and put an end to over 1000 years of warring states under weak Zhou. (Hero)

Sort of If I die, Tang will be overthrown. People will do better. (House)

etc etc.
