View Full Version : Your most frustrating moment or event in practice

08-12-2005, 08:19 PM
Standing post practices of postures or Zhan Zhuang.

Zhan Zhuang is the foundation of everything.

Standing in postures for 25 min or more.

It is the building block.

In Ba Gua, there are 8 fixed postures or Di Shi Ba Zhuang.

0: Wu Ji. Tai Chi (1), Liang Yi (2). San Cai (3) or San Ti, Si Xiang (4), Wu Xing (element) (5), Liu He (harmony) (6). Qi Xin (star) (7) and Ba Gua (8).

In the beginning, it was boring.

After a while, it is still boring.

At the moment, it is still boring.

But over time, I would feel the differences.

What is your most frustrating moment or event in your practice?


08-13-2005, 12:14 PM
For me it is teaching small children. I enjoy it, but at times it can become frustrating.

08-13-2005, 06:16 PM
I'd have to say my most frustrating moment in practice would be right now. This area has nothing martial arts related that I am looking for (something MMA, or a TMA that throws down).

But I have realized I have two options: just give up and waste my youth, or get myself in shape for when I get out of this area and find a school I'm looking for. I've chosen the latter.

08-14-2005, 10:35 AM
About 6 mo. ago I trained with KOTC (King of the Cage) Super heavyweight fighters Dan Bobish and Tony Silvester both are at least 280 and both are former college wrestlers at Ohio State and have since trained for MMA in boxing and submissions. There is "strong" and then there is "freakish" and these guys were the later..

It was an hour of abuse. as someone who is a decent wrestler, judoka etc.. myself, never in my life had I been man handled like that. and the coup de grace was getting salto'd and put out to pasture (imagine someone gets double overhooks on you and then does a back bridge to flip you over them..)

They were TOO big and TOO strong to fight. the only place I could fight them was on the ground and it taught me a huge lesson that no matter where my own strengths are (standup clinch) sometimes it's not going to be enough and you're going to have to revert to your "emergency" game.

David Jamieson
08-14-2005, 01:21 PM
what's your weight range st? at 280 these guys outclass you correct?

oh, my frustration can be clearly read in several threads available throughout these forums. :D

08-14-2005, 03:48 PM
Assume the posture and stand or walk for a while.

postures (http://cclib.nsu.ru/projects/satbi/satbi-e/martart/wushu/bagua.html)

It is not frustrating. But it may seem to be very much so for a beginner!


08-14-2005, 06:09 PM
Actually I just looked up their fight records.

Dan is 330. Tony is 280.

Both are about 6'2 and far from fat.

I'm 5'10 & 220 at the time.

Royal Dragon
08-14-2005, 07:09 PM
The most frusterateing thing for me, has been injuries, and life in general keeping me from being consistant.

08-14-2005, 07:25 PM
The most frustrating thing for me has been rehabing my knee the last 6 months. I've been able to train over the last month, but my leg is still a toothpick. I have to be careful, and my mobility is limited. I've also made a commitment to train with better guys. So, I'm practicing a lot of escapes right now ;)

08-19-2005, 02:02 AM
for me it is has got to be doing something right, yet still not doing it the same as Shifu.........I'm sure some of you know what I mean.

08-19-2005, 03:13 AM
i'd have to agree with RoyalDragon....i'm most frustrated whenever i've been injured for a long period of time....i tore several muscles in my calf about three months back, and was totally sidelined for a week, and then returned to practice against doctor's orders. my legs was totally useless, but i went to class anyways.

the other times i've become frustrated would have to be when i develop a mental block on sections of forms. whether its a certain series of strikes, or a certain type of footwork, if i can't get it after 10 freaking tries, i start to get a <u>bit</u> upset.

08-19-2005, 05:35 AM
most frustrating about training is when I get sick and can't train.

08-20-2005, 12:52 PM
i was learning the mayflower fighting fist form and at the end of the chasing punches string there's a leaping double roundhouse kick with both feet. i got like five feet of air did the kicks and fell on the landing and cracked my wrists! I even left an impression in the pavement. :D

08-20-2005, 01:08 PM
Shift work!!!!
It's got nothing to do with practising and yet it influences my practise more then anything else.
That and zhan zhuang!

Judge Pen
08-20-2005, 01:11 PM
My most frustrating moment was right after my first teacher passed away suddenly. It affected me personally and my training suffered. I took a few years off (ostensibly for school) before I started training again.

My next most frustrating moment was starting to train again after a 4 year lay-off. It hurt and things that used to come easily were now excruciating.

Next to that, injuries are always frustrating. Especially knee injuries that require major surgery.

Lost Oath
08-21-2005, 07:02 AM
For me it is teaching small children. I enjoy it, but at times it can become frustrating.
d@mn straight! :cool: