View Full Version : BakMei master defeated

08-13-2005, 09:54 PM
I don't want to tell names or give too much descriptions but I have seen a video of a real challenge and it didn't turn out as most people would have expected it.

A BakMei master (from China), having an old reputable school in a town in the US, was faced with a challenge by a new instructor (also of a southern CMA, but the guy himself was American) and also just moved to that town to start his very first school.

As promotion to his new school, the new instructor started to sell demo videos, and some of these were purchased by the students of the BakMei school. The BakMei master and his students viewed these tapes, titled them 'useless' and 'fake', and they returned them for refunds, commenting that this is nothing of use.

The new guy went over to the BakMei school and challenged the master and asked him to show the superiority of his art and teach him why his skills are 'useless'. The master first didn't want to accept the challenge but after a few minutes of talk, he finally did.

The fight began (three matches according to old Chinese traditions), no rules were defined, no protective gears were used. Right away the new instructor started to beat the daylight out of the BakMei 'master'. As the fight went on, the new guy was just literally throwing the BakMei master around like cat playing with a mouse. The BakMei master showed ABSOLUTELY ZERO skills, looked as if he had never even heard of martial arts before. The only single shot the master got in is when they new guy turned around and let him get up from the ground and the master took a cheap shot at him from behind! This was the only shot the BakMei master was able to get in. The new guy, on the other hand threw him all over the school and punched and kicked him many times.

After seing this tape I have certainly redefined my concept of whom I now call a master: the one who has PROVEN himself as such, not just running a school and teaching an art but actually KNOWING and BEING ABLE TO APPLY what he is teaching. Everybody nowadays is a 'master' and make good living from the beliefs of unsuspecting students. I'm more of a traditional artist but I do give credit to sport fighters in that they actually have to show what they know and there can't be as many fakes as in traditional arts.

What do you guys think about this subject? Do you also just belive someone is skilled because he/she teaches an art? I think the above incident is very uncommon, when two actually got to match their skills and it became obvious who knew what. So how can you distinguish today between a real master and an imposer?


08-14-2005, 04:42 AM
someone can be a good teacher without being that good of a practitioner. obviously, the practitioner has to have some skill/experience, but an expert teacher does not default an expert practioner...and vice versa.

i heard an interview with joe lewis (bruce lee's student) the other day, and he said something that really made me think. he said that bruce lee had all the attributes to be a great fighter, but bruce was more of a teacher than a fighter. at first, i couldn't swallow that.

but then he said of people like chuck norris and himself and mike stone (all fighting champions of their day) that they trained to be fighters - they prepared for fights constantly, by fighting highly skilled fighters all day long every day. bruce wasn't doing that. he asked bruce why not, and bruce wasn't interested in that. but he loved working with joe because he could use him as a guinea pig to test out the theories in the ring.

so joe concluded with that bruce lee was an incredible teacher/mentor, but he wasn't a fighter, although he had all the right attributes to be an incredible fighter.

maybe i'm not paraphrasing it completely accurately. listen to the interview at http://www.mytalkradio.com/ote/ontheedge-10-30-2004.mp3
it's not until at least halfway through.

Lama Pai Sifu
08-14-2005, 05:40 AM
I would like to see the Bok Mei tape! And can I get a private message regarding names, dates, locations...please! post the link! or put it on the web! That's a great story!

Three Harmonies
08-14-2005, 07:32 AM
FIrst of all I think everyone is missing an important point.....keep your mouth shut and do not say ****ty things about others! Things like this could be avoided.
Secondly....to answer your question I guess it all depends on what you consider a true "master" to be? I have met many high level players that are not interested in fighting, and vice versa. Everyone has their specialty and what not. And to top it off, it could have been a bad day for one guy or another! Everyone has a bad day. Everyone loses once!
Interesting story though.

Jake :cool:

08-14-2005, 09:12 AM
please post the video clip, or dub it and pm me and I will buy it from you, your post it and im sure we will all drop 5 bucks each in a pay pal account to see gong sau...thank you

David Jamieson
08-14-2005, 09:15 AM
FIrst of all I think everyone is missing an important point.....keep your mouth shut and do not say ****ty things about others! Things like this could be avoided.

your post insinuates that bok mei is crappy.

08-14-2005, 09:33 AM
well the pidgin 'bak mei' certainly is.

david: i don't think jake was saying 'bak mei is crappy'. jake was alluding to the bak mei 'grandmaster's comments that the new guy's arts weren't good.

jake was saying we should all know when to shut up and not provoke a situation by action or word when it can be avoided. a sentiment which comes from a japanese master who reflected in his later years that most of the problems (in feudal society) can be avoided if use of force is avoided and compulsion by coercion practiced instead. :D

something trolls ought to keep in mind. :cool:

David Jamieson
08-14-2005, 09:42 AM
trolls are incidental and not important.

in fact, anonymous forums have little to do with reality.

in further fact, we don't know if a lick of this is true and in fact, jake could himself just be another troll. who knows?

the whole story could've been laid out without the mention of systems at all.

and besides, martial artists have it within their natures to goad or be goaded by other martial artists. If there wasn't this flaw in our personalities, we wouldn't bother with learning how to beat the crap out of people who do percieved wrongs.

we'd just be peace loving yoga and qigong hippies. which a lot of martial artists are anyway, but that's another side. :p

08-14-2005, 01:01 PM
I believe the Bak Mei master in this case is at fault. So it would be impossible to sympathize with his handling of the situation.

The said master IMHO A) has no idea of how MA business has evolved. B) He properly still stuck in the old paradigm of excellence in performing oriented art would translate equally to performance oriented art. C) He is too arrogant to remember or recognize how tough it was to build a reputation and it was built (I would hope) on blood and sweat. D) Clearly he is not a tactician in anyway. He could have steered the situation to a win win situation but I suppose his ego get the better of him and now his status is in decline and his career might be jeopardized.

Well, can't said that I am sorry for the guy because of the way he handled the situation.


08-14-2005, 01:51 PM
Sadly, it's a trend, Chinese masters talking badly about competitors in the privacy of their schools hoping no one calls them on it.... well, at least this guy agreed to fight, I've seen many tuck tail and run when confronted directly about their crap...

Three Harmonies
08-14-2005, 03:52 PM
Chill with the troll talk! My point was exactly that people should not **** talk and then it would not be an issue. Period.

Jake :cool:

Yum Cha
08-14-2005, 05:24 PM
Why is it so surprising that a Pak Mei "master" was beaten??

Do you really think the style is so invincible? :D

Mantis 108, wouldn't tradition would have the challenger fighting at least the Dai Si Hing before he gets a chance at the teacher. Possibly a couple of others as well depending of the attitude/skill of the younger brothers in the school. (trick is to wear him down..)

Just to be clear, Yes, on face value, it appears his mouth wrote a cheque his arse couldn't cash...plain and simple.

I'll see if I can find out more...name of the City would be helpful...to the best of my knowledge there aren't any CLC Pak Mei "Masters" sharing time between the US and China.

08-14-2005, 08:53 PM
Many of you were asking for the clip. Sorry guys I do not have a copy of it, the tape was brought into our school by someone and showed to the entire class. We viewed it several times and analyze it. The 'new instructor' was actually somewhat related to our school, he had studied there for a short period of time.

'Why is it so surprising that a Pak Mei "master" was beaten??

Do you really think the style is so invincible' - Yum Cha

Come on Yum Cha, you're missing the point here. The focus of the message is not on the style, it's on the title: 'master'. That is why at the end I mentioned that so many martial artists call themselves masters yet don't have any practical skills.

I agree 123 (yutyeesam), a good instructor does not necessarly means a good fighter too, but up to that day the concept 'master' to me was defined as someone skillfulled in his art. A good instructor should be addressed instructor and not master. Maybe I was wrong about this concept that is why the clip had such a shocking effect on me.

Also agree with those of you saying the master deserved what he got. He talked crap about others, he had to stand up for his words and he lost. I'm sure he lost a lot of business after the incident but he asked for it himself.

Actually I will start a new thread with this but I have read many more 'masters' get into the ring with Muay Thai fighters and were beaten in no time. We will discuss that next. I have some pics of these fights, but I'll have to find them.


08-14-2005, 09:13 PM
Actually I will start a new thread with this but I have read many more 'masters' get into the ring with Muay Thai fighters and were beaten in no time. We will discuss that next. I have some pics of these fights, but I'll have to find them.


another round of rehash of the old story in which the "HK team" went to thailand and got their clocks clean. but, seriously, can someone tell us the "records" of these so call HK Masters. better yet, how highly rank they are in the HK MA communities? or are they a bunch of guys who thought this was a great publicity stunt which severely back fired?

those hk guys weren't pro and they went to fight pro fighters who do ring fight for a living. nuff said.

Yum Cha
08-14-2005, 09:23 PM
OK x-warrior,

Your point is not lost on me, though perhaps I wish it were. I can't say nay to the point you're trying to make, cause I know about "inflation". I know Pak Mei suffers from Crippled Children, Dead Style, and more....

I thought my comment was properly "framed" by the goofy smiley face next to it...


I still reckon you should give out some more information about the Pak Mei "master", especially since you have a vested interest, being related to the Challenger in question.

You know fair right of reply and all that....

Yum Cha
08-14-2005, 11:42 PM
You're not talking about the Dr Wong vs Hagwood challenge are you? Pretty old news by now if you are.

(PS, I got some anonymous help...)

David Jamieson
08-15-2005, 04:59 AM
Chill with the troll talk! My point was exactly that people should not **** talk and then it would not be an issue. Period.

Jake :cool:

well that's great jake, except you cannot dictate what people should or should not do. You cannot provide any evidence that what you are saying is true at all ergo, you yourself are talking trash in that context.

just pointing it out. I could care less either way. I think that quite a lot of what's called martial arts these days is pure crap anyway. Who cares about people that are full of themselves want to talk crap about another guy that are full of themselves.

08-15-2005, 05:43 AM
The focus of the message is not on the style, it's on the title: 'master'.

Title of thread: Bak Mei Master Defeated

A BakMei master (from China), having an old reputable school in a town in the US, was faced with a challenge by a new instructor

The BakMei master and his students viewed these tapes, titled them 'useless' and 'fake', and they returned them for refunds, commenting that this is nothing of use.

The new guy went over to the BakMei school and challenged the master and asked him to show the superiority of his art and teach him why his skills are 'useless'.
And my personal favourite...

Right away the new instructor started to beat the daylight out of the BakMei 'master'. As the fight went on, the new guy was just literally throwing the BakMei master around like cat playing with a mouse. The BakMei master showed ABSOLUTELY ZERO skills, looked as if he had never even heard of martial arts before.
For good measure...

This was the only shot the BakMei master was able to get in. The new guy, on the other hand threw him all over the school and punched and kicked him many times

Nah, it's not about styles...sorry, I didn't catch the other guys 'style', or is that not relevant? ;)

Btw, Don't take this post too seriously. I don't actually care, but I couldn't help but have a dig.

All in fun :)

Lama Pai Sifu
08-15-2005, 08:52 AM
Hey...enough Jibber-Jabber! Let's go to the clip! Can someone post this thing? I don't think anyone cares about 'what style' they do or did. Let's just see someone getting a taste of some 'humble pie."

08-15-2005, 09:51 AM
Yes, it is the "infamous" Hagood tape.

No Kung-Fu skills shown on the tape
(execept for the snap kick the old man laid into Hagood's
balls....good thing he had his cup on!)

Yeah, Hagood kicked an old man's ass, but he used no skill.
It was a hockey fight, nothing more.

Did you see the other fight on the tape?

Hagood's student got the crap beaten out of him
by the Bak Mei teachers student.

Lama Pai Sifu
08-15-2005, 10:12 AM
I certainly don't think it's cool to challenge and old guy, but the old guy should have lived long enough to learn not to talk smack either :)

I would like to see the tape anyway, I don't care who gets their butts kicked (or nuts for that matter)

Anyone want to be 'super-cool' and post the clips???

08-15-2005, 11:00 AM
How goes it, my friend?

Well, if it is really about tradition and the respect of tradition. The BM "master" should have kept his comments and thoughts to himself after he saw the clip which his student brought to him. He could have just politely said "ah, interesting" instead of making remarks that might let the student(s) think that he strongly disapproves of it. Now mind you, there is nothing wrong in pointing out the differences in the training approaches and explaining why one style train this and another trains that. But to said something is useless and the student went back for a refund is clear a breach of protocol IMHO.

In the old days, if someone were to open a new school, he might choose to establish himself by personally going to fight with the master of the established school. First he would have to do deliver a message RESPECTFULLY requesting a match. He would have arrived at the appointed time mostly by himself to hopefully take on the master. But usually as you have pointed out, the senior student would be going for the challenge in the master's stead. It would be in bad form to just show up and challenge someone. Even if the challenger wins, his would have a bad reputation. But then it doesn't mean that he won't have students; just that he would have a bad reputation that's all.

In this case, the challenger pretty much got angry and didn't seem to have bothered with proper ettiquette which he's entitled IMHO because he has lost all face. I am not saying that he is doing the right thing here. But I can understand his reaction to the insult.

In a way, I think the Bak Mei master was somewhat manipulated by his student(s), which I find odd personally. BTW, Who's really the "master" here - the teacher or the student? Only in America, right? C'est la vie, mon ami. :rolleyes:

I peronsally believe in the prowess and principles of Bak Mei. But I can also see Yum Cha's point that not all Bak Mei stylists are to be expected invincible. It is good fortune to be able to train in such a rare style. The key is in the training. The rest is just a mirage.

Warm regards


PS the Doctor, the Doctor... :(

08-15-2005, 12:30 PM
In terms of a kung fu master, I would have to agree with the more traditional aproach to this subject.

I would not consider someone a master of any martial art until they have reached a point in thier art with which they are actually able to use it in combat.

What I mean by that is: Once one has developed an understanding of movement, and the muslce memory to be able to react with all of their tools they have been training in. To the point that at any given moment depending on their positioning and the situation they are able to react with an array of options. With out having to conciously contemplate your reaction, though at the same time being able to plan in accordance to all the variations of combat.

This is a very strict evalution with rather high standards. Personally I think the title of "master" or "expert" is to easily handed out.

A level of mastery requires such, mastery. Not a half way cultivated understanding. Are there many masters alive. No.

And even if one is a really really really good teacher, if they do not meet this criteria, then they are just a really really really good teacher, NOT a kung fu master.

kung fu fighter
08-15-2005, 02:46 PM

Yes, it is the "infamous" Hagood tape.

No Kung-Fu skills shown on the tape
(execept for the snap kick the old man laid into Hagood's
balls....good thing he had his cup on!)

Yeah, Hagood kicked an old man's ass, but he used no skill.
It was a hockey fight, nothing more.

Did you see the other fight on the tape?

Hagood's student got the crap beaten out of him
by the Bak Mei teachers student.

I think alot of people are interested in seeing this footage including myself, that way we can judge for ourselves.

Can someone put up the footage already.

Lama Pai Sifu
08-15-2005, 04:14 PM
Yes..we want the footage! Can someone please post it up?!?

Yum Cha
08-15-2005, 06:31 PM
Yes, I think both Dr Wong and R. Hagwood lost a certain amount of reputation following the event. It was rather messy. I think the facts have long been in dispute, or purposly muddied, so I have to take the "he said, she said" with a grain of salt.

Concerning the fight:

Hagwood seems to make more of it than Wong, so I suspect he has the most to be proud of. Having never seen any of the tapes, and only lived through a couple of threads like this, I can only monger the rumors I've heard, and save you all the effort of archive searching....until we get someone who actually has some video to cough up.

Here is some of the rumor and innuendo I've read:

there are multiple tapes in circulation, from both sides, with vastly different edits, the 'producer" getting his licks in on the other.

Hagwood allegedly checked himself into hospital thereafter, however for an unrelated issue.

Wong allegedly got on a plane for business the next day, bearing no marks.

Neither one shows any particular talent - it was a scrappy fight.

Wong hit him with a chi blast of tremmor power, but missed a little, so that it didn't kill Hagwood on the spot.

Hargwood beat Wong senseless and cowered Wong's students, humiliating the whole lot.

Hagwood was out to raise his reputation, so he picked one of the oldest "Masters" around and bushwacked him.

And now we can add, Wong was talking Smack, and his student's egged him on....

Now, as for "Masters". In my experience, age has more to do with the title "Master" in the Chinese culture. Master is what people call you, not what you call yourself. Every individual that one might possibly consider a master that I have met has always been called "Sifu." I have, however seen some english business cards with Master on them. Sifu, Si Gung, Di Si Gung, which of those translate into "Master?"

These guys that call themselves master, grand master, great grand master or uber-great grand master need to get their hands off it. Its like "Jumbo" shrimp. A student should be able to fight long before they learn to teach, and they will have to teach long enough to raise the ones that one day might call them Master.

Personally, I like reading about the Bruce Lee vs Jack Man battle better....it seems much more pointed.

08-15-2005, 06:32 PM
Put the f-ing footage up of the f-ing fight or what ever and thats all there is to say...who cares who won or lost, there is footage claimed to be in somebodys hands who posted the topic, so get it on a computer an post it, im wasting more time here, sheet.

Jook Lum
08-15-2005, 09:33 PM
Many of the facts have already been muddied by x-warrior first post. This tape
as others have said is old news and neither person shows any true kung fu skill.
The only good beat down is Hagood`s student getting socked numerous times
and falling to the floor and at one point his head bounces off the floor(from which
he did recieve a bit of head damage afterward).

It has no merit as a kung fu vs. kung fu exchange.

Yum Cha
08-15-2005, 10:02 PM
X-Warrior, not looking too good for your E-fu grasshopper. :p

08-16-2005, 01:28 AM
Hi All,
Just been reading the above posts. Have to say that actually I think it is most peoples’ interpretation of 'Master', which is at fault.

In the Chinese circles Masters are pretty much addressed by the title of Sifu (which we all know!). However, the word / term Sifu is made up of 2 words Lo Si meaning 'old teacher' and Fu Qin meaning Father. Because traditionally, the SiFu was like a surrogate Father for the student, mainly because the students family were too poor, so they entrusted their child under the responsibility of the respective Teacher.

So the literal translation would be teacher/father, not the common mis-interpretation that most westerners associate it to as Master! So as you can see from the literal translation, the meaning of the word takes on a whole different meaning and dynamic where by it serves to ‘instill knowledge and guide with ethics’ a third party (student) into becoming skillful at what they are doing by finding their own path.

Now all the above being said, it certainly doesn’t serve any purpose with one teacher saying something out of order about another teacher. This only leads to a loss of ‘face’ and respect especially if it was said in front of the other guys students – in which case, he would have felt as if he was backed into a corner.

But then, for the younger guy, did he need to prove anything?!…. If he knew where his level was at, was it necessary for him to fight to prove his level. This just re-affirms that old English rhythm that we used to say as kids “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!”.

If a person feels the need to challenge everyone because someone said something bad about them, then to me that shows a pretty bad flaw in their character as a teacher and vice versa with the other feeling compelled to say something bad about the younger guy!

Personally, I think both sides are pretty pathetic…. There are worse things happening out in the world today; to be so concerned such trivialities as one Master/Instructor/Teacher said this about that Master/Instructor/Teacher!

mung foo
08-16-2005, 05:37 AM
Well, I dont have video of the fight but here are some videos of the "tremor power" For your entertainment :D

http://www.dryqwong.com/kungfu/videos.shtml (http://)

Lama Pai Sifu
08-16-2005, 05:57 AM
Holy Cow! I hate this craap! I have come across this site before but I misplaced it. Thank you for the link, my staff will get a chuckle out of it at this mornings staff meeting!

My Sifu (the late Chan Tai-San) and I, along with some of my other classmates participated in ESPY's "Masters Demo" in NYC Chinatown for a couple of years. In 1991, there was a guy, I'm not sure if he appeared on the finished product, but he was there and did this kind of craap. But he was a Tai Chi guy from Boston I think. Everyone who was there kind of hung their heads in shame until it was over!

What I want to know is; How do people like this 'con' their students into participating and making fools of themselves? I mean they just jump around and fall like they were hit by lighting. How do they even agree to do this?

I think if this guy talked smack about me and I was in the same town, something similiar might have happened as well. People with this level of 'deception' certainly should be talking and craap about anyone...

(Not that anyone should, but there is a difference between people who try to be good and arent', and people who aren't good but pretend...)

Another dark day for the world fo CMA

08-16-2005, 06:00 AM
I've seen that video & I know the "performance" you're talking about!! :eek:

I really liked about how half way through it, your Sifu got up & left. We use that video from time to time to show what what taiji isn't & what award winning acting is. ;)

08-16-2005, 07:12 AM
if you are making your living teaching martial arts, and some guy is trying to conduct a smear campaign on your name, then that person is trying to take down your business. if a person is trying to destroy your business (ie to discourage people from paying you), then it seems natural to want to protect it. in this case, it seems justified for hagood to confront the other guy.

as far as titles are concerned, Sifu/Teacher/Master/Grandmaster - titles and labels are only as effective as what meaning YOU prescribe them. there is no real standard for any of this. you can complain all you want, but it doesn't do any good because it doesn't come one step closer to achieving a standard for what constitutes what title/label.

just my $0.02


08-16-2005, 07:24 AM
As they say... those who can, do, those who can't teach

08-16-2005, 07:54 AM
As they say... those who can, do, those who can't teach

well, i know/have some pretty good teachers who "can do" (and have done). and if you are a "can do'er", and have devoted your life to MA, what sustainable career option do you have but to teach?

mung foo
08-16-2005, 10:13 AM
well, i know/have some pretty good teachers who "can do" (and have done). and if you are a "can do'er", and have devoted your life to MA, what sustainable career option do you have but to teach?

Yup, that is pretty true too. I mean UFC type competitors? poor as trailer trash. The last I remember was $5,000 per bout? Now, the Gracies teaching...? not rich as Trump but certainly better than $5,000 every couple of months.

08-16-2005, 10:24 AM
Coming from my personal martial artists view. the moment one "master" begins to redicule and down play another "master's" teachings or skill is the initial issuing of a challenge. Whether it be formal or an informal $hit talking. Its the begining.

If you dont want to fight, keep your **** mouth shut about another mans skill. Because if he is any type of fighter, he will bring it to your door.

08-16-2005, 03:12 PM
Folks, lets not get weepy-eyed here.

Hagood and the BakMei guy got into a business argument.

All the rest of the "masters protocol and enlightenment" stuff
does not apply here.

It was about defective tapes being returned and who should
absorb the cost.

Hagood turned it into a circus.

He's good at that.

If you see the whole tape, you will notice that when Hagood's
student is kocked silly, Hagood picks him up and tosses him
back into the fight to absorb some more punishment.

What a "master"!!!!

Lama Pai Sifu
08-16-2005, 03:16 PM
Obviously, you guys have seen the tape. Can someone take it upon themselves to post this clip please? I would like to see it for myself...

08-16-2005, 03:23 PM

you know, a real kung fu guy would do this for the good of all...

08-16-2005, 04:36 PM
post the **** clip allready I first second and thrid that....

08-31-2005, 05:43 PM
typical pak mei, cant keep their mouth shut :@

08-31-2005, 09:46 PM

thank you.

and if any of u have any "gong sau" footages, that will be appreciated as well. thank you.

09-12-2005, 06:56 AM
My master told me that the forms, applications, two person sets and self defense techniques help in the training in the arts and also Make it an "art".

But he went on to say IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO FIGHT YOU HAVE TO FIGHT. Not the point sparring or tag you have to actually fight.

That is why we practice the san shou type of fighiting along with the forms. If you have never had a fist bounce off of your head, a instep slam your thigh or feel the pain as someone slams you to the ground, you will not know how to handle yourself in a fight. At least the first fight.

The san shou is even more mild than alot of the other fighting types out there. I have found that most people who take the Martial arts wont fight anyway. Only about 20%.

I did not read anywhere about the size of the opponents. Youth and size do have their benefits.

If a 6ft 2in 190 lb guy was going up against another experienced 5ft 3in 118 lb guy, I would have to put my money on the bigger guy. Even if the little guy is Chinese :)

NamPai CLF
09-14-2005, 08:09 AM
I saw the tape just very recently. My junior students showed it to me at their place of business in Boston's Chinatown. They said that it was sent to them by Roger Haggod's former organization, that expelled him after reviewing the event that was caught on video. A quick review of what happened: Hagood showed up at the Bak Mei School with his entourage of students and proceeded to monologue in front of everyone about the videos in question. He told people that they should have their own views and not to be fooled and brainwashed by their master. He issued a challenge to anyone who wanted to 'play' with him. The Bak Mei master issued his own monologue and finally stepped up to Haggod. They played slap hands and Hagood knocked him on his ass several times. One time, Haggod helped him up, and as Hagood turned his back, the Bak Mei master clocked Hagood in the back of the head, which did little damage. They played slap hands again, and Hagood finally sent a snapping side kick to the Bak Mei master's head. End of round 1!
The students got into it next: The praying mantis student faced off with the bak mei student and the bak mei student beat Hagood's student bloody. End of round 2!
The bak mei master, seeing his student outperform him, decided that he needed to redeem himself and get back into action with Hagood. They played around again with Hagood wiping the floor with the bak mei master. The bak mei master did get a kick in, but that didn't do squat. After He was nice and bloodied, the bak mei master then started to tell everyone that Hagood was using spiritual kung fu, 'sun gung,' because obviously the bak mei moves were ineffective against Hagood. End of round 3!
The bunch of us had a great laugh while watching this because at no time was any kung fu used! The side kick to the head was nice, but other than that, I see the techniques that were displayed by both sides in school yards anytime. Funny stuff!

NamPai CLF
09-14-2005, 08:12 AM
I saw the tape just very recently. My junior students showed it to me at their place of business in Boston's Chinatown. They said that it was sent to them by Roger Haggod's former organization, that expelled him after reviewing the event that was caught on video. A quick review of what happened: Hagood showed up at the Bak Mei School with his entourage of students and proceeded to monologue in front of everyone about the videos in question. He told people that they should have their own views and not to be fooled and brainwashed by their master. He issued a challenge to anyone who wanted to 'play' with him. The Bak Mei master issued his own monologue and finally stepped up to Haggod. They played slap hands and Hagood knocked him on his ass several times. One time, Haggod helped him up, and as Hagood turned his back, the Bak Mei master clocked Hagood in the back of the head, which did little damage. They played slap hands again, and Hagood finally sent a snapping side kick to the Bak Mei master's head. End of round 1!
The students got into it next: The praying mantis student faced off with the bak mei student and the bak mei student beat Hagood's student bloody. End of round 2!
The bak mei master, seeing his student outperform him, decided that he needed to redeem himself and get back into action with Hagood. They played around again with Hagood wiping the floor with the bak mei master. The bak mei master did get a kick in, but that didn't do squat. After He was nice and bloodied, the bak mei master then started to tell everyone that Hagood was using spiritual kung fu, 'sun gung,' because obviously the bak mei moves were ineffective against Hagood. End of round 3!
The bunch of us had a great laugh while watching this because at no time was any kung fu used! The side kick to the head was nice, but other than that, I see the techniques that were displayed by both sides in school yards anytime. Funny stuff! The bak mei master really needs to learn how to fight, which my juniors will gladly teach him; for a fee!