View Full Version : Observe fist under elbow

08-16-2005, 03:33 AM
Can anyone give the original reason why this name is used?
Some people say that this is a punch with the right hand, but then why are you observing?

08-16-2005, 05:05 AM
If your opponent punches straight with a left hand lead, your left foot forward, you block with right, clear with left, push forward a bit with left, and enter your fist under your clearning left---you've opened the opponents left side and exposed his left rib cage (wihen clearing with your left and pushing slightly forward forces the opponent to turn slightly from his left to the right and this helps provide the leak and openng of his left side, rib cage and below).

There are a couple of other ways to enter the fist under elbow posture and their applications are basically the same but the blocks and leaks are a bit different.

I'll leave the seven star stance for others to explain.

The name? Sorry don't know.

08-16-2005, 11:33 AM
Zhou Di Kan Chui - the Kan or regarding is more in the sense of protecting, guarding or safe keeping. It would be close to Mantis' filling punch (bu chui) but in a sense it is kind of like the Bi Shi or Bi Shou (closing posture) of mantis. Just a thought.

Warmest regards
