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View Full Version : Broke up a fight today. (True story, not a parody)

08-19-2005, 01:59 PM
I'm walking in the hallway and turn the corner as I hear these two dudes hollering at each other.

just as I turn the corner one of them pushes the other down and then mounts him and pinning his right arm down with his left proceeds to start laying hammer fists into the guys head. one of the punches landed square on the outer corner of the guys eye socket. the dude on the ground was just done for so I ran up and grabbed the guy on top and picked him up while a teacher ran up and picked the other 4 year old up and carried him to the nurses office.

no ****.

just like that.

I plan on giving my card to the kids parents...I need monster like this to train up good. ;)

08-19-2005, 02:06 PM
wait.... you broke up a fight between 4 year olds?

08-19-2005, 02:17 PM
I think it's a win win win situation if you can get them training. The aggresser would learn to have better discipline. The loser in this case could learn to develop some practical SD skill. You, of course could get more students coming in. So smart move on your part to give the parents your card. :)

BTW, this afternoon I have to turn down an overly eager kid (20 something pot smoking barhoppers) by saying we are expensive to train in. Please try other martial arts in town. :o

Warm regards


08-19-2005, 03:05 PM

nice job!


why do you have to turn him away? is he truly un able to afford your school, or do you not agree with his personal lifestyle?

08-19-2005, 03:08 PM
yea, I work at a private school as the facilities manager.

it was twin kids of a teacher.

the thing was, I saw the kid very deliberately pin his brothers arms to his chest before he bothered to throw the hammers...then it was like 'bam, bam, bam' three of them in a row hard enough to bounce his brothers head off the floor.

if it wasn't so brutal (for 4 year olds) it would have been funny. the poor kids eye was already swelling up just seconds after he got hit.

what was funny was all the other rich kids totally in shock because they've never seen that sort of thing happen.

08-19-2005, 03:48 PM
Well, number one his life style is a major concern. Two, his attitude. He basically just stopped me on the street and asked if I teach Shaolin martial arts. Apparantly, he saw an article in the local paper about me doing Kung Fu in town plus his friend used to come and train with me. He's like cool you do Kung Fu and hey I want to learn that too. That's the major sign that someone is not serious about learning anything let alone Kung Fu. Finally, he made the assumption that Mantis is Shaolin Kung Fu which really is the last draw for me. In short, he approached me in the worst ways possible but I can't say that he's up to no good in his face so I can only think of expensive training fee to steer he off.

Believe me, in my town, I have known drug dealers come up to me and ask me to show them stuff. I usually politely and in a friendly light hearted way said you are already a tough fighter and I KNOW you can handle yourselves. I have nothing to show you. They usually leave me alone when they heard that.

I don't need the extra money so I have no reason to consort with questionable life style folks. Just my personal bottomline.


PS Private school is fun! :D

08-19-2005, 04:19 PM
Sooner or later the winner will have to go to sleep, and then it's blanket party time. ;)

08-19-2005, 05:44 PM
Broke up a fight today. (True story, not a parody)

this shows how much this forum has suffered during the summer months. you now have to put up a disclaimer to demonstrate that you ain't joking around.

08-20-2005, 09:47 AM
trouble in the home? i'd also find a good psychologist - especially if the "victor" was so concerted in tying up his bro and then pounding on him...

yea, could be. I've heard some tales that the kids were wide open but this was kinda nuts. wish i'd a walked around the corner 2 seconds sooner.

but, my girlfriend is a twin and she says she and her brother used to do some evil **** to each other but thier homelife was normal and now they are the best of friends.

Judge Pen
08-20-2005, 12:49 PM
Should have told the kid that the hammer fist to the nose would have been more effective.

Seriously, getting them both in class would be excellent for them. How did the parent react?