View Full Version : gda's gazzell

08-23-2005, 08:01 PM
those who have been around a while may recall that i have made 2 or 3 threads about getting a gazelle for my woman over the years. iron fist will remember this more than most. well this christmas i bought one. i figured i'd try it out for 6 months or so before posting about it so that i could be fair.

as some of you may remember i had a stay at the hospital around christmas so the gazelle was actually pretty decent for getting back into shape. however, i felt myself getting used to it very quickly and within a month 10 minutes was hardley taxing. i've kept up on it 10 minutes a day, 4 or 5 times a week, for 6 months now. my body has certainly changed since i started, but i have been very active all around so i'm not sure how much can be attributed to the gazelle. although i have never "power walked" as a routine exercise i really think the benifits are about the same. it would be great for people who are severely out of shape or have more patience than i do. to be of any benifit after the first month or two you would really have to put 20 - 30 minute into it daily. i just can't do that on any machine.

now all that said its not a complete piece of shti and i think you'd be hard pressed to do better for the price. i'm not sure its as good as a decent tred mill or staionary bike, but your not going to get one for 200 - 500 either. its ultra sturdy and it does what its supposed to do. it comes with good info aside from the fact that the dvd menu sucks and you have to fast forward to the end to get to the instructions on putting it togeather (read double checking your work after putting it togeather drunk the night before). i should have hada seperate dvd or at least an option in the menu. i guess the work out programs are probably ok too, but i couldnt handle tony for more than a minute or two after getting the movements down. i recommend slayer over tony little as a motivater any day.

my final word is that it would be great for your girlfriend if you think shes going to use it, but youd be better off trying to find one used (buying one off the last guy whos girlfriend wouldnt use it) or at least not going all out for the elite version like i did. i personally find the hydrolic hookups useless, but if i didnt already have other methods of working out my legs and arms i might not. to be completely honest, i'd have to admit that my experience with the extra hookups was limited at best. i hooked them up twice when i felt i wasnt getting enough out of my ten minutes but then realized it was no longer a cardio a machine when i did. for a straight cardio machine the cheaper versions might be a better all around deal if they are just as sturdy.

some of you might be wondering how suzi liked it. the ***** doesnt really use it and ill probably be selling it soon.

08-24-2005, 06:12 PM
Cheers, man.