View Full Version : Adam Hsu Jian

08-25-2005, 08:51 AM
I just got Adam Hsu's Jian for my B-Day from my Girlfriend! I must say that it's just a great sword overall. One thing I would change maybe, would be the handle and scabbard is made of a polymer...would be neat if it were in wood. It also makes this really cool "shwew" sound if you cut correctly.....great for clean technique training. Sloppy swing...no sound :D
I would recomend this sword to everyone on this forum!
Just my 2cents

Judge Pen
08-25-2005, 09:00 AM
I concur. . . . . . . . mucho.

08-25-2005, 09:04 AM
I've got one too... unfortunately, not from a GF or BDay :( .

It is however a great weapon. I like the polymer actually. It doesn't sweat & absorb sweat when I'm using it like my 2 hand gim does. '

I'd like to see the rest of the proposed weapons he's got coming out from CasIberia/Hanwei, but it looks like right now they're running tight on keeping the gims in stock!

08-25-2005, 12:17 PM
Are there any pics of Hsu Laoshi's new weapons by CAS??? Do you know if they're for sale yet and where to find?

08-25-2005, 12:24 PM
Ling... actually I don't. On his products page on the Hanwei/CAS page, it lists as "coming soon" a Dao & Guan Dao, but no pics or anything like that.

From their page ... http://www.casiberia.com/cas/product_lines.asp

Adam Hsu Series: These Chinese weapons are sure to become the standard in the martial arts community. With function and performance in mind during the design, these weapons are designed for intense martial arts training. Sifu Adam Hsu has done the Chinese martial arts community a great service in designing such affordable and functional weaponry.
-Hsu Sword (Jian)
-Hsu Saber (Dao)
-Hsu Giant Saber (Guandao)

08-26-2005, 01:24 AM
Thanks Sean I cant wait til the others come out! :D

08-28-2005, 05:39 PM
That company makes sweet blades.

Since I don't agree with his Guard placement, do you think I could as them to put it on upside down?

Those who own one, is it difficult to take the handle assembly apart? Is the Guard pinned or is it detatched? I could probably change it myself.