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View Full Version : Sweet for SA, but it ain't CMA

08-25-2005, 07:05 PM
A lady friend of mine called me up tonight and told me she had joined a cardio kickboxing class. So I asked her where it was held, and she said some karate school. I asked what style it was, and she was like..."I don't know...jiu jitsu maybe?". I asked her if it was Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and she said "yeah, I think so". So instantly I went down to check it out.

Sure enough it was a multi-purpose facility, which offers kickboxing/ strength training, and Israeli Self-Defense. I talked with the owner, it's not Krav Maga, and I can't remember off the top of my head the style, and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

Anyways, they do offer BJJ classes, which are taught by a pretty well respected Brown Belt, who I've been trying to find since the place he used to teach at he wasn't teaching at anymore...plus he was a purple belt at the time.

This is all very cool about the BJJ, as it's traditional (as in just BJJ), and the guy told me that since they were doing all gi, alot of people were going elsewhere, so they are going to incorporate non-gi classes.

As those of us around here know, there isn't much in the way of just one style, except the most popular (ie: Tae Kwan Do, Hapkido...etc).

But to make this even sweeter....and SevenStar will definitely appreciate this one...a boxing gym is going up right nextdoor, being opened up, owned and ran by none other than Jesse James Leija. So excellent BJJ, and a boxing gym run by a world reknown fighter, side by side.

There is a dance studio on the other side of the parking lot too. They are pretty much building a fighting and fitness complex/strip mall.

For those locals, it is across from Blossom Athletic Complex at Jones Maltsberger and Nacoma.

08-25-2005, 08:08 PM
Why oh WHY can't I ever discover I live by one of these sweet ass places!? :mad:

08-25-2005, 08:53 PM
Why oh WHY can't I ever discover I live by one of these sweet ass places!? :mad:
I didn't discover, I waited about a decade. :)

08-26-2005, 07:51 AM
ewallace--can you give me more details? PM me if you want but I might be interested in checking it out.

And Jones-Maltsberger + Nakoma--is that by the airport?

08-26-2005, 07:56 AM
Why oh WHY can't I ever discover I live by one of these sweet ass places!? :mad:
I'm more into traditional kung fu, so as a San Antonian this isn't any place I'd be particularly interested in training, but it's always good to see more schools opening up.

08-26-2005, 08:06 AM
I didn't discover, I waited about a decade. :)
I'm afraid I'd have to wait more than a dedade to get one of those places around this area. :)

I have to move to get near some martial arts schools I'm interested in.

08-26-2005, 09:48 AM
ewallace--can you give me more details? PM me if you want but I might be interested in checking it out.

And Jones-Maltsberger + Nakoma--is that by the airport?
Yeah it is right by the airport.

I don't have many more details. The BJJ is expensive...$99 a month, but the instructor is top notch from what I hear. His name is Karun Fiederer.

08-26-2005, 12:12 PM
I'm more into traditional kung fu, so as a San Antonian this isn't any place I'd be particularly interested in training, but it's always good to see more schools opening up.
There is very little here in the way of TCMA, outside of Wing Tsun. Some JMA and plenty of KMA. There are some good Kenpo instructors here though, if that's you're thing. ;)

08-26-2005, 10:53 PM
There is very little here in the way of TCMA, outside of Wing Tsun. Some JMA and plenty of KMA. There are some good Kenpo instructors here though, if that's you're thing. ;)
True. All there is as far as kung fu in this town is Wing Tsun and Shaolin-Do (both good schools, but I'd expect more in a city this size). There also used to be a Shaolin KungFu/TaiChi school many years ago on Blanco inside the loop near Hildebrand, but it disappeared a long time ago.

08-28-2005, 01:29 AM
True. All there is as far as kung fu in this town is Wing Tsun and Shaolin-Do (both good schools, but I'd expect more in a city this size). There also used to be a Shaolin KungFu/TaiChi school many years ago on Blanco inside the loop near Hildebrand, but it disappeared a long time ago.

As a few here on this board know where I trained longfist, I would be hard-pressed to find a TCMA school as good as the one I attended. I was too young and dumb to realize at the time. Of course the only thing that has changed is age.

But when you have been spoiled as I have, and start getting picky, you might start getting lazy too, as has been my experience. I have yet to find another school that can compare with my former, and those who know which one I am talking about feel free to pass on to Brian as a compliment, even though I was only there for a year and I doubt he would even remember me.

But it seems in SA, it's as hard to find a boxing gym as it is a good TCMA school, and to have a very reputable BJJ instructor, right nextdoor to a legendary boxer, is at a minimum a blessing for martial arts/self-defense for this city. We'll see what unfolds as it all opens up.

08-28-2005, 03:12 PM
As a few here on this board know where I trained longfist, I would be hard-pressed to find a TCMA school as good as the one I attended. I was too young and dumb to realize at the time. Of course the only thing that has changed is age.

But when you have been spoiled as I have, and start getting picky, you might start getting lazy too, as has been my experience. I have yet to find another school that can compare with my former, and those who know which one I am talking about feel free to pass on to Brian as a compliment, even though I was only there for a year and I doubt he would even remember me.

Was the longfist school you speak of in San Antonio?

08-28-2005, 04:36 PM
Was the longfist school you speak of in San Antonio?
No. Unfortunately it was in Naperville, Illinois.

09-24-2005, 01:07 PM
However San Antonio is actually a good place to live if you want to learn Taijiquan. There is a very traditional school that teaches Yang Style (http://sataichi.com/) and one that teaches Chen Style (http://sachenstyle.net/). I have heard good things about both instructors.

09-26-2005, 03:28 PM
Yeah, I've met Horacio. Good guy. I checked out a couple classes back in the late 90's. Wasn't my cup of tea. I've spoken with Sal by phone as well.

09-27-2005, 09:41 AM
nice - when are you gonna start training there? WD would like it also.

09-27-2005, 09:44 AM
I'm more into traditional kung fu, so as a San Antonian this isn't any place I'd be particularly interested in training, but it's always good to see more schools opening up.

Out of curiousity, why not? I am more into sport fighting, but if the thai boxing and judo schools closed and all that was left was a xingyi school, but the teacher was d@mn good, you can bet that I would go there.

10-07-2005, 09:49 AM
Out of curiousity, why not? I am more into sport fighting, but if the thai boxing and judo schools closed and all that was left was a xingyi school, but the teacher was d@mn good, you can bet that I would go there.
Personal preference. I am just more interested in traditional martial arts, and also since I am getting older I find that the traditional arts are something you can practice into your later years whereas sport fighting is something designed for young bodies!

10-07-2005, 10:02 AM
people say that, but I don't necessarily agree. One of my judo coaches is pushing 80 - and he didn't begin training until he was 30. I know another guy who fought a full contact match for his 50th birthday...

10-07-2005, 10:10 AM
people say that, but I don't necessarily agree. One of my judo coaches is pushing 80 - and he didn't begin training until he was 30. I know another guy who fought a full contact match for his 50th birthday...

At the same time, I'm a walking infirmary ward right now. I have at least 1 injury all the time that requires tape, ibuprofen, cortizon, chiropractic care, or any combination thereof.

10-07-2005, 11:41 AM
yeah, no doubt it's hard on the body, but I'm willing to bet if you were sparring at the same intensity in your longfist class, you would be just as banged up.

10-07-2005, 12:04 PM
yeah, no doubt it's hard on the body, but I'm willing to bet if you were sparring at the same intensity in your longfist class, you would be just as banged up.

We did spar with the same intensity. I have no qualms about the way I was taught to fight.

However, we did not train with the same intensity. And there's the big rub. Everything in MMA is balls-to-the-wall, which is great because the other, younger, guys motivate me to push myself harder. At the same time, since the intensity level is higher, there is more risk of injury. We're all hurt in one way or another...wrists, hamstrings, groins, whatever. But like my football coach used to ask: Are you hurt or are you injured? The difference of course being that you can still play hurt; in fact, we were expected to.

In kung fu, being the senior student, if I didn't feel like going hard, I just took the night off. I guess I took off a few too many.;)

10-08-2005, 06:02 PM
I think that kung fu school on Blanco moved to Austin depending on how far back you’re talking. My parents went there back in the 80's.

this is their current location http://eastwindtraininghall.com/index.html

Anyway I plan on moving to Austin myself when I get back to the state, because of San Antonio’s sever lack of CMA's.

I did here of some bagua in a park some where though.

04-01-2006, 09:32 PM
Thread from the dead...

The bagua in the park...I checked it out a few times, but it's no more.

I've pretty much lost interest in martial arts. I have renewed my love for drag racing though. :) Thanks for tainting my beliefs golden mountain. ;)

04-01-2006, 10:30 PM
odd, this is a Kung fu forum.

One day many years from now, I will open a CMA school in SA. Till then, live somewhere else. ;)

Or train what's available till something better comes along. If it was me, i'd just move.

04-01-2006, 11:18 PM
odd, this is a Kung fu forum.

One day many years from now, I will open a CMA school in SA. Till then, live somewhere else. ;)

Or train what's available till something better comes along. If it was me, i'd just move.
And I love kung fu. If you open a school...lemme know. Since I moved here almost 12 years ago, there has been little to no CMA, and nothing's changed.

I can't just move, since my family is here. The day when martial arts is more important than my daughter, is a day I don't want to see.

04-02-2006, 11:53 AM
Many, many years from now :o

04-02-2006, 06:40 PM
Many, many years from now :o
Thanks for gettin my hopes up. ;)

04-02-2006, 08:14 PM
ewallace: you could always do what I do and drive an hour and a half to Woodcreek to train with Sifu Gary Stier (Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Xingyi). It's quite a way to go, but it's a pretty drive and the kung fu is worth it IMHO.

Good luck.

04-02-2006, 09:03 PM
isn't that like an hour drive?:confused:

04-03-2006, 03:43 PM
isn't that like an hour drive?:confused:

Yes, as I mentioned before it is a 1-1/2 hour drive from San Antonio, but I make the drive anyway because I believe that it's worth it.
Btw SanHeChuan, I notice you are in NC. Sifu Stier's top student, Sifu Jordan P Whitfield, is in NC also (Charlotte, I believe).


04-03-2006, 04:49 PM
Charlotte is like 6 hours away:o

05-19-2006, 12:47 PM
Since I moved here almost 12 years ago, there has been little to no CMA, and nothing's changed.

I'm resurrecting this thread (again) because I just got some interesting news for those interested in CMA in San Antonio.
As I stated previously I currently drive an hour and a half from San Antonio to Woodcreek to train with Sifu Gary Stier. Sifu Stier is now interested in getting a group class going in San Antonio, to teach Yang Imperial (108 Long Form) Taijiquan. Class would meet once a week. Sifu also teaches Bagua and Xingyi, so I am sure that there will be an opportunity to learn that at some point as well.
PM me if interested, and I will keep everyone up to date on the details as they develop. :)

Water Dragon
05-19-2006, 08:05 PM
I might be interested in the Xing Yi.

05-19-2006, 08:41 PM
I might be interested in the Xing Yi.

Cool, I sent you a PM.

05-19-2006, 09:15 PM
I'm more into traditional kung fu, so as a San Antonian this isn't any place I'd be particularly interested in training, but it's always good to see more schools opening up.

you shoud still get a ground game ... it will help your kung fu.

i regret i didnt start on one sooner.

05-19-2006, 09:23 PM
you shoud still get a ground game ... it will help your kung fu.

i regret i didnt start on one sooner.

Yeah I might do it at some point. Right now though, I've got so much on my plate with work, kids, training, etc that it seems like I barely have time to do what I'm already doing. Good advice though, thanks.