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View Full Version : London zoo

08-27-2005, 01:09 AM
A new exhibit

I wonder what did the wanted ad says and how did the interview went.

08-27-2005, 07:00 AM
It would be fun if they show how people are watching the animals and other natural things and mimicking.

Swinging arms as if an ape--> tong bei.

Moving the forearms as if a mantis --> tang lang.

Walking steps as if monkey--

Standing on one leg as if a crane-->

Look at water, earth, metal, wood, fire and say ooooh 5 elements--->wu xing.

Look at a tree and the shadow of a tree---mmmm 8 directions around the tree---8 signs--


OOPS. they discovered KUNG FU.


08-27-2005, 07:03 AM
they can also do Tai Chi or yoga?


08-27-2005, 07:14 AM
If go deeper,

Showing people are being in harmony with other animals and the environments.

Bury the feces and not dumping into water, planting a tree, water some grass---


Well it is not my cup of tea or it is not my zoo.


08-27-2005, 06:17 PM
Actually, they can place a giant mirror so people may watch themself going by.

The animals are caged in. But they have secured foods and medical cares regularly. No predators when they are sick or old. One of my classmate is working in Taipei city zoo. They are busy setting up homes for Panda's from Si Chuan China.

When they watch people watching them everyday.

Which side of the fence is the zoo?

I am really trolling this thread.


Commendations to people coming up with ideas.


08-28-2005, 08:10 AM
Panda to house in Taipei;

news (http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-06/03/content_448408.htm)

Taipei zoo (http://www.amcham.com.tw/publication_topics_view.php?volume=34&vol_num=7&topics_id=508)


David Jamieson
08-28-2005, 08:15 AM
That's the model for your future. :p

big brother will take care of you. you will be in a highly monitored and completely controlled environment and you will be encouraged to tell your keepers of your roomates misdeeds.

you will be sedated with food and meaningless entertainment and you'll be given meaningless tasks to do over and over again which may eventually give you some purpose.

wait a minute...that's how it is now!! :eek: :p

08-28-2005, 09:48 AM
I read a story about a guy building orbital hotel secretly in Las Vegas.

It will be away from it all.

space hotel (http://www.popsci.com/popsci/aviation/article/0,20967,1027551,00.html)
