View Full Version : Pai Lum?

09-01-2005, 10:41 PM
Hey everyone,
I just started college in Daytona Beach, FL and I was looking for a new place to study kung fu. The only place that I found teaches Pai Lum (White Dragon, I believe), but I have no idea what it's like (practical, flashy, mma, jumping etc.). I haven't been able to find much on the google.com so I was wondering if anyone here could tell me about it.

If anyone knows a good place in Daytona Beach that teaches Kung fu please let me know. I have searched the net and the phone book and this is all I have found.
Thanks again

09-02-2005, 02:24 PM
Why don't you go down and check it out? Thats the best way to find out if they are teaching what you want to learn.

That aside, I've been studying Paim lum for 3 1/2 years. It's not one of the more flashy styles and stresses practicle application. Lots of jumping and minor acrobatics like moon jumps and cartwheels in the more advanced levels. Not that they expect you to use them as actual techniques or anything, but to make sure your ballence and core strenth are built up enough to handle the more dificult skill sets before they try teaching it to you. There is a lot of traditional stance work, so it helps to have strong legs. How much focus on sparring depends on the sifu. Like in most styles, some love to fight and spen alot of class time on sparring, others not so much.

I'm guessing you found this (http://www.pailum.org/) web site? Go on and brows a bit, it will tell you all the major historical lore of the style.