View Full Version : So You Want A Debate, Huh?

09-14-2005, 08:08 AM
It's about to get live up in here........it's about time too!

First of all, let's get somethings straight.

1) I am not the only one (including the Elders from HSK's from all around the world) that believe what I believe. So no, I'm not alone. Much of the information comes from some of our big name elders widely respected, so much that they could not afford to tarnish their name if they felt our history was BS.

2) I did not concoct the Green Grass Monk page on my own. The Information is directly from the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon and its elders. Not Me. There are thousands out there that believe our story.

3) Effectively prove me wrong or leave it alone. You Chan Lineage guys are always so fast to shoot me or any of the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon disciples down, ]but no where have you ever proved me wrong[/U], because i haven't changed my point of views yet. So what are you waiting for?

4) I have spent years contacting Hung Sing Kwoons from all around the world to get a grasp what others versions of the Fut San Lineage were out there and they are all the same. The only discrepancy I found was Jeong Yim did not get killed at a young age because he was around to teach CHan Ngau Sing in 1883.

For decades only the Chan Heung line published their version of the history. Now, when people from the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon come out and tell our story all the Chan Clan's get ruffled feathers. You guys readily assume i am only one person with the belief that Jeong Yim was the co-founder if not the real founder of the Choy Lee Fut system. Regardless of what the forum may think of me, our story is being told by every single Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon in the world, so no, i don't feel alone here. And no, i'm not a lone rogue.

If you don't believe me, then contact the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon and email them at their website of: hongshengguan.com and check it out for yourself. In Fut San, my sifu is Lok Gee Hung, tell them i said hello.

Now, this is my challenge to you........

I beg you to prove me wrong beyond the shadow of a doubt. Teach me something!

1) Jeong Yim was co-founder of the CLF System
2) The Green Grass Monk is a major contributor to the Hung Sing Kwoon family, and to CLF.
3) Based on the information i have, prove me wrong that the Green Grass Monk never existed and is only folklore.

Why should i believe:

1) Chan Heung is the sole founder
2) Loong GeeChoy is not Jeong Yim
3) Chan Heung killed a tiger with his bare hands and come away unscathed.
4) Chan Heung kicks up boulders and breaks them with a single kick.
5) The Chan Heung version of our history is the only one.

I have to cut this short because i have a class to teach and i will be back and this is a good place to start.

continued when i get back


09-14-2005, 11:54 AM
Dude lookin at your web page it looks kinda like you wanted to start a fight with someone. That's kinda goofy

anyway what's the "Chan family branch" I was under the impression that there were only hung sing and buk sing

09-14-2005, 01:50 PM
Actually there are a couple of different hung sing's with the difference that one Hung Sing is from Jeurng Yim and the other from Chan Koon Pak. Chan Koon Pak's is generally referred to as Chan Family or the style most in line with the actual family generation to generation. Chan Wing Fat/Chan Yong Fa in Australia is the sifu of note for the Chan Family currently.


09-15-2005, 10:19 AM
Yeah I knew there were 2 hung sings but never heard of "chan family" as another branch, thanks for the info

09-15-2005, 03:12 PM
shaolin dynasty.

what do you mean you looked at my web page and i looked like i want to start a fight with someone?

are you talking about the look on my face? if so, then that's how i look when i'm not smiling, and i rarely smile.

what do you meani "it's kinda goofy?"

I mean i just looked at them and i don't see any difference. if you are referring to me not smiling in photo's that just how i am. and i look that way when have a straight face. Trust me, my mean mug face is way different than that. very noticeable.

sorry you feel that i am trying to be tough, but thats how you see it.

09-16-2005, 11:10 AM
No not the pictures.

I mean the way you wrote.

You point out the disagreement between yours and another branch of CLF on the homepage. It might look better if you put an introductory page something more friendly and save the controversy for a later page.

It kind of reminds me of how Falun gong passes out material not on their qigong but on the fact they are persicuted and tortured in China, to sign up new members. It might work but it's kinda wierd

Also I don't know what the purpose of the site is It seems the only purpose is to "stir the pot" so to speak. (what I meant by goofy)

I wouldn't invite that kind of trouble from other CLF practitioners but instead use this opportunity to trade knowledge with them. Even if they disagree with you.

09-16-2005, 08:34 PM
then i agree with your point of view.

i will re-write it so not to mention the battle and such. I guess i let the on going battle and my passion for our history get in the way of thinking clearly.

