View Full Version : Got something to say to me?

09-18-2005, 09:45 PM
I just noticed that my blog has had over 100 viewers. Since I know I've only viewed it twice except for when I was writing a new post I'm really pumped about how much readership I've been getting. You can read it here. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38364) Anyways I say lots of stuff about martial arts, life in China, politics, ESL, etc. on my blog and it could easily become quite cluttered if people decided they wanted to respond to something on it. So far I have been really thankful that people haven't decided to turn my little space to tell about my thoughts and feelings in the middle kingdom into a battleground. However I also don't want to stifle comments. Looking through my blog I have seen many things that could be useful for friendly conversation starters, debates, flame wars, well you get the picture. ;) So I decided to make this thread. I'll link to it from my blog thread so that people can respond to whatever they see in my blog conveniently without cluttering up that page.

So if you agree, disagree, have questions, or just want to chatter about stuff you read there please feel free to use this space.

PS: Gene I know that my little amature travel-logue / training journal is now taking up a good chunk of space but look at it this way: I tell all my friends to read that thread, some of them do or enjoy reading about martial arts and will likely stick around to read other KFM stuff. ;)

PPS: If you guys distribute the mag in China I will buy it but I have no credit card! Is there any way to subscribe without one?

09-20-2005, 09:21 AM
It's not really worth it for us to distribute in China. Unfortunately, our cost to send mags overseas is quite high (http://www.martialartsmart.net/19341.html) because we do it the old fashion way, by hand. Many thanks to those who do receive our mag overseas, btw, we're very honored. For China, that's way too high. Plus in China, they have Wulin, the largest martial arts magazine in the world. They don't need us. You'll just have to make do without your KFM there, just like you won't be able to get a good plate of nachos. Wait, you're Canadian.... do Canadians eat nachos?

09-22-2005, 08:26 PM
Yeah we eat Nachos though I personally rarely do. What bothers me is the terrible things they do to Pizza over here.... Ham and Egg Pizza was an all-time low. In my defense I thought I was getting BBQ Chicken Pizza... Curse my limited vocabulary of Chinese words!

07-04-2006, 08:59 PM
good stuff. please continue if poss, it's great reading imo. especially enlightening revelation #2, just because someone is from China doesn't mean they are better at learning kungfu.
love to read about a Westerner living in China, and reporting back from a kung-fu man's perspective.

Mr Punch
07-04-2006, 09:40 PM
Yeah we eat Nachos though I personally rarely do. What bothers me is the terrible things they do to Pizza over here.... Ham and Egg Pizza was an all-time low. In my defense I thought I was getting BBQ Chicken Pizza... Curse my limited vocabulary of Chinese words!Two words:

uni pizza.


Two words:




07-04-2006, 10:20 PM
:D Peas on Pizza. That's always a favorite pizza mistake.

07-05-2006, 11:09 AM
Not taco, like Taco Bell, but tako, like the Japanese word for octopus. I've never actually had this delicacy, but I've seen some photos from friends. They plop the octopus right in the middle so the head is at the center and the tentacles splay across the pie.

I remember going to Pizza Hut in Beijing with some friends after spending a month at Shaolin. We were with this tourist guide who got screaming furious that we would come all the way from America and not try the Chinese food. The reality was that she was trying to take us to this Chinese tourist restaurent where she would get some kickback for excorting int he foreigners. We weren't into that. After a month at Shaolin, and this was back when the food sucked, we wanted pizza. Of course, Beijing Pizza leaves much to be desired, but after a month of stale rice and pig fat, it was welcomed...

David Jamieson
07-05-2006, 11:12 AM
mmmmm stale rice and pig fat!

~G you don't know what you are talking about. Stale rice and pig fat is a delicacy!


07-05-2006, 04:41 PM
Mantou and stewed Pig Fat (there is SOME meat but...) is a very popular dish locally.