View Full Version : stetch / lift

09-19-2005, 12:13 PM
hi all
i have a few questions
I do static streatching after I lift, I normally do all my lifting then go in to steatching the muscles i worked out. Would there be any benefits to streatching in between sets? I do not do this, but would just like to know. Also, like i said, i keep all the stretching until the end, do any of you do for example calf raises than stetch the calfs before going into the next muscle group exercise? Any thoughts welcomed!

Willow Palm
09-20-2005, 03:40 PM
Personally I warm up and then stretch before any exercise is performed. Stretching afterwards is great, too. Doing so in between isn't a bad idea, either. Though doing so could become time consuming it would certainly decrease a chance for injury.

Universal Stance
09-21-2005, 10:38 AM
Depending on who you ask in the bodybuilding world, stretching between sets of lift will be good or bad.

Bad because it lessen strength output for the next set.
Good because is helps with the microtears in the muscles that come from heavy lifting.

Muscle size is increased because the body has repaired these tears.

This is all oversimplified but stretching between sets works for me and I get greater gains.

Ford Prefect
09-22-2005, 06:34 AM
Actually, universal strength is wrong.

Loaded passive stretching between sets will increase the amount of weight you could lift without the stretching.

The stimulation for muscle growth is not microtears either.

09-23-2005, 05:13 AM
if its not (which i do believe you) tell us more. I need enlightened in the matter.

So static between sets will help you put up more? thanks everyone for the imput.

Ford Prefect
09-26-2005, 06:08 AM
Loaded-passive stretching is what has been shown to have a positive effect on the following set. An example would be in between bench press sets to take a couple very light dumbells, lay on the bench, and spread your arms out to your sides. The position would be very much like the bottom point of a flat dumbbel fly. Let the weight and gravity stretch out your chest. For your hamstrings grip a 25-35 lbs dumbell in both hand, have a slight bend in your legs, a tight arch in your back, and bend forward. Things similar to that.