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View Full Version : OT: merging of technologies in media

09-28-2005, 08:27 PM
It used to be newspaper, extra extra.

Then came the radio.

Then the TV.

Then the cable and satellite tv.

Then the internet.

Now they are merging again.

You get your phone services via cable internet. You get your customized TV casts via internet.

AOL is starting to do all these.

What do you think?

good or bad?


09-28-2005, 08:31 PM
The other trend is the media on the go.

IPod new version may carry 1000 songs, text, pictures etc.

Mobile internet via cell phone etc.


Yum Cha
09-28-2005, 08:38 PM
Future Shock.

Change becomes so common and rampant that it becomes a static concept.

Personally, me, my three wives, our goats, chickens, veggie patch and solar powered modified Commodore 64 are just happy the way we are.

"Get away from that Wheelbarrow Eugene, you don't know nothing 'bout machinery."

09-28-2005, 08:48 PM
Yes. Everything is now digitized.

We used to have microfilms of texts and images in the archives of the libraries.

Now everything printed in papers can be scanned into a disk. the text, video, audio, too.

Burn the CD or DVD.

Take the picture with a Digi cam or digi camcorder etc.

CD and dvd players took the place of audio and video tapes and recorders.

Living in the digital world or the world of 0 and 1.


09-28-2005, 08:57 PM
I just got DSL, only $15 a month -- I just had to sign up for auto-deduct on my phone bill from my bank account in order to get the deal. Billing is a big headache, so it makes sense.

09-29-2005, 02:42 AM
I don't mind so much the merging of technologies in the media. What scares me is that the media is more and more becoming owned by a small handful of people (and will eventually owned by one group only) who feed us what tidbits they want us to see and hide the rest.

09-29-2005, 06:04 AM
''there's a city full of walls you can post complaints at''

09-29-2005, 07:01 AM

Yes. It is called big character paper or Da Zi Bao.

There is a section of wall in Beijing. Students and democratic activists placed Da Zi Bao in the hope that somebody read them before the authorities took them down.

That section of the wall was called democracy wall or Ming Zhu Chiang in the late 70' and early 80'.



09-29-2005, 09:17 AM
We're beginning to live in "The Matrix".

"I know Kung Fu"

David Jamieson
09-29-2005, 10:49 AM
using media is a choice.

one can remove themself from the grid if they so desire.
You can go and live a simple life, pump your own water, grow your own food, make your own living arrangements and so on.

You don't need to hook up to it all if you don't want to.
Everything you have, you have because you decided you wanted it or needed it.

I have more than once considered simply taking myself off the grid, but like the rest of you, I am not ready to do that yet.

09-29-2005, 11:08 AM
internet = unlimited porn = good

Mr Punch
09-29-2005, 03:07 PM
''there's a city full of walls you can post complaints at''I like that, is it from something?
Personally, me, my three wives, our goats, chickens, veggie patch and solar powered modified Commodore 64 are just happy the way we are.
Do us all a favour and lend one of those wives to Xebby. Hell, a goat would probably do.

one can remove themself from the grid if they so desire.
You can go and live a simple life, pump your own water, grow your own food, make your own living arrangements and so on.

You don't need to hook up to it all if you don't want to.
Everything you have, you have because you decided you wanted it or needed it.
Jamieson, you talking sh!t again?! :p

How much does it cost to 'drop out'? How much of that wilderness up there in Canada is really free for you to live in? Can you just go and choose a piece of land and say, ah this is mine? And what about most smaller countries like the UK and the rest of Europe? Every sod is owned and paid for, and then needs planning permission.

I need my mobile phone. Without it I can't get the work I get. And no, I can't just change jobs. And no, I can't choose to downsize, to get rid of the mobile, because then I get less and less money and less and less chance of buying that dream farm...

And what about the technology to build the pump? You either buy a pump, which is a good without a high demand, and therefore expensive, or you build your own from scratch which takes an investment of time (and money) in research, otherwise you're reiventing the wheel...

There's nothing so complicated as living simple!

Mr Punch
09-29-2005, 03:13 PM
SPJ, as for your initial question, I don't see anything wrong with merging services if it makes life more simple for the end user...

Oh, except when the world's collapse (sorry did I mean to say recession...?!) really kicks in and some areas are going back to the stone age, while some of the areas that never really left it are descending into more and more brutality, the collapse of interlinked services will be all the more brutal and total...

But for now, since everything about this post-capitalist fantasy world we live in is temporary, it's great! :D

09-29-2005, 03:55 PM
im waiting for the day when we all merge our brains into the giant global network computer. there goes the human race when someone accidently trips over the plug....

David Jamieson
09-29-2005, 05:32 PM
Jamieson, you talking sh!t again?!

How much does it cost to 'drop out'? How much of that wilderness up there in Canada is really free for you to live in? Can you just go and choose a piece of land and say, ah this is mine? And what about most smaller countries like the UK and the rest of Europe? Every sod is owned and paid for, and then needs planning permission.

I need my mobile phone. Without it I can't get the work I get. And no, I can't just change jobs. And no, I can't choose to downsize, to get rid of the mobile, because then I get less and less money and less and less chance of buying that dream farm...

And what about the technology to build the pump? You either buy a pump, which is a good without a high demand, and therefore expensive, or you build your own from scratch which takes an investment of time (and money) in research, otherwise you're reiventing the wheel...

There's nothing so complicated as living simple!

you're just afraid. you're also wearing a pair of golden handcuffs.


There are a great deal of people who live simply. I am not one of them. I am just pointing out that it can indeed be done.

09-29-2005, 07:14 PM
wait? i though technology was supposed to make life simpler? i guess it depends on your definition but im pretty sure thats what it was originally intended for. i'd much rather pick up a burger than wait in the bush for 2 days stalking wild animals. but if your talking about useful versus the current wave of "useless" entertainment technology. i guess thats a debate for each person to decide for themselves. back to basics living isn't easier though i dont think. look at how ****ty frontier life was for example, and modern people always have modern life to fall back on if things get too hairy. modern medicine and shelter. why treat it like a bad thing? i wont deny though. there does seem to be a disconnect with the information overload. i think thats what people are really worried about, or that might just be that hollywood sci fi apocalypic paranoia talking. or not. lol who knows?

09-29-2005, 07:16 PM
Heh, I'm looking forward to the day where TV, phone, internet, utilities, car payments, and my WoW subscription, are all on one bill. I'm not looking forward to my paycheck being gone after paying said bill, though.