View Full Version : AMAZING CHI-GUNG (coughBulls***cough)

09-29-2005, 06:16 AM
to pick up where Yum-Cha left off (out of respect for the memory of GM Chan Tai-San, I felt this should be on a separate thread) I have seen this guy (not GM CTS)do his demos in Chinatown for years. One of his students is about 60, and by far the worst actor I have ever seen. The guy just hams it up so bad. He is also the guy who goes into the sneezing fit, or gets blasted back, shakes his head and goes, "Whew!"
Ok, so he's doing his demo in some Community Center in Chinatown, and now he has his daughter (about 20something) doing it as well. She is giving electric Ch'i jolts from her body and guys are getting blasted. So I'm sitting there watching, and I lean over to the guy next to me and say,
"Hey, you buying any of this sh**?"
and he laughs and says,"Naw, man. It's all phoney"
So I say, "so if I give you ten bucks, will you grab her a$$ in the hallway?-just to see if you get shocked."
He almost spit up his drink.
There is this other guy who does the same sort of thing, but I saw a demo clip, and at the part where everybody is supposed to fall down, there's this one student who missed the cue, looks around and THEN falls down. It was so obvious, I was emabarassed just watching.
I can certainly understand showmanship in a demo. I can understand hamming it up a bit. I can understand setting up your breaks, it's a demo, you test yourself in the privacy of your own kwoon, but for the public, of course you will do a sure thing.I understand all the spears, swords,iron bars on the throat things.
But what I can't seem to get through my thick little head, is why people-some of them quite accomplished Martial Artists, perform such hokey, ridiculous, obvious baloney, like the above mentioned Ch'i Kung demos? You gotta know that everyone knows it's nonsense.

09-29-2005, 10:08 AM
I understand where your coming from and your frustration. But i would liek to point out that for the obvious palour tricks there are real qigong masters out there that exctually know real qigong and can use it for demonstration to show people physically how qigong works.

One of these people is m shrfu yen Chu Feng, her art is calld Jin Gon Tzu Li Gong its a medical qigong which means qi projecting skill.

At a demo In S.F chinatown where there was obviously these wanna be qi gong teachers. My shrfu said bull**** this not real qigong. So she called them out and said hey were just fooling people. when she was question as o who she was she relpied yen Chu feng. They then changed thier tune and gave her mad respect.

So to prove to the crowd that qigong was real she asked 3 people from the group to come up front and sit.
she then pulled out 3, 9 inch steel needles and had them slide these needles through thier quatracep muscles and out the other side wihtout and pain or blood.
this was a way of showing the power of qigong, the people in the groups were there to see the deom, tey had nothign to do with her never met her and didnt know what qigong was. no acting here...

09-29-2005, 10:41 AM
was it through the quadriceps, or through the skin on the front of the thigh?If you have ever seen these guys put the sharpened bicycle spoke through their forearms, and hang buckets of water from them, you might want to try this little test: grab the skin on your forearm right below the elbow. If you pinch it,dig your nails in real deep-nothing. No pain at all. The only reason I haven't done this is 'cause I don't have the cajones to put a spike through my arm. Of course, if there was enough tequilla around, perhaps I might. The skin on the front of your thigh has the same reaction. Now, that does not discount her chi-gung abilities.
Of course if you said she ran a needle through the center of their leg, well, that is a different story. I am not knocking her ability, but before you post back saying I'm this, or that-try what I said...um, without the tequilla.

Mr Punch
09-30-2005, 05:46 AM
...she then pulled out 3, 9 inch steel needles and had them slide these needles through thier quatracep muscles and out the other side wihtout and pain or blood.
this was a way of showing the power of qigong, the people in the groups were there to see the deom, tey had nothign to do with her never met her and didnt know what qigong was. no acting here...Wouldn't that have been a demo of anatomy or acupuncture rather than chikung?

Or was she humming the theme tune from Once Upon a Time in China at an acoustic level to vibrate them through without using her hands while she did it? :cool: :D

09-30-2005, 11:59 AM
dear god .... why in this day and age?

these are reasons why people should vote me ruler of universe.