View Full Version : Dinosaur Training

Dale Dugas
09-30-2005, 06:33 AM
Just got the book and started to lift heavier than I have in years.

Been there and done that with Kettlebells and didnt find them to my liking as much as I thought I would. I use the bell for grip training and other plyometric exercises.

Doing the old school methods: squat, deadlift, overhead press, bentover rows all with heavy weights and low reps.

anyone doing this as well?

Would love to hear how its going and all that.

Http://www.functionalhandstrength.com is the link where I bought my book as Brook Kubik is dealing with John Wood as a consultant for his training programs.



09-30-2005, 07:14 AM

Thank for the link. I personally admire and respect the old strong men of yesterday than the bodybuilders of today. I am a Circular Strength Training (CST) instructor (clubbell user), a student of Scott Sonnon, and a big fan of old school physical culture. I found the Indian Wresting DVD most interesting and will probably get it. If this DVD is the bomb, then I will recommend it to my circle of influence. I hope your training is going well. If you are interested in CST, please check out www.clubbell.tv.

Yours in CST,

09-30-2005, 10:24 AM
Err, does a modified Westside template with some oly lifting count as Dinosaur training? Or is it more of a mastodon thing? Whichever- heavy is a beautiful thing.

Have you read Steve Justa's 'Rock, Iron, and Steel'? He makes Kubik seem like a whiney little girlchild. 200 some odd pound shovel-lift, partial deads with an apparatus using two old oildrums filled with scrap metal with a bar welded between for like over a grand, 1 mile runs with 100lbs chain vest on- a genuinely crazy man. I read selections for inspiration regularly.


Samurai Jack
09-30-2005, 12:47 PM
Errrmm, those methods have been around alot longer than Westside Barbell. That's why it's called Dinosaur Training. Thanks for the link Dale, I've been looking for that book for ages.

Dale Dugas
10-01-2005, 05:08 AM
Err, does a modified Westside template with some oly lifting count as Dinosaur training? Or is it more of a mastodon thing? Whichever- heavy is a beautiful thing.

Have you read Steve Justa's 'Rock, Iron, and Steel'? He makes Kubik seem like a whiney little girlchild. 200 some odd pound shovel-lift, partial deads with an apparatus using two old oildrums filled with scrap metal with a bar welded between for like over a grand, 1 mile runs with 100lbs chain vest on- a genuinely crazy man. I read selections for inspiration regularly.


Havent read it but its on the long ass list of books to acquire and read if I ever get a chance.

Heavy and low reps is good for me. Just want to be strong, dont care what I look like and that stupid s h i t. strong and healthy is the bomb in my book.
