View Full Version : what do you have against kungfu practice?

David Jamieson
10-01-2005, 12:25 PM
With the inundation recently of whack threads and other silliness which in turn drives this forum into a off topic quagmire of teenage mastubatory antics, I gotta ask.

What is it you guys got against kungfu practice?

Me personally, I'd like to see a modern approach in training methodologies and in adult teachings a little more accessibility in instruction and a little less mysticism.

There are aspects of traditional martial arts in all genres that I don't abide by, but I also see a lot of value in many of the other aspects of training.

I think that people that don't have it in their nature to fight cannot be taught how to fight. I think those with a natural inclination towards it can be refined. But I think this applies to anything even modern martial arts. You can't provide intention, will and eagerness. These are prerequisites that the student has to bring with them.

But what about the rest of you who insist on filling the forum with all the nonsense of late? Why do you waste your time with it. I certainbly won't and for the most part filter through it looking for something of a little value to read.

so, if anyone can step up an articulate the motivations behind all the ka ka threads in here right now, I would at least like to read that. Otherwise, thanks for nothing. :p

10-01-2005, 12:37 PM
Nobody said they had anything against it.

10-01-2005, 12:47 PM
the forum always goes through its cycles. haven't you noticed?

Royal Dragon
10-02-2005, 09:48 AM
What does this have to do with Flan?

10-02-2005, 09:53 AM
Its the glaze.

I don't do mysticizm. At least not in the classroom. ;)

There is no modern approach, just modern facilities.

10-02-2005, 11:02 AM
...so, if anyone can step up an articulate the motivations behind all the ka ka threads in here right now, I would at least like to read that. Otherwise, thanks for nothing.....

...... You can't provide intention, will and eagerness. These are prerequisites that the student has to bring with them....

see.. you answered your own question...

10-02-2005, 06:22 PM
Life on MA forums.

I read and post in CMA forums in China, Hongkong, Britain, Canadian, US etc.

I think you have different crowds in each forum.

Some forums are tightly runned and some are laisez faire.

I always have to wade thru the threads and posts to dig something valuable if any.

Agreed that if it took too much time, then it is not worth it.

But it is always nice to learn a bit different POV.

etc etc.


10-03-2005, 12:15 PM
as far as the "ka ka" threads go, the reason I sometimes will put in a post or two falls under two categories.

1) I post at work, if there is nothing serious I would like to post on at the moment, and i have no work to do, I post in the ka ka threads. If you dont take life to serious and understand the sense of humor being issued by the thread creators, it can actually be what we call funny.

2) Sometimes I actually feel like talking smack to trolls, but I only talk smack to the funny trolls. They are the only ones worth feeding.

"what do you have against kung fu practice?"

absolutely nothing.

Ray Pina
10-03-2005, 12:18 PM
It's the lack on honesty.....

It's the people who claim martial skill without ever having tested themself in combat.

It's folks who consider themselves swordsmen without having ever wielded a true sword.

It's the Shaolin-monk uniform without the discipline to train correctly to achieve phyiscal and spiritual ability.

Its the claiming of internal training because they feel like their system would be less if it wasn't claimed but apparantly lacking the understanding of what internal is.

It's comparing apples to apples and then putting an apple on the pedestal but then telling a room full of pears, oranges and bannanas how terrible they are.

It's a room full of people with a lot to say but nothing to do.

Those with nothing to do falling back on spirituality as a defense for why they have nothing to do but somehow not having the spiritual center to keep their mouth shut in the first place.

In the end, it's not the training it's the people .... How's that for a response!

If you trained to do a cartwheel and you finally get it, or even if you don't, I applaud you. But don't train to do a cartwheel and advertise that you can fight. A cartwheel is not easy to do and it takes ability plus training. Be proud of that. But don't pawn it off for something it's not.

10-03-2005, 12:24 PM
In EF, they have off topic or been there done that sections.

In BSD, they have general BS, and mega Trollshido sections.

In Chinese forums, they have blowing the water section. and warning that no pouring water (Guan Shui) in the serious discussion areas.

They have areas to post some anedotes or hearsay, interesting stories to share may or may not related to KF per se.

Such as so and so master in BG likes to drink certain tea and why etc etc.



Edit: in the old time, if you are out of wine, some people may pour water instead of wine into the pot to dilute the content. So no pouring water in the good discussion areas.

10-03-2005, 12:39 PM

I have nothing against Wushu.

The picture link:

She is the Tai Chi Wushu Queen. She won Tai Chi and swordplay 31 medals from 1988 to 1998. The first woman to win the full set of Tai Chi wush comp.

I have every respect for her and her work.

And I am not saying that she is a fighter or not at all.


10-03-2005, 02:22 PM
the ka ka threads are pretty much the only thing keeping this forum alive right now.

over the years the main board has become the offtopic board and this is where we come to chitchat.

pretty much any on topic post will quickly disentigrate into one of 5 arguments that constantly revolve on the boards. same thread different day .... they'll keep coming around but with less and less frequency each time as most of us are just tired of arguing the same points. bull****ing fills in the spaces.

10-04-2005, 09:06 AM
Hey GDA: There is also my Blog - it's got decent readership and it's not a ka ka thread. :( :p

Mr Punch
10-04-2005, 09:20 AM
It's the lack on honesty.....

It's the people who claim martial skill without ever having tested themself in combat...

kaka... kaka... kaaaa...

But don't pawn it off for something it's not.That's a load of ka ka for a start.

What about the people who train for health, for a sense of tradition (however misplaced - who are you to tell them?!), for a hobby, for FUN?!

Yeah, OK, I think they're shallow and empty but at least they're not some kakutougi nut like me wasting time training and training a bunch of obsolete skills that have little use in life! :D

Ray Pina
10-04-2005, 09:55 AM
For the record. I highly respect the ability of serious wushu players. It's just when they start to talk even remotely about combatives that it becomes :rolleyes:

Though I have to say, there is an aspect of the thing that I don't quite understand. Why put all this effort into becoming something that is not real?
They must be drawn somehow to the martial arts, so why not learn the real deal? Why not learn the correcet way to wield a weapon and then do so? Why not learn why it would be rediculous to do a split in the middle of a fight (no mobility, etc, etc.) and learn instead what is highly succesful in different situations.

So it's all this non-reality which has become a reality. It's just that I, and people I know, take this very seriously and have put blood, sweat and tears into our training. I don't want to be even remotely connected to these people I guess in the same way a Vietnam Vet doesn't want to be associated with Rambo, a guy who spent the war years teaching women's volleyball in a foreign land. It's just not legit. Purely an entertain me while I eat my sandwhich kind of thing.

10-04-2005, 08:21 PM
you got some mayo on the keyboard.

wait ... thats not mayo ....


10-07-2005, 01:22 PM
I write some of the ka ka threads I'm sure your talking about, i write them
out of general curiousity and the fact that I'm stuck at work with nothing to do.
if I wasn't working I would be caring for my son or practicing karate. as far as
tring to get real important feed back go to your sifu, sempai or sensei, for
anything you want to grasp seriously. the people online might not even
be any good at what they say they do. unless they have video to prove it.
even with a video you never really know if it's them or not. this forum
is a compilation of every style and personality, accept that. and you should
know by now that no two people are exactly alike.

10-07-2005, 01:56 PM
And the moldy cheese costs more too............