View Full Version : Does anger help

10-14-2005, 09:13 AM
As a natural defense, when someone hits you, your adrenaline surges and
you get ****ed off, martial artists try to let it pass and think calmly. Has anyone in the forum ever been in a fight and have "not" been able to calm themselves, and
as a result had a positive outcome, or gone to far and "really" hurt someone?

as a second part to this question have you ever been calm fighting
someone else who is what I call in a red faced rage, aka berserk
how did you fare?

Please only answer the question, chat rooms are down the hall.:mad:

10-14-2005, 10:28 AM
I don't try to calm myself - it wastes time. take whichever emotion you are experiencing and go with it. If it's anger, use it. being angry does not automatically equate to being out of control.

10-14-2005, 10:32 AM
I know i work out f***ing hard when angry.:mad:

Hard Fists
10-14-2005, 10:43 AM
I dunno...I was working in a strip club down town in my early twenties and this guy touched one of the dancer's whoo-has I happened to be dating. I pretty p1ssed. I tried to escort him out and he took a swing...I slammed him on the pavement (my judo days) pretty hard and heard something snap. He didn't get back up. It was definitely the wrong way to handle situation. You have to learn how to use the emotion, and keep it under control...something I am still working on today.

10-16-2005, 07:07 AM
No. Absolutely not. What you need is intent, not anger.

Mr Punch
10-16-2005, 08:21 AM
I just try to feel the leurve...:cool: ;)

Wood Dragon
10-16-2005, 10:23 AM
I'll stick with fear, it's worked so far.

ANGER: "I'm going to murderize these *******s.....even if it kills me!"

FEAR: "I'm leaving before I get stabbed. Anyone in my way is getting killed!"

Which one is more rational, in 90% of situations?

Royal Dragon
10-16-2005, 02:59 PM
I have allways done better when I am in a placid state, and moved in a matter of fact manor. Anger causes me mistakes, and so does fear.

However, both anger and fear can be quickly converted to intent, and the healthy boost of adreniline leading to enhanced senses (Hightened awareness, better reaction time etc...) if one has taken the time to develop themselves (Qi Gong is a huge help in this task)

So, in my life, it depends on what level. Just enough of either is benificial, even if you seem to remain calm and placid on the outside, but too much and it drowns you.

Chief Fox
10-16-2005, 03:58 PM
I got into a couple of fights back in college where all I had was anger.

I got into a fight with this one guy whom everyone called ninja. Not sure if he had training or not but the guy did know how to throw a punch because that's how the fight started with him breaking my nose. I took him down, he got me in some hold that I got out of by sticking my thumbs in his eyes. After that I was on top of him, hands around his thoat, banging his head on the floor, screaming that I was going to rip his f@cking head off.

So this would be a situation where anger lead to me being way out of control considering that I could have permanently blinded this guy or even killed him.

I think the emotion of anger combined with adreneline is good in a fight situation but what martial arts offer is the ability to channel your emotions.

10-16-2005, 04:18 PM
It was definitely the wrong way to handle situation. You have to learn how to use the emotion, and keep it under control...something I am still working on today. Great story Hard Fists. I think you're making a very important and valid point.