View Full Version : Mok Gar Kung fu

10-17-2005, 10:25 AM
Hi all,

I am new in this forum.I was wondering if anyone here practices Mok Gar kung fu.I am verymuch interested in it mainly because of it's the only southern style which emphasis kicks.

Can anyone explain about the Kicks and the kicking techniques in Mok Gar.

Howz this style differant from other Kicking kung fu styles like Northern Shaolin,Chuo Jiao etc.

Howz it differant from other foreign arts like Taekwondo,Muaythai etc.

Is the hand techniques of Mok gar similar to Wingchun Kung fu.

best regards


Ben Gash
10-17-2005, 08:55 PM
From what I've seen of Mok Gar, it doesn't really have that much kicking in it per se. It's more a case of aggressive use of footwork, with shovel kicks being utilised with a lot of the hand techniques (although to be fair, these are implied in most southern styles anyway). Reallly it just looks like up tempo Cantonese Sil Lum.

10-18-2005, 02:20 AM
Thank you Ben.
Could you please tell me waht all differances you found in Mok-Gar whwn comparing to other southern styles.
Howz the hand techhniques of Mok-Gar like .Is it similar to wing Chun
Best Regards

Ben Gash
10-18-2005, 07:53 AM
No, like I said it's more akin to Hung Gar, Choy Li Fut and other Cantonese styles.

Southern Fist
10-18-2005, 11:01 AM
Check out my Sifu's website it is


On the website it explains who are and were the main exponents of trhe system and what the system is about.

If you have any other question just feel free to contact Sifu Steve Martin.

Peter Pena

10-19-2005, 08:29 AM
Thank You Peter
I have checked out that website and it contains a lot of valuable information about Mok Gar.Are you taking Mok Gar classes from Sifu Steve Martin.
Best Regards