View Full Version : How to flush out gallstones ?

10-20-2005, 09:24 AM
I am looking for details of the procedure to flush out gallstones.

The traditional chinese medicine way.

Thank you.

10-20-2005, 04:49 PM
My OL does TCM and she uses this cleanse that uses epsom salts and olive oil and grapefruit juicehttp://www.curezone.com/cleanse/liver/huldas_recipe.asp
I've seen it work.

herb ox
10-20-2005, 07:18 PM
we were just talking about a similar cleanse in my TCM foundations class today - some folks report excellent results, others said they just pooped out green balls of congealed olive oil, so as always, do your homework first! Gall stones vary in composition. As such, the effectiveness of any treatment plan such as this one will vary as well.

While we all like to 'do it ourselves', you may wish to consult a practitioner in your area, as herbs and acupuncture will also help in the recovery and prevention of further gallstones. Seems like everyone's getting gallstones these days :p My landlady was complaining about a 2.5cm gallstone she has that landed her in the hospital for chest pain (she thought it was cardiac) for 2 days!

Thanks for the linkage, TenTigers! I'll forward it to my landlady!

in health,

herb ox

10-21-2005, 07:39 AM
There is another formula that is olive oil, lemon juice, also green apples. You have to lie on a certain side of the body. This formula is in the book 'healing with whole foods' if you can find that. I have notes burried in an old notebook for the exact recipe.

10-31-2005, 04:19 AM

"We have shown that these flushing regimes for expelling gallstones are a myth, and that the claims made by some are misleading. The appearance of a letter in an establishment journal has been used to legitimise this practice for some time and the record should now be set straight"
.Christiaan W Sies, Jim Brooker Could these be Gallstones? The Lancet Volume 365, Number 9468 16 April 2005

herb ox
10-31-2005, 09:56 AM
Great detective work, Vikinggoddess!

Like I usually say, "do your homework first!" - this is a fine example. My only issue with the article is that a post-flush examination was not performed to reveal whether the gall stones that were revealed by x-ray had been removed or if they were still in place. If the stones were still present, then we could assume the treatment to be ineffective. However, if the stones were gone, then the treatment worked, even hough most of the 'stones' were actually hardened olive oil. However, the patient did have the stones surgically removed at a later date...

bring some more!

herb ox

11-12-2005, 07:02 PM
Put Some Lemon--And Rind-- In That Water!!

Lemon juice can generally help with kidney stone problems by adding citrate the the urine stream. The juice of a single lemon contains about 5 grams of citrate--enough to just about double citrate levels in the urine. This allows your body to excrete less calcium in the urine, which inhibits the growth of stones and allows your body to retain calcium for other purposes.

The white portion of the rind also contains limolene, a chemical that will aid in dissolving gallstones.