View Full Version : Ou Ji's occassional self-defense blog

Ou Ji
10-20-2005, 02:17 PM
Day 3
Went for my morning bike ride. Some yo-yo was looking the other way at traffic and almost ran me over. I refrained from cussing him out and went on my way. My Glock is at home on the dresser.

I worked out a little in the back yard. Nobody bothered me at all. All in all and uneventful workout.

Later in the day I ran some errands. Left the Glock in the car while I made a bank deposit. The bank was quiet.

Today was a very good day. I did not kill anyone today.

Ou Ji
10-20-2005, 02:25 PM
Day 7
It's the weekend. And what a lovely weekend. The weather was nice so I decided to take the motorcycle out. Left the Glock at home.

I don't usually carry a firearm when I ride in case I want to stop off at one of the biker bars. I don't trust leaving a firearm in the saddle bags considering that they don't lock closed.

However I did wear the neck knife. You never know in a biker bar.

As it turns out I just rode around and only stopped for lunch. A couple of thug looking youths (that's youth's, not yutes) gave me a suspicious look. I refrained from calling them out even though I felt I could easily take them both even without the neck knife.

Spent the rest of the day with the family. I didn't kill anobody today.

Ou Ji
10-20-2005, 02:34 PM
Day 8
I spent the day helping a friend fix his car. We drank a few beers and when we finished we watched Ong Bak.

Funny but as I was returning home late in the evening my car broke down on a long dark stretch of road. As I was looking under the hood a car full of home boys with bandanas covering their eyebrows stopped and asked if I needed help. The Glock was in the center console of the car. I did not have a knife on my person.

I told them I was fine but thanks anyway. They drove off without incident. I kept an eye out for their return just in case but got the car started shortly after they left.

I hate owning cheap cars and breaking down all the time. My life sux but I still didn't kill anyone today.

Ou Ji
10-20-2005, 02:57 PM
Day 13
Haven't been to the range in a long time. So much for being a highly trained gun owner.

Still, I disassembled the Glock and cleaned it for something to do. This thing will probably turn to rust before I ever shoot anyone with it.

Planned on pulling out the Springfield 1911 .45 cal to clean but got lazy. Might go back to carrying the Star Model 30 9mm in the car because I like the grip of a double stacked mag.

Worked out in the backyard for awhile. Neighbors left me alone. Another day of not killing anyone.