View Full Version : gua sha with bloodstone

10-22-2005, 09:06 AM
I am wanting to suggest bloodstone for use in gua sha. I have been doing this myself and I believe this is a better choice compared to spoons/coins, etc. I use bloodstone externally for relieving blood stagnation and have good results for myself and a family of women with long term history of severe clotting. The matriarch tried to go with out wearing her bloodstone and went back to terrible period with heavy bleeding. Now she always wears her stone. This stone is one that is often used by midwifes, just to have it nearby in childbirth.

I call this stone the dang gui stone because of it's affinity with Liver blood and ability to move qi and bloodstagnation.

I am very interested to hear results with this stone by practitioners who can try to use it with gua sha. I also posted to the hit medicine thread the suggestion to use it externally for bruising.

If there are many people here who would like to try, then I will order bulk for you at cost or I will suggest to you a place to order. The kind that is a wearable donut that can also be used for gua sha is $3, 40mm in width.

bloodstone looks like this :http://healingcrystals.net/images/stones/300315bloodstones.gif