View Full Version : Experiences with consciousness; holographic universe?

10-25-2005, 10:17 AM

I was helping someone with his apartment yesterday and he was doing something to which I was going to offer a better way of doing. As soon as I thought it he paused as if he received a command and did it exactly the way I was going to suggest. And I did that more that once with him. What dawned upon me totally freaked me out-- I was dealing with a robot, a humanoid projection of my consciousness. I have been experiencing these events with increasing frequency, but it never hit me like it did yesterday. I wanted to RUN away Fast!!!

Anybody having moments like this with increasing frequency?


Hau Tien
10-25-2005, 10:48 AM
Yeah... psilocybes are fun. :P

10-25-2005, 11:15 AM
Seriously though,

Never did the mushroom thing.


Hey Mods: Could you please move this thread to the Qigong and Meditation section?

Thank you

Ray Pina
10-25-2005, 11:39 AM
I've experienced that. It started after the college experimentation days but continued into days after I used sphycodelics.

The best way to explian it I guess is that we're all One. That's why it's called the Uni-verse (one song or expression).

I find it best not to dwell on it, just smile inwardly when you have a"magical moment" as I call them. I also find it best to try and turn the brain off and just experience. Lots of things get done this way and things have a tendency to come when they do and its always the right time.

I think you'll understand what I'm saying which is why I don't mind saying it.

10-28-2005, 02:48 PM
Thank you for sharing,


fiercest tiger
10-29-2005, 12:34 AM
Maybe try ACID it will open your mind! :)

Many cultures use drugs to get deeper and open up there pituitary Gland when doing spiritual work.

I just got a flash back!!! ;)