View Full Version : Kung-Fu in Lethbridge AB?

10-29-2005, 07:34 PM
Hello everyone:

I recently moved to Lethbridge, Alberta and much to my dismay, I have found no Kung-fu.. period. Just a shout out to anyone who may live here and wants to teach/learn/practice. *Crosses fingers*


Hau Tien
10-30-2005, 06:07 AM
Hello everyone:

I recently moved to Lethbridge, Alberta and much to my dismay, I have found no Kung-fu.. period. Just a shout out to anyone who may live here and wants to teach/learn/practice. *Crosses fingers*


My brother-in-law moved there a couple years back and found the same thing. Supposedly there was a small group of people who got together to do some taiji, but I don't know what the focus was on (martial/health/etc). So far as I'm aware, he ended up giving up in his search.

If you're able to get up to Calgary once in a while, there are quite a few options here, but from what I've been told, there's pretty much no CMA in Lethbridge.

10-31-2005, 07:48 PM
A couple of students in my Sifu's school are there right now. One of them is a level 7 which qualifies him as a apprentice instructor. The other is a level 3 going for level 4 soon, which means he is starting to learn the intermediate cirriculum. We teach the Wing Chun system of Kung-Fu but very uniquely. Visit our website www.wingchun-canada.com to find out more info on our association and such.

PM me if your interested or have any questions


P.S. There are video clips on the home page, left side about half way down the page...

Mr Punch
11-01-2005, 04:39 AM
I'll bite.

What is unique about how you teach your wing chun?

Mr Punch
11-01-2005, 04:41 AM
Did you know that only 10% of kungfu teaching is actually unique? And the other 90% is the same as that 10%?

:confused: ;) :rolleyes: :p :D

11-01-2005, 08:37 AM
I believe they incorporate some level of Hung Gar into their curriculum. Namely the dynamic tension or about First half of Gung Gee Fok Fu Kuen.

11-01-2005, 08:40 AM
hmm or I could be wrong.

11-01-2005, 09:45 AM
There's no Hung Gar combined with Wing Chun in our school. Although Hung Gar was one of Sifu's first styles, he only showcases it during our annual summer camps. He stopped teach all the other styles he learned a year or so after he returned from Australia(87'), and became exclusively a Wing Chun organization.

I find many things unique about our Wing Chun, emphasis on Forward Intention, plenty of Chin Na, ground fighting, knife chi-sao, stick fighting utilizing Butterfly Sword techniques, and preciseness in technique and concept, basically just the way we do things. We also have a great conditioning program with at least one conditioning class a day available. We have over 25 hours a week of classes and plenty of instructors/apprentice instructors to cover all the students’ needs.


Mr Punch
11-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Hatsuyuki, sounds like James there has a good wing chun school. By no means unique (in any other way than eg, every snowflake being unique... :rolleyes: :D )but sounds good.

You should take him up on his kind offer.

11-01-2005, 10:24 AM
I think the most important part of the whole thing is quality. We try our best to provide a quality program to those that join our school. All of us instructors work hard to provide all the information regarding Wing Chun, or anything else related for that matter, to the students, nothing is held back. Of course in the end it is up to the student to put the work in and progress, we are there to guide them in the fastest way possible.


11-07-2005, 05:53 PM
Of course, his Sifu is pretty famous. Too bad I have no way of getting to Calgary weekly.

11-07-2005, 08:10 PM
You do. One of the junior students I mentioned that lives in the Letherbridge area travels here to Calgary once a week to train. You could travel with him I'm sure (I will have to check first..I saw the student today and mentioned you) and split the travel costs. He would probably like that..I will find out ASAP.
