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10-31-2005, 10:27 PM
hey folks pls check out the webpage i made about my sifu. its simple, but his story is interesting to me. not because i wrote it, either!

the site is: tienloong.zoomshare.com

other than technicallities, pls comment if you like.


11-01-2005, 01:15 AM
wow cool. thanks.
I love this.
Now how bout one of yourself :rolleyes:

this is seriously cool stuff.

11-01-2005, 01:27 AM
actually, while reading up on that I started wonderign about San Franciscos rich kung fu heritage. Where can i find more info on SF kung fu schools (older ones) and SF chinese gangs.

Once again thanks hskwarrior. I loved the one wiht master Dino

11-01-2005, 07:53 AM
thanks eddie. its always good to see some encouragement instead of telling me what i did wrong on the site. my whole purose was just to get them out for the people to see. these little sections come from the book im writing, and possibly a prelude to some magazine articles. there's one more master left, and im holding off on him for something else, bigger hopefully.

ya know eddie, its tough trying to get my sifu's information because he isn't too proud of his street background anymore. it was like pulling teeth just to let me record his history. but now that you've read them, and know they are from a book im writing, if this book was on the shelves eddie, or anyone else for that matter would you pick up that book and take it home. (after buying it of course?)

i think i will do one on my self just to see how it comes out.

on san fran chinese gangs i'll see if i could pull up some stuff and then come back at share those with you.

once again


11-01-2005, 08:52 AM
well they are really very interesting. Its also nice for many of us who dont know Master Dino to learn about him. The little you learn about people can change your view about them. I dont know your master, but had a mental idea of what to expect, but wehn you read these you realise they coul dbe much different to how I thought.

It does seem that he lived in a very interesting time and place, and I have always wondered how that would be. I remember growing up, there was a US tv show on local tv, the show was translated into our native language but the name was somehting like Streets of San Fransisco. I watched that show every night, and since then I have always been pretty ineterested in that place. More curious I suppose.

Your sites serve its purpous, so who cares about the designs. One comment tho, Im a total picture freak... i love it, so if you can please show us some bigger pictures. other than that, all is well. Thanks

oh, btw, your sifu Dino was very handsome when he was younger. Shees, guess CLF has all these handsome players. I should go do wing chun it seems :rolleyes:

11-01-2005, 10:32 AM

if you do a search try San Francisco gangs, wah ching, joe boys, chinese playground, and things like hop sing tong, etc im sure you will find a few good things.

ya know i used to meet up with my older brother at his job back in the days, and he introduced me to this korean dude, who was hella crazy. I mean whenever we would get near the near the water (the Bay) this guy would start crying and cursing in some direction. At first I was trippin off this guy, but my brother explained to me that he was put in San Quentin Prison for a few years over a murder he never commited. But while he was in prison he stabbed a guy to death. This guys was crazy man! but he was really cool, and a helluva nice guy.
actually he introduced me to this chinese girl named nancy i dated.

I don't know what has happened to Chol So Lee, im not sure if he is back in jail, or if he was killed. The police suspected he was connected to asian gangs but couldn't prove it. yet, i remember he used to drive me around and stop at all these chinese gangster hangouts, and once told me that everyone in the room is strapped with guns.

The reason im telling you this is i was searching for some things for you eddie, and happeded to pull up this information on Chol So Lee and learned more about what he did. so i should thank you, because i always wonder what happened to him. I think someone once told me they tried to kill him and poured acid all over him.

anyways, thanks eddie.


11-02-2005, 02:01 AM
gang sociology is a subject I really find very interesting. I have never been in a gang (or any gang activities) myself, but growing up, most of my friends belonged to some kind of gang or group. Many of them are now part of the local chapters of the Hells Angels or a few other motorcycle groups, and some even in jail.

My business partner is from Shanghai and through him I got to know about the local Chinese gangs. Its strange, when you meet these Chinese mafia guys, you would never expect them to be like that, until you start seeing how they operate. Its scary.

Thanks for the pointers. I will do some search about those guys.

Something that also interest me is prison gangs. South African prisons are tuff, they say its amongst the worst places in the world to be. Not a place anyone would even want to find themselves

whos the mystery master of whom you still want to do a page on? I loved these other pages, so lets read some more