View Full Version : Mok Gar Style

Beau Brummie
11-12-2005, 02:51 PM
Hi Guys

Has anyone trained in this style or fought against a practiconer of this style. It seems to be quite rare in the UK as when I mention it to other MA they don't seem to have heard of it.

I was just wondering whether any of you guys have knowledge of it as an art and your rating of it.

My reason for choosing it was quite simple. The time of the class suited my children and I!!



David Jamieson
11-12-2005, 03:49 PM
check out siulam.info for more information on this style.

mok and lau styles have been adopted into at least one lineage of hung kuen.

I was not aware it was still practiced as a stand alone style anywhere outside of hong kong, but then, the things i'm not aware of could fill a warehouse :D

<edit> to make it easy, here is a write up on mok gwei lan: http://www.hungkuen.net/masters-mokgweilan.htm

Beau Brummie
11-12-2005, 04:02 PM
Lol @ 'the things i'm not aware of could fill a warehouse'

Well my class is called Shaolin Mok Gar Kung Fu and is practised in Solihull UK under Sifu Paul Boyer.


And bloody hard it is too lol. **** this stretching.

Peace Chris

David Jamieson
11-12-2005, 04:16 PM
Kungfu is hard work. If it's not hard work, it's not kungfu. :p

Ben Gash
11-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Mok Gar is only really around in the UK in Birmingham and bizarrely in West Wales. It's also taught in San Diego at www.sojournpast.com

Ben Gash
11-12-2005, 04:29 PM
You know, I emailed your Sifu about classes about 2 years ago. I'm still waiting...

Beau Brummie
11-13-2005, 03:14 AM
Hi Ben

There are many reasons why a mail sometimes does not reach the intended recipient.

Mail me if you still want to contact him. I see him every Wednesday.
