View Full Version : qi on camera

11-16-2005, 10:49 AM
I read about a film or documentary where the film makers used a heat sensing camera to film a person doing qigong. The qi was visibly moving around his body. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? What was it?

Edit in response to David Jamieson's reply:

What is the name of the program/documentary that showed qi with thermal imaging.

David Jamieson
11-16-2005, 11:43 AM
thermal imaging.

If a person is exercising using breath work or by increasing blood flow in their body, the thermalgraph will pick it up. It's not so much 'qi' as it is heat rising in the body from exercise.

But then, fwiw, that is partially what 'qi' is.
It is the application of teh word qi to a naturally occuring process that causes the problem in my opinion.

I once saw a clip of a guy who claim he could form chi in the form of steam. So, he filmed his hand being washed of with water, then he'd rub his fingers together and voila, a little steam appears!

Of course, it is relativily easy to replicate this in a cold room. :D

and so, the quest continues to make chi which has always been an invisible phenomenon which manifest itself as a result, to be a seeable standalone thing like lightning or something.

Bit of a holy grail item if you ask me.

Qi's there, it's your life force in all it's components. Why look for what is obviously there simply due to the fact that you are alive. Without chi you are dead. You cultivate chi within you to increase quality of life.

compare an old person that regularly exercises with an old person who does not.
The chi is evident in the one who exercises and the lack of it is equally evident in the one who does not. dead simple.

11-16-2005, 01:31 PM
Thanks for the info. But I wasn't asking what qi is. I was asking for the name of the program that used thermal imaging on someone doing qigong.

Wong Fei Hong
11-16-2005, 07:36 PM
There is a couple of types of technology which read qi, one called kirlian photography has been around a while.
The other methods are more modern and called PIP it stands for Polycontrast Interference Photography.

Kirlian photos are really really cool, the amazing thing is if you take a photo of a leaf, it comes up with its energy, now if you cut off a chunk of that leaf , and take the photo a while later the leaf still apears almost whole, a few hours later if you take another photo the leaf wont be whole anymore.

Pip photography is what you are looking for though, it looks like thermal imaging , but it shows blockages in really dark shade, quite amazing.

The other thing they have is aura camera's which take a photo of your aura, but the ones ive seen are a load of bollocks tbh it shows colours that really have nothing to do with the person so i donno why.

Hope this helps

fiercest tiger
11-16-2005, 08:55 PM
I have a chi kung documentry somewhere from china and there is the expriment you are talking about as well moving objects.

Ill try and dig it up!


11-16-2005, 10:19 PM
thermal imaging.

I once saw a clip of a guy who claim he could form chi in the form of steam. So, he filmed his hand being washed of with water, then he'd rub his fingers together and voila, a little steam appears!

Of course, it is relativily easy to replicate this in a cold room. :D

I must be awesome so when I go for a run on a cold day with a beanie on and then take it off just before I come home and steam pours off my head, WOW im a qi gong master!!

David Jamieson
11-16-2005, 11:06 PM
I must be awesome so when I go for a run on a cold day with a beanie on and then take it off just before I come home and steam pours off my head, WOW im a qi gong master!!

according to someone who doesn't understand 30 below, yes, you would be that. :D

11-17-2005, 08:06 AM
I have a chi kung documentry somewhere from china and there is the expriment you are talking about as well moving objects.

Ill try and dig it up!


YES! One relevant reply. Thank you sir or madam! That's what I was trying to find out, if anyone had, or knows of THE FILM OR DOCUMENTARY which shows qi existance on camera. I know about the leaf thing too. I heard about that. I heard there was also a shot of someone with a missing arm and the energy was visible where the arm used to be.

So, thank you "fiercest tiger" for actually reading what I wrote and responding to it.

11-17-2005, 08:36 AM
There was a PBS or some similar type docu series called "Healing and The Mind" by or hosted by Bill Moyers. I saw an episode around '91 or '92 but I don't know when it was produced. In this particular segment (I don't know what the episode number or title was) he focused on 'chi' and healing. He visited a local 'doctor', I beleive it was in Taiwan. The 'doctor' was a bit of a roundish fellow probably around 5/8" or so with casual slacks and a buttoned collared shirt that was hardly buttoned up at all.

Anyway, this guy could raise his skin temperature to a very discomfortable degree to those he would invite to touch, including the host and camera crew. Then, and it may very well had been a trick but a good one, the 'doctor' took a peice of newspaper or some similar paper, went outside to the street, crumpled up the paper and placed it on the ground, meditated for a minute, then dropped his hand over top of the paper within an inch or less or so, and the paper burst into flames.

The show that had the 'heat vision' type stuff I beleive was "Mythbusters" a cable series on either A&E or Discovery channel (I don't remember which). Among some on the show were Hung Ga practitioner Donald Hamby who did some hard chi gung bending a construction rod on his neck and a shaolin warrior monk guy who brushed his hands and arms against a white hot steel chain.

11-18-2005, 01:17 PM
As mentioned there are no invisable ways to show qi, however I have posted my personal photos taken from my website for all to see.

These photos are of my 2 qigong masters. Master Ming is the man you are talking about. but more importantly is the photo of me demonstrating the invisable powers of qi to make visual.

I do this by shoving a 9" steel wire through my thigh without the slightest pain or drop of blood. We did this on local T.V broadcast to show the powers of qigong in the form of a visable application. its quite amazing and looks much better on video but this picture was snapped anyways . be well

BTW the moving of inadamant objects is not Qigong . This is telekinesis

11-18-2005, 11:09 PM
Um what the hell drives someone to put a 9 inch peice of metal through there leg for fun??

If you can do this mid combat then fine, its useful "Wow I got stabbed" *doesnt bleed*