View Full Version : Long fist fans: Gong Li Quan 2 man set

11-21-2005, 09:14 AM

have fun.



Wong Ying Home
11-21-2005, 11:29 AM
Very nice....thanks

Sifu Darkfist
11-21-2005, 04:22 PM

have fun.


Did not know there was still fans of long fist (scratches head)

lol ;)

David Jamieson
11-21-2005, 04:28 PM
did you replace the file?

I'm getting a couple of older gents doing push hands.

11-21-2005, 09:28 PM
two hands moving at once means you dont have to pull back your punches, so you come to a level of sticking to what ever moves your opponent does. this is the same in the school i come from. we are told to stick to them, as soon as they move, move with them.

Wong Ying Home
11-22-2005, 02:50 AM
Spot on with the comments there. :)

11-22-2005, 03:24 AM
your very kind, thank you.

David Jamieson
11-22-2005, 08:00 AM
so tui sau or chi sau are called gonglichuan two man set in your school lohanhero?

11-22-2005, 08:07 AM
nope, just application practise. we use 2 hands at a time, so if one blocks the other strikes out, also can be used as 3 (2 arms and leg :P ) so as you are close using 2 hands the moment one moves you pritty much stick to them, ofcause this is just one of the practises of our applications using our four basic blocks and getting each person to start using the proper techneques... waa i think its abit late, hope that made sence.

11-22-2005, 08:22 AM
I'm an ancient with my dial up,:eek: Have to wait to sponge off one of my modern DSL friends to see it.

Where does this set originate from and how well does it compliment the Hand Set.

If it functions and flows well might want to add it to my Jing Wu curriculum. (extra set - can't have too many partner sets:)

Had to modify the Jing Wu Tan Tui partner set a bit to make it flow better with the version I learned.

David Jamieson
11-22-2005, 08:28 AM
Sorry, I'm not making the connection to a two man set with the clip. So I'm just a touch confused as to why this is called gong li chuan two man set.

sticky hands, push hands etc etc are all methods of practice across a few styles.

But those clips do not show any choreographed moves such as a set ad are free flow exercises to develop sensitivity etc etc by all appearances.

so...I am still wondering why this particular rendition of sticky and push hands is called gonglichuan 2 man set?

11-22-2005, 08:48 AM
please excuse me if i am incorrect but i think you might be stuck on the words. this is a clip with the background that looks simmilar to another clip i have of some old masters practising gong li chuan so im guessing this clip is of gong li chuan.

it is of two people practising gong li chuan in a way that they stay close to eachother and when one moves the other moves with him then this continues. so does it mean it should be called sticky hands ect..? its practise of their form and methods.
a two man form is two people practising the defence and the attacking correct? then with an art that both strikes out while defending wouldnt this make both people attacking and defending? in this way it would be quite close together and would link well together.
if you look at there techneques you can see attacks that have been cut short as it has been countered so he then counters the counter and we all get confused >< or maybe just me...

nope iv decided i dont know how to explain :P
a form thats usage stays close to the opponent would look as though they are stuck together, so it is a two man form and it just so happens to show them moving together. i have to say they look like they have been doing it for quite a while so refined comes to mind perhaps.

sorry for my ramblings.

Hua Lin Laoshi
11-22-2005, 09:09 AM
I believe what David Jamieson is saying is that it does not look pre-arranged. His opinion is that it's a free form drill and not a pre-arranged set.

So can anyone say for sure whether this is an actual 2-man set or is it 2 men practicing sticky hands?

I say pre-arranged set.

11-22-2005, 10:04 AM
ok yes i see, this i think i feel is what i said about this..
i have to say they look like they have been doing it for quite a while so refined comes to mind perhaps.

but i have no answer for you im sorry. gong li chuan seems to be different with many schools i have seen many different ones on the internet.

Wong Ying Home
11-22-2005, 10:11 AM
When I first learned this type of two man set in eagle claw...it screwed my brain as it was not what I had imagined nor set myself up for. I was set for hit hard, block hard smash through use a hard bridge usual stuff it took me a long time to adapt

It's purpose is to stick blend and be hidden

I understand where David is comming from, if you have not been exposed to this type of two man form, method before it is hard to get your head round it...but belive me it has very high value.

It is seen a number of Northern styles, we even have it in Tong Bei. the guys in the vid look very in tune so blend with each other very smoothly, and make it look free form which is the wholepoint.

Train it to a point wher it all just blends in, become natural, not using hard opposing force, redirect it, blend with it , give it back etc etc.

I enjoyed watching it very much and would like to get a hold the footage for my own library


11-22-2005, 04:56 PM
i would like a copy of this also, please pm me if you ever find it and i will do the same.

11-22-2005, 10:21 PM
In the 80's There was a national survey of MA across all of CHina.
This vid is from the style of MA called gung li chuen. A style of MA just as Taiji CHuen or Tang Lang CHuen is a a style of MA.

A basic form of this style was taught and passed out to many kung fu schools many years ago. That form of Gung Li Chuen style was called Gung Li Chuen(the form).

Using the name of a form to represent the entire style was common.


11-23-2005, 08:44 AM
wong ying

see we experienced the same thing.

Was very difficult in the beginning to understand the deflecting bending absorbing and redirecting principles. Much more used to the hammer and anvil method before training eagle claw.

Funny also when I played some of the Chin Woo forms back in HK they commented that my 2 person tantui was very smooth, Its typically played more stacato (spelling?).

Just recently saw HK Chinwoo doing some of the other 2 person sets like Toa Kuen and I see it is much more sped up using the methods we are used to in Eagle Claw.

11-24-2005, 02:20 AM
thanks for replies.

I ran into the vid from other board.

I enjoyed the flows of the demo.

as pointed out, there are many lessons in the demo.

The other point that I like to mention is that there are always 2 man set in just about every style: open hands and weapon.

Ba Ji, Tai Chi, etc.

Sometimes, the 2 man set was taken apart and practiced as solo. It is then called Dan or Tui Cai Quan or single split set.

We may practice either side. and then practice with a partner.

Ba Ji Dan Da and Tui Da etc.

11-24-2005, 12:43 PM

All the 2 person sets I've learned I've had to perform as if they were a single person set.

(especially since my partner most of the time was my Sifu and I guess he was kind of busy). It was always the problem when he used to teach partner sets. For some reason either the attack or defend side would be the ones to drop out and they we were left with only one side.

For partner hand sets I've only learned one and have to tell the student what to do when learning the opposite side. A training partner of mine has learned both sides of all his partner sets but the tendancy is to confuse it during practice (ouch that punch to the temple)

Partner weapons sets I've done both sides only when it was a different weapon. Like Kwando vs spear etc. spear vs spear is just to confusing to know both sides.

Modern teachers like Lum Jo's 2 person tiger crane set is perfect as both sides do eachother's sides fluidly without stopping.

(oh i'm out of breath, back to the turkey)

11-26-2005, 08:21 PM

There are a lot of modifications in 2 man drills.

so that injury does not occur and also smoothing/easing into the next move.

it is always a "wonder" or "amazement to see the interactions or moves and counter moves.
