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11-24-2005, 10:25 PM
I see there's been a few post about training in Melbourne which is good as I'm from there. I'm interested in finding someone who's knowledgeable of the healing aspects of Bagua(or xingyi or taichi or qigong). I have what I'd consider a basic knowledge of the pre-birth style of Bagua and how it relates to healing and would like to continue my studies.
From what I've seen in my travels the Bagua of the post birth method seems to concentrate more on many external movements, wheras the other focuses more on 1 or 2 palms and more internal movement. At least in the initial stages. When I was here last there was a woman called Grace(can't remember her last name), would have been late 80's early 90's. Would anyone know if she was teaching these days?
I'm not really that interested in the 64 palm methods and such as they are not as quickly applicable to healing.

11-24-2005, 10:51 PM
Each of the movements in Taijiquan Long (or short I suppose) are used for healing or balancing different parts of meridian system relating to certain functions in the body.

So far a baguq or hsing yi are concerned, I am not sure. They are internal based upon their application of qi. However, to me, they are more focused on the yang part of qi cultivation than the yin (which is for healing)...

However, a true practitioner of bagua (or hsing yi) may have something better to input than I.


11-27-2005, 12:05 AM
Interesting, I was told similar principles about Bagua and also that the twisting of the body when walking the circle unlocks and moves the energy in the body. I had heard that Bagua was considered of a middle gradient when compared with Tai Chi and Xingyi. The Xingyi people that I've felt have a very hard heavy chi that is able to push through defenses if the other doesn't have adequate absorbtion capability - I have head that the capacity for healing is inherent in Xingyi but I haven't heard met anyone who can do it. The Tai Chi people that I've met with internal strength have a soft almost empty feeling to their strength and the ones who are good at healing are very sensitive at moving chi around their bodies. I haven't yet met a Bagua person who uses this method for healing others though.