View Full Version : Critique these clips!

Royal Dragon
12-04-2005, 04:27 PM


MonkeySlap Too
12-04-2005, 08:42 PM

Royal Dragon
12-04-2005, 09:08 PM

---------------> :D

Chief Fox
12-04-2005, 09:54 PM
1. it doesn't even look like the guy cares about what he's doing.
2. his movements are very sloppy and have no power at all. I mean zero!
3. His stances are terrible.

So on a scale from 1 to 10, I'll give them a negative 739.

12-04-2005, 10:12 PM
That isn't you is it RD? :D

David Jamieson
12-05-2005, 06:45 AM
1.too much eyes on the swords instead of with intent.

2.moves have little intention in them, difficult to see purpose.

3. swords fall to far down. unusual seeing as they are so light to begin with.

The Willow Sword
12-05-2005, 04:47 PM
looks like an advanced 5th degree black belt SD form.:p

Royal Dragon
12-05-2005, 05:51 PM
No, not me at all....just someone who claims to be better than me, that's all.

The guy claims 37th genration inheritor, head of system, standard bearer etc.., but had only been in the system as long as me at the time (a couple of years or so tops), and didn't know the whole system even...although I'm sure he's memorised it by now.

I just thought some public critiquing of thier "Skills" would be fun today. :D

12-05-2005, 06:06 PM
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahah aha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-05-2005, 11:17 PM
that guy is such a showoff.

12-06-2005, 01:06 AM
I just thought some public critiquing of thier "Skills" would be fun today

That's kinda brutal.

Are you willing to stand next to him and show everyone how it's supposed to be done?

Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 01:28 AM
no comment..... ok i cant resist , i never knew that the aim of the cat stance is to move your head so far forward :rolleyes: that it actually defeats the purpose of cat stance.

Ben Gash
12-06-2005, 02:25 AM
Stancework is very poor, doesn't have a feel for the weapon at all, moves are not fully executed before moving to the next, lack of Shen and Jing, oh, and did I mention that the stancework is really ****ing bad?

12-06-2005, 02:41 AM
Pathetic!!! :eek:

12-06-2005, 03:47 AM
This speaks very badly towards your character!!!

To come on a online forum and post with the intention of stirring up as many insults as you can is pathetic. Its not 'critiqiue this vid', all you want from people is 'take the **** out of this vid' - the worst part is that you cant handle someone saying they are better than you. Like mentioned above, if you can stand by this guy and show us all how its done then go ahead and do it.....

This forum has become overun by a bunch of *****es, people who lack respect for others by posting garbage like this.



Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 04:08 AM
I know where your coming from monkeyfoot its quite dark to do what RD did, you know,
But the thing is i fully support rooting out bullshido in the martial arts its people like the guy in the video clip who contribute nothing to martial arts, and if this guy is an inheritor of a system then my left testicle is the creator of his style.

btw what word is *****es i cant seem to make it out in my head.

Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 04:23 AM
Its better omg lol
you can get like 10th dan for 1000$ grading hehehe

but on his main page http://www.emperorslongfist.com/
I think the only thing he is missing is scrotlick-fu
What the hell is hydabusai karate ??? Not only ive never heard of it but google only brings up ONE page on his website lol and the alternative name is hayabusa
hahahaha Maybe he teaches harleydavidson-ken :D as well as THE FIREBLADE :rolleyes:

William Seibert ( Wei Shi Bei "Northern Lion"), has been in martial arts for over 30 years and teaching students for over 25 years. He presently has schools in Marion and Morganton North Carolina. He has received the title of the 37th Patriarch (Jai Zhang) for the Emperor’s Long Fist Kung-Fu (ELF). He is the former Southeastern director of Genki Ryu Do Martial Arts System, and North Carolina Director for the United States Martial Artist Association Hall of Fame. Other credentials are former President of the Genki Ryu Do Yudanshakiai (governing board), President of the International Hanshi Organization, President of the Ku Yu Cheng Iron Palm Society.

Shihan Seibert has achieved dan rankings in Tatsu Do Karate, Hydabusai Karate, Genki Ryu Do Karate, United States Judo Association, Aikijujutsu, Emperor’s Long Fist Kung –Fu, Internal Iron Palm, Kobudo (Weapons training), with additional training in Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Battoho, Kali Escrima Silat, Yang Style Tai Chi , Chen Style Tai Chi, Wing Chung, Tomiki Aikido, Chinese Massage Therapy, and Chinese Herbology.

This is where the guy sees all the hits to his website tracing back to here and thinks your doing him a favour advertising it and then he sees whats been written hehehe We get more challenges :D

Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 04:37 AM
Ranking of a particular system.
Reviewed by video by the yudanshakai of the Wei Shi Bei Guan, Chinese and Japanese Martial Arts Systems. Testing is done using a point scale system. For example, 200 points required for Black belt with a passing grade of at least 80%.

Scoring system used is:

* each technique done properly (1 pt)
* weapon form (3 pts)
* kata (2-5 pts depending on complexity)
* throws (2 pts)
* defenses (1 pt)
* and so on.

Price depends on rank:

* Black belt $400
* 2nd $500
* 3rd $500
* 8th $800
* 10th $1000

An information sheet is available for rules and details. Additional points awarded for items such as founder (10 pts) and video for sale (5 pts).

Right i would like my black belt please ive submitted founder of 10 styles and 20 videos for sale .
Well its easier than having to perform 69 weapons forms to get my 200 points.

hahahahahah man this guy is a fu(king d1ckhead.

how many points for great solar stance :rolleyes:

Ben Gash
12-06-2005, 06:06 AM
To be fair, RD has posted clips of himself before, and he is significantly better than that guy.
Why not hold up the ridiculous for ridicule. Guys like this are poison for our community, and show us all in a bad light. If this was Qing dynasty China then RD could have gone and beaten him senseless, but it's not, so we use the internet instead.
I gaurantee you that there's an MMA board somewhere where those clips are posted as look at the "deadly skills" of this high level CMA master :mad:

12-06-2005, 06:26 AM
I know and I totally agree with all of you. The point of the matter is that as martial artists it doesnt do us right to be ridiculing and taunting others no matter how obsurd their claims. Criticising is fine but we should make sure that we are not dragging ourselves down to the same level when we do criticise.

btw I said B*I*T*C*H*E*S


David Jamieson
12-06-2005, 06:36 AM
I've had clips of mine ripped on other forums. meh. lol I think I've even had more than a goodly lot of rips at my perspectives on martial arts.

can't take detraction? Don't make clips of yourself and certainly avoid saying things like "im better than you". :p

consider this thread as part of the bitter not yet eaten if the guy in em should be reading this.

having said that, RD, i think it's only fair you post your version of same.

Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 06:44 AM
Im actually lookign forward for my teacher to come back from china so i can do some sparring with him to post up here , so that I can get ripped on :D and you can see how good he is lol :D

But exactly as ben gash said you know , people look at this guy and it kills the whole concept of what some people try to retain, you know it gets to the point where people are like you only got 4th dan ??!?? and its like wtf I have met black belts who i would regard higher than most 4th and 5th "honarary" grades and i have more respect for the bjj guys who get a few belts and they are allowed to teach as their gradings are so much tougher, but when it comes to kung fu , people who are begginers get sucked into seeing guys with 148 gradings and they waste their time learning from them.

Monkey foot yeah i know what you mean, its not right to troll for sake of trolling. B1tches aha !!!! i was trying so many combinations to fit to the es at the end lol hehehe

The Willow Sword
12-06-2005, 09:22 AM
ORIGINALLY DRIBBLED BY , Monkeyfoot:rolleyes:

This speaks very badly towards your character!!!

To come on a online forum and post with the intention of stirring up as many insults as you can is pathetic. Its not 'critiqiue this vid', all you want from people is 'take the **** out of this vid' - the worst part is that you cant handle someone saying they are better than you. Like mentioned above, if you can stand by this guy and show us all how its done then go ahead and do it.....

This forum has become overun by a bunch of *****es, people who lack respect for others by posting garbage like this.

The point of the matter is that as martial artists it doesnt do us right to be ridiculing and taunting others no matter how obsurd their claims. Criticising is fine but we should make sure that we are not dragging ourselves down to the same level when we do criticise.

btw I said B*I*T*C*H*E*S

Okay Mr Perfect saintly crusader of all things righteous and true, give US your "experienced" and objective opinion on the clips, instead of critisising the critiques and making yourself look just as much of a Beootch as you think we all are.

As always,,TWS

Judge Pen
12-06-2005, 09:39 AM
looks like an advanced 5th degree black belt SD form.:p

Is that what you looked like when you did SD? :D

Chief Fox
12-06-2005, 10:08 AM
I know and I totally agree with all of you. The point of the matter is that as martial artists it doesnt do us right to be ridiculing and taunting others no matter how obsurd their claims. Criticising is fine but we should make sure that we are not dragging ourselves down to the same level when we do criticise.

btw I said B*I*T*C*H*E*S

You make a good point monkey foot. But in my opinion, this guy is the bottom of the barrel for scum bag martial arts instructors. It's pretty obvious that he's in the business of selling black belts. It's also pretty obvious that he doesn't have the skill or ability to teach.

The guy should be laughed at. All I can think of is the poor people that he has suckered into believing that he has great skill and has then taken their hard earned money.

12-06-2005, 10:36 AM
That was possible the worst broadsword basic I have ever seen, he shouldn't even be thinking about double broadsword. He shouldn't even pick up a weapon until he has some solid basics. In his case that might take a while judging by the size of his belly and lack of any intent at all. :p

The Willow Sword
12-06-2005, 11:01 AM
posted by JP.

Is that what you looked like when you did SD?

nah man i never made it that far to learn "The good stuff":rolleyes:


12-06-2005, 11:39 AM
1. it doesn't even look like the guy cares about what he's doing.
2. his movements are very sloppy and have no power at all. I mean zero!
3. His stances are terrible.

So on a scale from 1 to 10, I'll give them a negative 739.

negative 739 seems a bit too kind

12-06-2005, 12:10 PM
Okay Mr Perfect saintly crusader of all things righteous and true, give US your "experienced" and objective opinion on the clips, instead of critisising the critiques and making yourself look just as much of a Beootch as you think we all are.


Whether I am 'experienced' or not is irellevant.....ethics are ethics.

My opinion on the clips? They are shocking, everything is bad. The whole 'belt' thing is corrupt as is the organisation by the sounds of it.....but, this is not why I post how I do. I am merely criticising the reasons for this thread and the 'dark' way in which it was posted. I would much rather someone invite him to this forum and get his views as well, rather than just sit and dig at someone behind their back.


12-06-2005, 12:27 PM
"President of the Ku Yu Cheng Iron Palm Society"

This is rich. :rolleyes:

Ben Gash
12-06-2005, 12:29 PM
Surely if that wa mentioned in the right circles it would earn him a painful visit from a member of San Fran's Chinese-American community?

12-06-2005, 12:31 PM
lol I could care less about his veiws due to the fact he knows less then nothing about kungfu. It might be politically incorrect to abuse him but he isn't just an average joe posting a clip. He is a fifth degree poser selling belts. He must of took a trial class in every one of those arts he is an expert in. Did he miss any art? I didn't see capoiara. lolo I would love to see a clip of him doing that.

Should we all lie and say how goos he is so we don't hurt his feelings? I hate that. If I su ck say it! Don't say it looks good for a beginner! Just say I su ck.

12-06-2005, 01:06 PM
It's even simpler than that.

Dude posted the videos on his website for the whole world to see. Therefore, he's fair game.

If he didn't post them or they were posted by a person out to ridicule him, then maybe the whole "right/wrong/ethics" arguement could be mentioned. But no... they're on his website, intentionally labeled & linked as such. He's out to have a showing of his skill or supposed lack thereof. Therefore, like any public person, he's a target for commentary... good, bad or indifferent.

12-06-2005, 02:42 PM
i was ready to flame monkey foot from the first post, but in all fairness i think he was under the impression that rd just took some poor slob's home video and put it on the internet to be made fun of. in that light i can sorta understand having a little pitty on the guy. but it was also approached using a remarkably similar attitude as the one he was condemming.

so i think he fu cks goats.

Ou Ji
12-06-2005, 06:02 PM
I say we send Ray Pina to kick his a$$.

12-06-2005, 07:30 PM
Could part of the reason it doesn't look good be that it's choppy-ass video?

Royal Dragon
12-06-2005, 07:31 PM
Are you willing to stand next to him and show everyone how it's supposed to be done?

I don't do those sets myself, BUT as bad as I am, I'll cross hands with him. Although, I have not made ANY claims one way or the other of what I think his skills to be, so that point is Mute anyway. Besides, he's the one touting all his credentials all over his site, not me. The burden of proof is on him, he's making the claims of grandure, I am not.

>>This speaks very badly towards your character!!!

Why? I just wanted everyone's opinion of the clips. I haven't said a single thing bad about anyone.

>>To come on a online forum and post with the intention of stirring up as many insults as you can is pathetic.

I did not direct anyone to make insults in anyway, shape or form. I just linked to clips that HE has publically posted on HIS site. I just asked people's opinion, thats all. I can't controll what other competant martial artists say when they give thier opinion.

>>Its not 'critiqiue this vid', all you want from people is 'take the **** out of this vid' - the worst part is that you cant handle someone saying they are better than you.

If he's going to claim to be the grand 37th generation Pohba, he's claiming to be better than me. If he's claiming to be better than me, then he'd BETTTER be better than me, right? I don't have a problem with people claiming to be better than I am, if they are infact better than me. Infact, I'm all FOR people being better than me! I mean, if I'm at the top, we are all in trouble!

Like mentioned above, if you can stand by this guy and show us all how its done then go ahead and do it.....

I don't do those sets, but if he wants to go point for point on Tai Tzu (since he Claims to know that style), or even his Chao family Taiji, I'm game.

>>This forum has become overun by a bunch of *****es, people who lack respect for others by posting garbage like this.

I didn't post anything, the guy has it posted on HIS site. I just linked to it and asked what everyone thought. It's not like I posted the clips myself, HE has them on HIS site.I couldn't put them on mine even if I wanted to, my site has been down since the Hurricanes. see----------------> www.royaldragonusa.net

Royal Dragon
12-06-2005, 07:41 PM
Since people seem to be accusieng me of having dark intentions I will pick apart my own post.

I said

No, not me at all....just someone who claims to be better than me, that's all.

It's all over his site. Everywhere he touts his awesome credentials. The whole site reeks of "I'm better" than you because "I'm" the 37th blah, blah blah. I basically pointed out that fact. I'm not lying, go to his site and see for yourself. I never said once that I was better than him. Nor once did I make a claim myself. I just made a simple reference to his claims that are publically posted all over his site. I never made ANY claims myself (redundancy intentional to make a point).

The guy claims 37th genration inheritor, head of system, standard bearer etc.., but had only been in the system as long as me at the time (a couple of years or so tops), and didn't know the whole system even...although I'm sure he's memorised it by now.

This is fact. I started in the Chao system in 1998. Can someone date him prior to that by any substantial time?

I just thought some public critiquing of thier "Skills" would be fun today.

Martial artists judge, and critique the skills of themselves and other's all the time. There is nothing wrong with haveing fun with it. Ever go compete in a tournament and have fun getting critiqued there, and likewise critiqueing other competitors? What about sitting home and watching MMA videos, or talking about how bad the Packers su-x this year?

I fail to see where the "Dark intentions" are in this post anywhere. Do you think you could isolate the specific sentence, and say Why it's darkly intended?

12-07-2005, 02:20 AM
Well if you were posting this thread with the best of intentions in mind with only the idea of giving constructive criticism then I am sorry and I offer my apologies.

This explains the impression I was under when I first read your post.

was ready to flame monkey foot from the first post, but in all fairness i think he was under the impression that rd just took some poor slob's home video and put it on the internet to be made fun of

I suppose that my initial reaction was due to my own feelings about posting videos. I have wanted to post some stuff up for critique and it ****ed me off to think all I would recieve was 'pathetic, ****, lamer' instead of something constructive. Now I realise the motives for posting so I withdraw my opinion.

''I just thought some public critiquing of thier "Skills" would be fun today. ''

I guess the end part threw me a bit....still seems like a **** take.....but I cannot change how it is read.


''i **** goats''?.....you lose sleep thinking that one up?

12-09-2005, 11:43 PM
looks like an advanced 5th degree black belt SD form.:p
Screw you.

12-09-2005, 11:57 PM
the guy was 'pathetic' and clowns like him give a bad name to CMA. His stuff was crap and analyzing it would simply be a waste of time....

Hell this girl (ten at the time) has more skills going for her then that sad excuse for a master


Just calling it like I see it :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
12-10-2005, 06:37 AM

that's a cute wushu kid for sure!

Ou Ji
12-10-2005, 08:11 AM
This kid is even better that that guy. :D :D

12-10-2005, 04:56 PM
Ou Ji... at least the kid is moving instead of in front a **** game console!:eek: