View Full Version : Which book for start?

12-05-2005, 06:39 PM
Does anyone know of a good book that shows basic kung fu? I'm going to practice at home since I can't afford lessons yet lol. By the way, I'm new to the board, so try to stand a newb :P (didn't know there was an 'oso' until after I made this account...)

Royal Dragon
12-05-2005, 07:01 PM
Funny you should mention this, there is a discussion on the Shaolin forum about a very good book for self study.


Ben Gash
12-06-2005, 02:29 AM
For basics, Paul Eng has one published by Tuttle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0804834946/002-5984415-8231251?v=glance&n=283155

Wong Fei Hong
12-06-2005, 02:49 AM
I would reccomend to look on the net for freebies ;)
As a start and then proceed from there, there is a great book on muay thai, its amazing, i know its not kung fu but if you grasp the basics from this book you will be able to grasp kung fu a lot easier because you will learn fight strategy as well as how to throw punches and kicks. pm me and i can email it to you if you can accept a 9 megabyte book. private emssage me for more info and i might have some other stuff i can send you , i know i have a book on karate but its in german , shows all the katas i dont understand it but you could learn some katas on your own and that will help you with your stance work,
Until you find out what Style of kung fu you would like to follow. You will have the knowledge of punches and kicks and stance work.
As for recommending a particular book, its hard to say without actually talking of a specific style.

Sifu Darkfist
12-06-2005, 06:11 AM
Although i agree books are the best way to engage academic material and also to think out any material, I think you should augment this with maybe a basic video.
there are dynamics you have to see in order to understand.
Try GM Su YU CHang's site for vids