View Full Version : Thing that really bugs me

Ben Gash
12-19-2005, 10:08 AM
Why is it, whenever you try to have a meaningful discussion about application in this place someone pipes up with "Oh, but if you do that then you can be countered with this and then they can shove their hand up your arse and pull out your ribcage" or "that'll never work against an uncooperative opponent, they'll cover up, shoot, take you to the ground and choke you out".
This is inane, childish and pointless.
How many counters do you all know to a lead hand punch? 100? 1000? 10000?
Are we all going to stop doing lead hand punches because there are so many ways to counter them? Of course not. Therefore the fact that a technique can be countered does not make it without value. Therefore these statements are pointless. Unless everyone is living in a Shaw Brothers type fantasy land, there is no "undefeatable techniqe".The bottom line is that if your opponent is better than you then they'll probably beat you.
So can we please just get on and talk sensibly about kung fu?

12-19-2005, 10:31 AM
because its always the "theorists" that say those things. I could do this, or i will do that, you have this door open and yaddayaddayadda.

It the same as when someone buts in on a martial art conversation with "what if i pull out my Desert Eagle and pump a few 50 caliber rounds into your torso as you try those chop saki moves on me, dude? Its at that point i always run up to them and start patting them down. Its funny while they watch you with this wierd face on, and they ask "what are you doing, dude?".........and i respond with"where's your gun at?"

Their response would be "oh its at home in my top drawer across town on 32nd ave. Then my face gets all serious and i say" I've got my gung fu right now!" it's so funny when they realize how stupid they are.

But there is one good thing about all that jaw jacking they do, it should keep you on your toes to make sure you will always have all those weak areas they say you have--strong. Use it as inspiration.


12-19-2005, 10:59 AM
because its always the "theorists" that say those things. I could do this, or i will do that, you have this door open and yaddayaddayadda.

It the same as when someone buts in on a martial art conversation with "what if i pull out my Desert Eagle and pump a few 50 caliber rounds into your torso as you try those chop saki moves on me, dude? Its at that point i always run up to them and start patting them down. Its funny while they watch you with this wierd face on, and they ask "what are you doing, dude?".........and i respond with"where's your gun at?"

Their response would be "oh its at home in my top drawer across town on 32nd ave. Then my face gets all serious and i say" I've got my gung fu right now!" it's so funny when they realize how stupid they are.

But there is one good thing about all that jaw jacking they do, it should keep you on your toes to make sure you will always have all those weak areas they say you have--strong. Use it as inspiration.

ROLFLMAO!!!! You didn't really do that did you?!?:D

12-19-2005, 11:08 AM
yeah i've done that a few times.

and its always the really geeky guys who couldn't protect themselves if their lives depended on it that bring in the "what if i have a gun, then what would you do?"

thats when i have fun.


12-19-2005, 01:10 PM
For any technique or app to work;

The condition or pre-requisite has to be there first, timing, space or position or opening etc.

And yes, any of the preconditions are not there any more or counter, the apps have to change or will not work.


12-19-2005, 02:26 PM
because its always the "theorists" that say those things. I could do this, or i will do that, you have this door open and yaddayaddayadda.

It the same as when someone buts in on a martial art conversation with "what if i pull out my Desert Eagle and pump a few 50 caliber rounds into your torso as you try those chop saki moves on me, dude? Its at that point i always run up to them and start patting them down. Its funny while they watch you with this wierd face on, and they ask "what are you doing, dude?".........and i respond with"where's your gun at?"

Their response would be "oh its at home in my top drawer across town on 32nd ave. Then my face gets all serious and i say" I've got my gung fu right now!" it's so funny when they realize how stupid they are.

But there is one good thing about all that jaw jacking they do, it should keep you on your toes to make sure you will always have all those weak areas they say you have--strong. Use it as inspiration.

I've done the same thing, except the idiot was talking about his de4d1y sword skills. And of course he said it with a crowd around to spead the f34r, so the embarrassed look he got was ten times better. He lost ten street cred, at least.

This is also the same guy who wanted to have a nunchaku vs. sword fight with me (he, of course, had the sword). What a chump.:cool:

12-19-2005, 09:17 PM
Why is it, whenever you try to have a meaningful discussion about application in this place someone pipes up with "Oh, but if you do that then you can be countered with this and then they can shove their hand up your arse and pull out your ribcage" or "that'll never work against an uncooperative opponent, they'll cover up, shoot, take you to the ground and choke you out".
This is inane, childish and pointless.

In fairness I think you'll find that the "good grapplers" here only respond with the latter when somebody claims something similar to the former. :D

12-19-2005, 09:34 PM
you know who, I'm going to clock choke you're ass out for saying that.

David Jamieson
12-20-2005, 05:26 AM
Because discussion boards are about rimination ben.

truth of the matter is when I fight, I don't think, I attack, I look for weakness or holes and I attack them. When I am not strong I hold and when I am failing I retreat and shore up.

The techniques are secondary to these more primal approaches to fighting. But again, it's a discussion board and it will at points break down into senseless banter about minutia that will never go anywhere. lol

Would you rather discuss butterflies and if we are are not actually them? :D

12-20-2005, 08:22 AM
u knwo who,

the point im trying to make is ......."I can't stand the wannabe's or nerds that always have to bring in "i have gun, and im not afraid to use it, but its at home so i'll have to give you a pass."

its at that point i pull out my sow choy's, chop choys, and a couple of well placed pek choy's and it will seem as if i pulled out the gun on you instead.

I will make a bold statement here......if you do what im speaking about then you are just a nerdy geek who has never had a fight in his life, and can only fantasize about shooting someone with your all mighty firearm. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!! GEEK!

that was general and not towards you ---u know who.

but i still think you're missing the point.


12-20-2005, 08:32 AM
can i ask David J a question?

you say you look for weaknesses, or holes in a persons defense........

is this in a ring fight or out in the streets?

it must be the ring you are talking about, because in the streets you don't have time to look for weaknesses or holes. it is so brutal and "caveman" that most of your martial arts gets thrown out the door.

a good street fighter can take your average martial artist if the martial artist has never really been in any street fights. A lot of people are only studio martial artist and come to find out they spent their lives learning a dance instead of a self defense.

so i guess what im asking is "ring or street fighting?


12-20-2005, 08:45 AM
because its always the "theorists" that say those things. I could do this, or i will do that, you have this door open and yaddayaddayadda.

It the same as when someone buts in on a martial art conversation with "what if i pull out my Desert Eagle and pump a few 50 caliber rounds into your torso as you try those chop saki moves on me, dude? Its at that point i always run up to them and start patting them down. Its funny while they watch you with this wierd face on, and they ask "what are you doing, dude?".........and i respond with"where's your gun at?"

Their response would be "oh its at home in my top drawer across town on 32nd ave. Then my face gets all serious and i say" I've got my gung fu right now!" it's so funny when they realize how stupid they are.

But there is one good thing about all that jaw jacking they do, it should keep you on your toes to make sure you will always have all those weak areas they say you have--strong. Use it as inspiration.


It's not only theorists that say those things. Who responds to what depends on who made the original comment. I have several times commented on why I don't think certain things will work - especially in regards to takedown defense. Why? because I work with grapplers all the time, taking me out of the 'theorist' category, at least in that instance. The reason we always have the 'what if' scenarios is because there will always be people who see things different ways. Such is the nature of humans. Two 'realists' can get get into 'what if' scenarios just as easily as 'theorists'...

12-20-2005, 08:54 AM
A lot of people are only studio martial artist and come to find out they spent their lives learning a dance instead of a self defense.

Not necessarily. you can be learning 'real martial arts' and still get schooled in teh street. What matters most is HOW you are training, not necessarily what you are training. Technically, ALL martial artists are studio martial artists until they get into an altercation outside of the studio.

12-20-2005, 10:10 AM
my comment is correct 7 star. Fact, my best friends wife---3rd degree blackbelt in tkd----spent all her life learning it, to come to the realization after just 1 of my classes that she has no clue how to use her martial art in real life combat. I didn't just make an empy comment, i've seen it many times.

but there are people who can take bs and turn it into something tangable.(forgive misspelling). i agree with that. but where not talking about a few, i mean i've seen it many times. I've actually shown other people how to use their martial art based on what they've learned.

and to comment on everyone being a studio martial artist until getting into something outside the school.........well, im glad im no studio martial artist then.

but instead of telling someone what you "could" do, (but haven't) what someone "should do" is either shut up and show me, or never underestimate a fighter, he just may know how to close all doors, or he can just as easily say i have counters to your counters, and this can go on all day.

i'd take the shut up and show me, maybe i may learn something.

martial art theorists should realize, its just a theory that needs to be proven.
