View Full Version : The FU JOW ---and how do YOU use it?

12-19-2005, 10:57 AM
Anyone who knows me knows that the Fu Jow is one of my favorite techniques as well as one that i've used on the street.

Now i've seen so many people out there from many styles use the fu jow but it always seems that they use it more as a scratch, and not to tear into you.

So i'm going to start this off by telling you how i use it, and train it.

Training my Fu Jow

One of the things i do is open and lay flat a bunch of newspapers and with one hand take each sheet and crumple it up into a little tiny ball that fits in the middle of your palm.

Or i take a 20oz plastic coke bottle filled 3/4 with water and squeeze inwards attempting to make a fist.

I will sit in a sei ping ma and pick up and drop an object in the air hoping to snatch it before it hits the ground.

these are just two things i do to train my fu jow.

How I use them

How i use them is another story. As i've said i've seen people use the tiger claw as a scratch at the face. But the way i use it is more for maiming. one of my favorite places to tear at is the tricep. Once your flesh is in my hand i will roll it up into my fist then tear away.

That is just one of my favorites, so what is yours? how do you train your tiger claw?


Ben Gash
12-19-2005, 11:08 AM
I like a good sandbag personally.
In application, well for the classical technique I palm into the chin, forcing the head back and then I pull down on the claw, hitting the eyes and then tearing across the cheeks and mouth. If you turn it on it's side it's great for grabbing behind the jaw while fish hooking the mouth with the thumb.
Perhaps the most common use I have for it is for wristlocking. If you grab the first metacarpal with the fingers (that's the "palm" bit of their thumb) and press your thumb against the back of the hand, it's a very useful grip that's difficult to break free of. I also use it to attack the lateral muscles when I'm doing straight arm locks.

12-19-2005, 12:03 PM
Well, since I am Ten Tigers...
1,upward palm, followed by downward rake
2.grabbing, such as pectoral,throat,bicep, face, etc
3.inward Mao Yi Sai Meen
4.outward Mao Yi Sai Meen
5.chasing with lien wan fu jow
7. palm
8.rending-which is tearing down as your hand slides-such as down the arm,
9.dotting, which is smashing with the fingertips
10 hooking with the back of the hand

Yum Cha
12-19-2005, 06:25 PM
I have a pee-wee soccer ball, made of plastic that I squeeze with my fingertips, digging them in, not using the finger pads.

Also, I think guitar and keyboard (computer) strengthen your hands as well.

We differentiate eagle (ying jau) from Tiger (Fu jau). Eagle is more like 3 fingers and thumb, with the fingers out. Tiger with the fingers rolled in, but palms open.

I like fu jau too. Striking and grabbing and pulling. Strike the ear, pull it off (?). strike the tricept, grab into it and pull the opponent into an attack. Collarbones, attacking the flesh around a cut face to make the cut bigger. Perhaps make them loose face, eh?

Or finger attacks, grabbing the neck muscle and driving the thumb into one of the good pressure points. Grabbing the back, soft tissue on the lats, (sealing the breath) and pulling off balance and/or position for another attack .

Grabbing/attacking a fist with an attack like sliding your fist down a rope and hitting the knot at the end. You don't really hold on, just pull the balance.

and of course.....

Monkey picking fruit....

I'm not that sure one could really rip flesh, perhaps wimpy flesh like the soft stuff around the eyes, inner bicept, maybe the throat, but not the good stout meat. Pain, paralysis and grip are about it, I reckon.

David Jamieson
12-20-2005, 05:19 AM
palm strike followed by a pull

raking strike

grab and rend(pull and tear at)

12-20-2005, 08:07 AM
personally i like to tear into the flesh. Its the way "I" see how the Fu Jow should be used. I've noticed that most of you like to hit with the palm first, then rake.

I never rake. when i throw a fu jow to the face it is completely open sorta like throwing a softball and upon impact thats when i use the claws part of fu jow to rip into whom ever i use it on.

it's good for the neck too. i just love fleshy areas. they're so easy to tear into.:D :D

David Jamieson
12-27-2005, 08:02 AM
personally i like to tear into the flesh. Its the way "I" see how the Fu Jow should be used. I've noticed that most of you like to hit with the palm first, then rake.

I never rake. when i throw a fu jow to the face it is completely open sorta like throwing a softball and upon impact thats when i use the claws part of fu jow to rip into whom ever i use it on.

it's good for the neck too. i just love fleshy areas. they're so easy to tear into.:D :D

Well, I personally have never torn anyones flesh with a claw hand, nor have I ever seen anyone do this outside of a chop sockey flick.

I can however skin and eviscerate a chicken without using a knife now. :) Kind of a neat thing to show your friends, has nothing to do with tiger claws though.

12-27-2005, 08:33 AM
mr jamieson,

if you were to use or condition your tiger claw to tear and rip instead of the "i don't really know how to use a tiger claw".

My sifu has never used the Tiger Claw as a raking technique. the way we fu jow is much the same way a cat uses its claws, it just doesn't scratch you but its claws dig into you, and some may even grow their fingers nails slightly to enhance the tearing.

In the type of fu jow that i do, i start out with the typical shape of the tigers claw and after impact as you are tearing you make a complete fist leaving all their flesh inside the palm of your hand.

In oakland where Sifu Troy Dunwood and I would teach i had this homeless person swing at me for no reason and as i blocked his arm i tore downwards opening up their forearm with blood all over the place. I stopped at that point because if that homeless person had HIV or AIDS or something that would suck.

so what i'm saying is that i've used the type of claw im mentioning more than once with excellent results. the only thing is you have to condition it for tearing.
if you have never tried, don't knock it.


12-27-2005, 10:01 AM
here mr jamieson try this.

if you have a cat, take the tip of your finger and push it into the bottom part of the cats paw between the bigger pad, and its little claws and watch what happens to the cats claws.

your finges are the claws of the tiger, and the tigers claws can retract, extend, rake tear grip, and maim.

if you limit yourself to just the raking part of the claw, pls consider looking into trying some of the things i've mentioned.

if we were standing there in person i would "politely" show you what i mean.

Im not saying im the authority, but i have to say i've seen a many tiger claw stylists of wannage's use the fu jow way too wrong.


fiercest tiger
12-29-2005, 12:06 AM
Just grab the throat and squeeze, you will hurt the person more then trying to grab the arm, pecs, etc. Tigers grab the throat and kill!

12-29-2005, 08:17 AM
thank you there fiercest tiger.

but openly i can't tell my students to rip his throat out, but thanks.

when it comes to the fu jow any fleshy area is in danger. And when fu jow the throat all of his neck flesh is balled up right there in my little palm, while his eyes are bugging out from fear of losing a larynx (sorry, don't know how to spell that word)


12-29-2005, 09:07 AM
As far as thinking that tearing the flesh is movie stuff, and also that longer nails are needed, let me share this story with you:
My student, a 49 yr old female massage therapist, was practicing a technique with a fellow student. Her nails are trimmed almost to the nail bed as she cannot have long nails for her profession. The guy she was working with was sweating profusely, and when she went to do this technique, in which you grab from behind, the vagus nerve, her fingers slipped, and raked across the back of his neck. She ripped a nice clean line across the back of his neck, and pulled out a ribbon of flesh from her fingernails. The flesh on the back of your neck is nowhere as fragile as the skin on your face, and other areas.
If this little girl, with no fingernails, could accidently rip flesh, one can only imagine the devastating effect that can be done with a well trained, well placed,Fu-Jow.
Now add Frank's Cruella DeVille trailer park manicure, and watch the fur fly!:D

(Frank, my SPM Sifu also has his nails noticably long, as well as my first Northern Sifu, and I used to as well, but it interfered with my guitar playing...and the ladies complained!)

12-29-2005, 09:33 AM
did u just say i live in a trailer park? LOL

Don't think long nails will make or break the Fu Jow, but it does help to get the flesh tearing going.

ANyone up for a good Fu Jow to the tricep?

12-29-2005, 03:10 PM
nah, we always refer to those super long nails some women wear,as "trailer park nails"-cause you never see any models or ads in Vogue or any other fashion mag wearing them.

fiercest tiger
12-29-2005, 04:11 PM

It was common for any Tiger, eagle stylist to have steel or iron claws made for there finger tips. I bought a set at shaolin temple back in 1992 but customs took them off me when i arrived in australia.

They would tear your throat right out no problem, you just need clamping skills to help grab.

I aggree that grabbing the thoat in class can have its down falls, but it has its good points cause you would be amazed to see good students absolutely freeze and dont know what to do when you are pinned against the floor or wall fighting for your life. Maybe try it a few time as a pressure testing technique to see who reacts fast enough cause it takes only a few seconds before you will pass out or could die with a hard enough striking fu jow.

I wouldnt claw a face if i could punch a face, i would claw if i have no room to get proper delivery. If my hand is there near you face i would pinch, claw, flick with p/eyes, rub the face with a forearm till it might bruise up and split.

I see fu jow only for throat if i was in a life threatening situation, playing around for tiger seizing skills like lats, pecs, biceps are all fun for showing off but in reality i dont think as useful so no need to play around with that IMHO.

Take care fellas and have a safe new year!

12-29-2005, 05:21 PM
fiercest tiger,

thanks for the comments.

when i was in jail, i once shared a cell with 12 men. one of them kept insisting to me that his bak fu was better than my choy lee fut. For a while i brushed him off my shoulders, and let it go. But one afternoon this guy really got on my nerves so i turned and fu jowed him right in the throat. All of his loose little flesh balled up inside my hand ready to tear it out.

Needless to say he other 10 men turned their backs in case i was going to hurt him. I had him against the wall, and he wa afraid to move because i had so much flesh in my fu jow. I then shouted at him "what is your bak fu going to do now?
he remained motionless so i relaxed and let him go. he never bragged about his bak fu again.

what im saying is that i love the fu jow. it is such a devestating hand technique that can leave someone maimed for life. I train it often, and my students are my victims. they get very nervous when im around because they know i want to show them how to fu jow correctly.

but thanks again.


fiercest tiger
12-29-2005, 05:30 PM

So you are in jail talking about martial arts, So what was the other guy BAK FU was in for?

The claw is designed to kill!

12-29-2005, 05:42 PM

i was in jail, and i was actually teaching a few people in my cell to keep my mind from going stir crazy. Plus, the tatoos i have cannot hide when wearing short sleeve shirts, so people wanted to know about the gung fu.

I think the other guy was in jail for too many drunk driving citations.

my situation is another story.

01-05-2006, 03:31 PM
thank you there fiercest tiger.

but openly i can't tell my students to rip his throat out, but thanks.


Ok, you don't openly say it, but do you teach the technique to your students?

There are many ways to use a fu jow which we cover in training, but Hak Fu Muhn uses the fu jow alot less than ppl would imagine. Although fu jow is one of my fav techniques, it's not used as much within Black Tiger.


01-05-2006, 03:54 PM
how ya doing jeff,

yes i teach that to my students. I don't run a commercial school, and i hand pick my students based on their ability to use gung fu and just talk about it.

In the area where i am living and was raised, the violence levels are very high, and if a fu jow to the throat stops the threat of losing their lives, i say use it like it should be done.

No, i don't teach my students to go out and get into fights, or bully anyone.
as their teacher im not allowed to say those things. But as a realist, i will tell my students, man woman or child what it takes to get er done!

You seemed shocked to hear i teach that jeff, why?


01-05-2006, 05:14 PM
how ya doing jeff,

yes i teach that to my students. I don't run a commercial school, and i hand pick my students based on their ability to use gung fu and just talk about it.

In the area where i am living and was raised, the violence levels are very high, and if a fu jow to the throat stops the threat of losing their lives, i say use it like it should be done.

No, i don't teach my students to go out and get into fights, or bully anyone.
as their teacher im not allowed to say those things. But as a realist, i will tell my students, man woman or child what it takes to get er done!

You seemed shocked to hear i teach that jeff, why?


Hello Frank,

Well, yeah i'm a bit surprised when i hear schools that actually work on techniques these days. So many are just form dancing schools, that i really don't respect many a commerical school. I don't knock any school or style, but lack of schools that work techniques,useage,theroy,etc.....really bothers me.

I understand what you mean about teaching bullies.

My sifu doesn't believe in teaching bullies either, he's very picky as well, but once you're accepted....he gives you everything.

great to hear that keep it up!!!


01-05-2006, 05:29 PM
thanks jeff,

yeah i like the fighting aspect of the martial arts as opposed to forms practice, however forms does teach one to maneuver in the systems manner of movement.

a few of my students have been seriously jumped almost losing their lives, but becuase i train them with techniques and not just theoretical ones but ones that will allow them survive on the street if need be.

i'll try and keep up any work im doing. gotta rep my sifu, right?

take it easy jeff.


01-05-2006, 06:01 PM
thanks jeff,

yeah i like the fighting aspect of the martial arts as opposed to forms practice, however forms does teach one to maneuver in the systems manner of movement.

a few of my students have been seriously jumped almost losing their lives, but becuase i train them with techniques and not just theoretical ones but ones that will allow them survive on the street if need be.

i'll try and keep up any work im doing. gotta rep my sifu, right?

take it easy jeff.



hskwarrior, Hung Sing Kwoon warrior?

Yeah, i have no problem with forms.... i love them myself, i once was a forms collector:D

I just get bothered by schools that claim they're old school and teach Gung Fu, but really teach tournament fu. If they tell the ppl the truth, no problem, but most just lead students on.


01-05-2006, 06:34 PM

yes, Hung Sing Kwoon Warrior.:)

and i know where you are coming from. thats why i love to stay real.

