View Full Version : Good kung fu schools close to Nottingham, England

Judge Pen
12-20-2005, 07:09 AM
A buddy of mine is getting his Masters in history at the University of Nottingham, England. He was thinking about some schools there but wasn't impressed with the local jiujitsu school or the local wing chun school (not his cup of tea).

He's a large guy: 6'4" around 300 lbs. Not in the best of shape, but with potential. He has a background in jiujitsu and shaolin-do (only about 6 months worth and stopped due to his job schedule at the time).

Any ideas of good schools in that area that he may be interested in?

Ben Gash
12-20-2005, 07:53 AM
Depends on how far he's willing to travel really. There's loads of 7 star mantis in Nottinghamshire, in Peterborough (about a 45 minute drive) there's a good Hop Gar school www.risingcrane.co.uk and Ma Yue teaches Tong Bei, and Leicester (about a 30 minute drive) has loads of 7 star mantis, good wing chun and others, and then if you go into Birmingham (a little under an hour) you can take your pick.

Judge Pen
12-20-2005, 08:07 AM
He's a slave to public transportation over there so the closer the better. Any suggestions on the 7 star mantis?

Ben Gash
12-20-2005, 09:10 AM
They're all the same. The East Midlands is the hotspot for Lee Kam Wing 7 star. All of the guys there are Derek Frearson's students.

Judge Pen
12-20-2005, 09:29 AM
Thanks Ben.

Paul T England
12-20-2005, 09:46 AM
Contact Derek Frearson at www.ITSWA.Co.uk

List of clubs on website. at least two in Nottingham area. plus annual summer camp in Barnsley, about 1 hour away. Lee Kam Wing teaches all uk guys at this event.


12-20-2005, 03:59 PM
yea sifu alan smith teaches over at peterborough. Its a pretty good class and the skill level is rising quickly.

He also teaches over at corby on saturday mornings. This is a really good tough lesson.....the corby guys are by far my favourite group to train with.


Judge Pen
12-21-2005, 07:13 AM
This guy would be a beginner because of his physical condition. He barely survived some basic classes in SD. I think he would get better once he built up his cardio, but that may take a while. If nothing else it could whip him into shape.

12-23-2005, 04:46 PM
Both corby and peterborough are good. The workouts are tough for all and beginners fit into lessons well and are not 'expected' to keep up.....its just a bonus if they do ;)

two man duck and jumps with a staff.....lol kills so much


ps: so whats the deal with this guy, is he in england now?

Judge Pen
12-25-2005, 05:26 AM
ps: so whats the deal with this guy, is he in england now?

He will be again on Jan. 7th and stay through September for school.