View Full Version : NewTerrorist Group

doug maverick
12-20-2005, 12:55 PM
Theres a newTerrorist to NYC this group has already crippled the city and cost take payers ten of millions maybe even hundreds, whats the name of this group:

TWU. i'm thinking this is some secret al quada plot to shut down the city :) no but seriously these people make great money(start 52,000) and they want more, and who pays for that the puplic does with fare hikes. this is rediculous(maybe i'm just ****ed cause i can't finish my film until this is over) any thoughts on this:

12-24-2005, 10:56 PM
yeah, I'm glad it's over, but the one thing that got me ticked off, was Blumberg said their actions were "thuggish". He was referring to the TWU LEADERS for using the strike like extortion, and the media blew it up and made the workers think he was talking about them. This puts all the union workers against Blumberg. Whoever was behind that spin, knew exactly what they were doing-a smear campaign. The workers don't have a choice when it comes to the union declaring a strike. But they do have a choice in voting.

doug maverick
12-27-2005, 10:33 AM
the media always takes liberties with other peoples words thats why you half to be very carefull when you say something like that. i mean a smear campaign at this point for the mayor would be ridiculous since this is his last term. but the it did do some damage to his rep. i think it works along the line of one of those telephone things, when one person seize something it gets switched up as other people say it. so it went from "the leaders tactics are thuggish" to "the whole twu are thugs"