View Full Version : Any Tips On Iron Fist Training?

12-30-2005, 06:12 PM
hi everyone, :) my real name is peter. i am glad to be here. i wonder if anyone out there has any info,pics,or anything on the iron hand/fist ? i have been training in this for almost four years. i strike a bag of steel shot for my hand,and hit a makiwara that i made myself indoors for the iron fist. i also soak my hands in brine and dit dow jow every day. not together of course. any tips on training? also, what is it about brine that helps condition the knuckles ?

01-04-2006, 11:29 AM
Check out our Iron Skills Master Kit (http://www.martialartsmart.net/tckprat102.html). Tao does cover Iron Fist in this vid, even though it's not mentioned in the ad copy.

01-04-2006, 12:03 PM
i got a picture with him at my website


6th picture down on the left column. Nice guy. look at his knuckels.


David Jamieson
01-05-2006, 07:38 AM
hi everyone, :) my real name is peter. i am glad to be here. i wonder if anyone out there has any info,pics,or anything on the iron hand/fist ? i have been training in this for almost four years. i strike a bag of steel shot for my hand,and hit a makiwara that i made myself indoors for the iron fist. i also soak my hands in brine and dit dow jow every day. not together of course. any tips on training? also, what is it about brine that helps condition the knuckles ?

Just one point.

Brine toughens skin and works as an antistasis agent. This is why boxers soak in it as well after a fight. DDJ will prolong the effects.

01-05-2006, 07:48 AM
sifu iron fist usually hits a steel plate in cupped in his hand at least 1000 times a day.

His calluses are about a quarter to a half inch raised about his knuckels.

nice guy though.

01-05-2006, 08:02 AM
I know a Sifu who used to punch the bark off of trees, he did so for years. In contrary to his knuckles enlarging and sticking out, they are almost flat and there is no apparent scarring to speak of.

01-05-2006, 08:08 AM
In my school back in the day all my classmates would be so gung ho about training that all of us would have a place in the studio like a sand bag, or the pads on our wooden dummy and such. So i decided that my place would be the cement wall in my sifu's school.

I would sit in sei ping ma, and punch the wall until my hands bled. over time that conditioned my hands or knuckles. Now it nuthin' to strike a cement wall, i still train that way and my students think im crazy.


01-05-2006, 09:27 AM
I would sit in sei ping ma, and punch the wall until my hands bled. over time that conditioned my hands or knuckles

Sounds dangerous and I wouldn't recommend passing that on to your students...

01-05-2006, 09:36 AM
personally i wouldn't, but it is up to them to train their fists they best way they seem fit.

But by the looks on their faces, they wouldn't attempt to try it.

being a gung fu man, i don't care about having pretty hands. so i don't baby them. I want to demolish whatever i punch.


01-07-2006, 06:26 PM
personally i wouldn't, but it is up to them to train their fists they best way they seem fit.

But by the looks on their faces, they wouldn't attempt to try it.

being a gung fu man, i don't care about having pretty hands. so i don't baby them. I want to demolish whatever i punch.


Do you have bone issues as of now? Like arthritis or something?

Samurai Jack
01-09-2006, 07:10 AM
I've been punching concrete for years myself. My hands look conditioned enough that it's noticable, but no where near Pan Ching Fu's level. It's a good practice for me. Not everyone has the wherewithal to do it patiently and carefully. That's where the injuries happen. A good jow makes all the difference.

Golden Arms
01-10-2006, 03:10 PM
A wise person once taught me to never hit anything that doesnt have some sort of give to it...Whether you value that advice as much as I did is up to you.

01-11-2006, 01:22 AM
A wise person once taught me to never hit anything that doesnt have some sort of give to it...Whether you value that advice as much as I did is up to you.

That seems to be the first value- worthy post in this thread.

As for the "Iron Skills Master Kit" mentioned earlier, I read on the shop page: "He specializes in police and military combat training, so you know his methods are tried and tested on the street and the battlefield" <- That is the typical fake advertising strategy. As for the content: Why should the police and the military use "Iron Skills"?

On the concrete-hitting: I thought it was rather common to use stiffly filled sand bags ?