View Full Version : Knuckle Conditioning

01-06-2006, 04:02 PM
Hi. I don't really know where to post this, but this place seems hot. Anyway, can anyone give me any tips on how to condition my knuckles please?

Sifu Darkfist
01-07-2006, 01:45 PM
Start by hitting the heavy bag all the time without gloves at least 200 punches a day. I mean a HEAVY bag at least 100 pounds with leather or ruff canvas.
Use your whole body when you punch dont tighten until you are at the moment of impact. There is a fist we use in Baji that collapses but you would have to train ALOT to use it right. Inquire at a Wu Tang school for this training.

Step two you should wrap a 8 by 8 post or wing chung dummy with a thin rubber treadmill matt. hit it at least 100 times a day. step four you wrap it with rope. place rope areas at five different heights or seven (coincides with Chinese Internal power) move up and down with rapid fire punches mix up your strikes.
continue to try to use your body with the punch. make sure you keep your wrist strong when you hit. use objects to hit that cannot move due to size and weight (this forces your body to adjust to hitting really hard objects).

you should also do push ups with your fists close to your pecks on your knucles. progress to jumping up from the ground with feet and hand simultaneously sort of a pop up this will also help strength.

Do at least 100 punches a day in the air as well using your whole body (again training in a Wu Tang affiliate or buying one of the masters videos will help you here) Because your body needs to keep up its speed as well as hardness and nothing teaches speed better than moving against the air.

01-08-2006, 07:55 AM
Find a friend.

Version 1- Patty Cake for Fighters.

Hold your arms out, bend your elbows with the tips of your fingers pointing to the sky. Smack the backs of yours hands with his. This shouldn't hurt too much.

Version 2- Halfway to concrete.

Hold one hand slightly in front of you at your side, pointer finger and thumb facing skyward. Have your friend do the same. Punch his stationary hand at his side, then he punches yours. After 25 reps or so, switch punching hands. This one will hurt. Take a break if the pain gets to be too much. If you find the lower two or higher two knuckles to be stronger, focus on striking with the weaker knuckles to bring them up to speed.

01-16-2006, 09:22 AM
Knuckle conditioning suffers from many of the same drawbacks of shin conditioning, or indeed any form of artificial hardening of bone or joint, you will get arthritis latter in life and it is a myth that this is a necessary evil.
Conditioning will happen naturally given time and practice, doing as '5Animals1Path' suggested will only serve to damage you, and I pray that he himself has not or is not undergoing such training.

01-19-2006, 01:09 AM
Health drawbacks from this repetitive practice seems quite possible, but could you provide actual evidence or research on this topic since knuckle conditioning is very effective.

01-19-2006, 05:44 AM
Perhaps I should've been more clear. The idea isn't to hit the guy as hard as you possibly can and cause a massive ammount of trauma to each other in the quickest time you can. They start out as light taps, bruising the bone slightly, and allowing it to heal. It's essentially targeted calcium deposits.

By no means should you whack the crap out of each other.

01-22-2006, 03:57 AM
My god!

Somebody alert the authorities because I'm about to say something that I have never said and will possibly never say again.

I agree with darkfist. :eek: :eek: :eek: