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01-07-2006, 04:23 PM

I have merged the thread started by KJ in response to some things from the Hardcore thread into the hardcore thread and re-opened the hardcore thread.

I respect Ernies right to delete a thread which started, as I respect everyone elses right to do so; however, I do think that the time to make such a decision is in the beginning not once a thread has been responded to by numerous people. Once that happens, then others have a vested interest in the discussion, whether it meets the originators intentions or not. At such a point in time, it is my opinon that the originator no longer has the sole right to decide to remove the thread.

Now if the thread degenerates into name calling and attacks it is a different matter. I do not feel this was the case with the hardcore thread. While I personally might have wished to deleted several posts, it seemed that most people were getting along fine and the discussion, while perhaps digressing, was still valid and posts were being made. Since the members of this forum were replying to and making posts and no one seemed to be upset with anyone else, I see no reason not to allow the thread to continue. Also, since KJ's thread was in direct response to the hardcore thread I have opted to merge them and have a single point of reference to allow everyone to read and respond.

As always, anyone who wishes to discuss my actions is welcome to contact me directly either via PM or email.

01-07-2006, 09:17 PM
Good work Dave - I think you got the balance right. Thanks for putting up with us.