View Full Version : Kyokushin 100 Man Fight

01-08-2006, 01:41 AM


01-08-2006, 02:08 PM

01-08-2006, 06:30 PM
Thanks for the clips. They both are very nice.

Hope all is well with you and your family,

01-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Hey Ray, that's not real sparring....they aren't wearing any birdcages, boxing gloves or titty pads!!!!!! Is it not dangerous?


01-08-2006, 06:55 PM
the kumite video is pretty funny.

01-08-2006, 07:27 PM
Hey Ray, that's not real sparring....they aren't wearing any birdcages, boxing gloves or titty pads!!!!!! Is it not dangerous?They're also not punching to the head, although kicks seem to be allowed.
While some may find the videos to be funny, it shows one very important thing. There are a lot of people who can take a lot of punishment to the body. They will not all just drop to the ground when you hit them. :rolleyes:
If you liked that one, here's another one (http://www.satojuku.com/streaming/rp94.wmv) along the same theme that I came across today. It takes a few seconds to download.


01-08-2006, 09:06 PM
Hey Ray, that's not real sparring....they aren't wearing any birdcages, boxing gloves or titty pads!!!!!! Is it not dangerous?

You didn't notice quite a few KOs in the clip from big kicks in the head?

01-09-2006, 03:43 PM
They're also not punching to the head, although kicks seem to be allowed.

Standard kyokushin competition rules.

Some training buds of mine watched a 100 man kumite performed by a female, Naomi Wood, in Sydney not long ago. Unfortunately I couldn't attend. It was by all accounts friggin' awesome. Anyone who thinks this would be some sort of a lark and a source of amusement is a fool.

01-09-2006, 04:21 PM
Hey Ray, that's not real sparring....they aren't wearing any birdcages, boxing gloves
When full power hand techniques to the head are allowed, boxing headgear, mouthguards, and MMA gloves become important pieces of safety equipment.

Of course those items are not necessary if you're only playing "tag" (i.e.- "touch" chi-sau).

01-09-2006, 06:05 PM
lol that was full contact kyokushin karate aye, chaaa hoo,
im pretty surplised from all those punches an kicks thrown, no one suffered serious injury, lol, im wondering where the gloves an head gear is at,

that guy was pretty good, but id like to see him up aganist a SPM practiconer

lol, now id say the SPM practiconer, would have the upper hand if they were to meet in the street, and no im not trolling guys, just throwing out my opinion

oh and LAWRENCEOFIDAHO its actually a very good technique to know chi sao

an its not about tapping each other but being able to feel your opponents chi, or movement through there hand, and being able to deflect it, or use it aganist them, very important skill to know

i study CHI KUNE JOW DO,

it is an integration of SPM, chow gar tong long kune, and wah gar, southern way of the tiger

an here is sifu paul whitrod
who demos the chow gar tong long Southern Praying Mantis form

18 hands



01-09-2006, 06:44 PM
lol that was full contact kyokushin karate aye, chaaa hoo,
im pretty surplised from all those punches an kicks thrown, no one suffered serious injury, lol, im wondering where the gloves an head gear is at,

that guy was pretty good, but id like to see him up aganist a SPM practiconer

lol, now id say the SPM practiconer, would have the upper hand if they were to meet in the street, and no im not trolling guys, just throwing out my opinion

oh and LAWRENCEOFIDAHO its actually a very good technique to know chi sao

an its not about tapping each other but being able to feel your opponents chi, or movement through there hand, and being able to deflect it, or use it aganist them, very important skill to know

i study CHI KUNE JOW DO,

it is an integration of SPM, chow gar tong long kune, and wah gar, southern way of the tiger

an here is sifu paul whitrod
who demos the chow gar tong long Southern Praying Mantis form

18 hands



01-09-2006, 09:09 PM
an here is sifu paul whitrod
who demos the chow gar tong long Southern Praying Mantis form

I'd rather see him do a 100 man kumite

01-09-2006, 09:21 PM
Those were fun, Ray. Thanks.

- kj

01-09-2006, 09:56 PM
I'd rather see him do a 100 man kumite

LOL anerlich it seems as though you are very defensive at my post, im assuming you studied karate an are very fond of it

well all i can say is with every punch an kick that karate practiconer could throw at
sifu whitrod, sifu whitrod would hit him ten times in that karate practiconers one punch or kick,

so there would not be any need for sifu whitrod to do 100 man kumite, unless he wanted to test his stamina,or whether people generally liked getting hurt

for the black sash gradings higher, going in to closed door techniques, they would do a very similar scenario to that of the 100 man kumite

so before sifu became sifu he would have to go through similar tests

enjoy your day

01-09-2006, 10:01 PM
Please guys, take it easy on him, K?????


Phil Redmond
01-10-2006, 01:09 AM
That clip is from Tony Jaa's awesome new movie, "Tom Yum Goong"

Mr Punch
01-10-2006, 06:06 AM
lol that was full contact kyokushin karate aye, chaaa hoo,


18 hands...Remember kids. This is what can happen if you spar with full head shots and no gear.

Sorry, he must go now, the nurses are calling.


01-10-2006, 11:00 AM
Please guys, take it easy on him, K?????


If it smells like a troll, and it looks like a troll.... ;)

01-10-2006, 01:37 PM
lol, i give him 3 points for that one,

oh an mat was your reply aimed at me, cos if it was, lol im not impressed at either the karate practiconer or at the reply, lol, my cousin is ray *sugar foot * sefo
previous K1 champ, before i started kung fu, i trained in kick boxing with him, and jason suttie, previous k1 oceania champ, when i sparred with ray his round house kicks, and crescent kicks hurt like hell when he hit me in the head,

but i never dropped to the floor like these karate practiconers, so please refrain from the nurse calling, because it looks more stagged to me,

now please since this is a kung fu forum, an we dont like trolling in here
can we please have sum constructive conversations about kung fu

01-10-2006, 02:19 PM
LOL anerlich it seems as though you are very defensive at my post, im assuming you studied karate an are very fond of it

Wrong on both counts. Are you sure it's ME who's being defensive?

You say this guy is an uberbadass, and he'd walk through an entire kyokushin dojo like it was thin air. Let's see some proof, like seeing him do a 100 man kumite, rather than unprovable stories about what goes on behind closed doors and a vid of him doing a form.

01-10-2006, 03:37 PM
lol anerlich aye, you good ole ozzie, lol fair dinkum mate, lol

ne ways thanks for correcting me where i was wrong about you not studying karate,it just seemed as though your 1st post was very defensive in regards to my disregarding of the 100 man kumite, an then me posting a video of a certain sifu,

I'd rather see him do a 100 man kumite

which i found quite funny, hence my post

and in regards to posting up a video of him doing 100 man kumite is quite a funny question,

why would you ask such a question, just to see whether or not i can get a video of him doing it, no unfortunately im not going to lower my self into this small minded thinking of retaliation,
ve seen it happen very similar to the 100 man kumite, but will not go to the lengths of trying to prove it to

an actual martial artist or a geek who can talk himself up behind a computer screen,

this is not aimed at you anerlich but to anyone.

anywho i hope no ofense is taken anerlich as none was given

kung fu brother from across the ditch

aotearoa aka new zealand

01-10-2006, 03:57 PM
Ahhh a kiwi , where do you train man, at sutties gym in Newmarket ?

You still in NZ ? you might be able to teach me a thing or two cause you seem to talk the talk.

Im a kiwi too, who needs some toughening up....

01-10-2006, 04:29 PM

Yes im a kiwi, no his gym aint in new market anymore, its moved over to penrose
Elite Thai Kickboxing, i havent seen shane wijohn an suttie in a while, i havent done thai in years my brother, but still train with sum of the boys from over those ways

check out sutties site

www.ETK.co.nz ive gone over to them an trained a bit but that was in the mixed classes alot of new faces didnt see many of the ole boys, because my family home is out in west auckland i usually go over to see my cousin ronnie an them,

right now im over in flippin ozzie bro work an all, but when i get bak ill let you know,

you need toughening up aye, geez dont know if im the one to show you if its muay thai bro, jason trains over at lolo's gym, do you know lolo tongan guy who owns the gym in balmoral,

but if you want true muay thai trainning id say go bak to the man who brought muay thai to NZ, Phillip Lam,

but if its Kung Fu, i might be able to give you sum tips, ive been doing it for a couple of years now, its Ch'i kune jow do, in english the way of the Ch'i fist and claw,

its an integration of Chow Gar Tong Long Kune ( southern praying mantis ) an Wah Gar Lo fu do ( way of the tiger ) since both form are similar my Sifu, Sifu Bourne integrated them both together

SPM has similar attributes to that of wing chun

if you want PM bro

much alofaz an arohanui

01-10-2006, 05:21 PM
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Kyokushinkai Karate, (one of the first schools I trained at)and its offshoots-Nakamura's Seido Karate,Shigero Oyama's Karate,Enshin karate,etc are schools of hard knocks. The first kata you learn is Sanchin Kata. Sparring is bare knuckle, had contact to the body, and leg kicks are permitted. I reccommend anyone who thinks this is "tag" to take a few classes at your local Kyokushinkai dojo.
I still teach a variation of sanchin (saamjien kuen)and sparring to my beginners, for mental and physical conditioning. I think it is a great training aid.

01-10-2006, 06:03 PM
lol, i give him 3 points for that one,

oh an mat was your reply aimed at me, cos if it was, lol im not impressed at either the karate practiconer or at the reply, lol, my cousin is ray *sugar foot * sefo
previous K1 champ, before i started kung fu, i trained in kick boxing with him, and jason suttie, previous k1 oceania champ, when i sparred with ray his round house kicks, and crescent kicks hurt like hell when he hit me in the head,

but i never dropped to the floor like these karate practiconers, so please refrain from the nurse calling, because it looks more stagged to me,

Well Suttie's KOed a couple of guys in the past few months (Slowinski, Mataele etc) so either he was going easy on you or you've got an incredibly hard head.

01-10-2006, 07:29 PM

im sorry i didnt realise you knew suttie, ok hmmm, no he has a good round house, an great kicking ability, but even he told me that they werent his specialities, if youve seen his fights from his very first fight back in thailand till now you should know that most of his knock outs were from his punches, his punches are fast, and powerful, but never underestimate his kicking ability

mataele he even knew that, that fight was a close one

slowinski is a great fighter but dont try an compare the tongan tornado an slowinski to me,

if you ask any martial artist when you spar, you dont spar to tag them like ten tigers said about kyokushinkai karate, even with gear on it still hurt like hell

thats not the point if you read my post all i was trying to conclude is that ive trainned with and related to some of the best kick boxers, so i can back my talk up with experinces an knocks to the head, from professional new zealand kick boxers who have made it big, that was what i was trying to state.

so NO your wrong he did not go so softly on me as you ASSUMED he did,


i didnt mean to dis regard kyokushinkai karate, alot of my friends study kyokushinkai, as well as goju ryu, an other okinawan karates, i have much respects for them an Know with out a doubt that those martial arts have awesome attributes an would never doubt that at all, i know they have alot of conditiong, for there punches, as well as kicks, you can tell that by the 100 man kumite videos

every martial arts has its great attributes, an some that may need working on,
as no martial art is better then the other

01-10-2006, 08:06 PM
Well if, as you said, Suttie and Sefo have given you a kick to the head and you did not go down, you're either very tough or they weren't trying. They're both capable of a decent amount of power.

01-10-2006, 08:15 PM
of course there both capable enough to knock any one out, ive only been kicked twice by my cousin, i havent really sparred with him that much, i sparred more with ron then him, and no did not get knocked out, i saw black an white for a bit an stumbled for for a sec, but didnt kiss the floor, as we say here in nz,

an jase well like i said i havent trained there recently or much last year as my lung fu is what i was concentrating on, but yes, ive come close to fully kissing the floor, with jase where i i fell down on one knee, but i didnt kiss the floor my friend,

im not saying it didnt hurt, hell yes it did, but even with jase, he didnt throw much kicks to the head, more body shot punches knees an kicks,

01-11-2006, 02:18 PM
anywho i hope no ofense is taken anerlich as none was given

I've been insulted by experts, you'd have to try a hell of a lot harder than that

01-13-2006, 10:46 AM
Is "CFREW" short for curfew? It's way past your bedtime little boy.

TENTIGERS: I too started off in Kyokushinhai way back when. It was when Shigeru sensei was teaching around here in CT. I can attest to the hard knocks comment the style is very strong in my opinion with lots of bare knuckle sparring that was full out.

I see you in the NY area have you every trained with Hioki sensei? I'm pretty sure he was in the scarsdale area.

Or how about Fujiwara sensei? He was in CT and NY


01-16-2006, 01:10 PM
Is "CFREW" short for curfew? It's way past your bedtime little boy.

lol at ronin22 CFREW is a slang way of saying, see through, like i can see through you an your pathetic little retaliaton comments, who are you, you comments are so random you werent in the conversation to begin with,

an the only little thing is that which is between your legs my friend, this is a kung fu forum, no one really cares if you done karate, if you'd like to talk about kung fu your in the right place other wise, take you an your lil personal digs to another forum

you must think you are really big hiding behind your computer screen, in real life your just a geeky lil nerd who likes trolling so please refrain from personal digs, when you werent in the conversation to begin with

and have a nice day

01-17-2006, 07:34 PM

Ooooooo gee you really told me didn't you.

I guess you proved my previous comment. Grow up son.

01-18-2006, 12:55 PM

i guess its better then being a troll, dont you have ne thing better to do then trying to flame somebody, its obvious youve never done kung fu, so stop trying to be little people an start a flaming war my friend, i thought geeks an nerds looked at porn all day,

thanks enjoy your day

01-18-2006, 05:23 PM
i jus watched that Kyokushinkai test (the 17 min clip), that was a hell of a test, i don't care who ya are! regardless of style, rules and regulations, i would hesitate to think that most people here could literally endure a test of endurance of that kind. of course most would argue that no one would stand there that long and take that kind of abuse, but i look at it like training yee ji kim yeurng ma or sei ping ma, when are u planning on sitting in one of those for 15 minutes when u fight? but those who do are that much stronger and tougher. kudos to that guy.

Jerome C
01-19-2006, 12:02 PM
Nice clip, kyokushin practioner's are some of the toughest guys around