View Full Version : Eagle Claw 50 Rows

Jingwu Man
01-10-2006, 10:11 AM
Hi everyone!!

Does anyone know any resources (books, videos) for the 50 Rows of Eagle Claw?
I learnt the first 28, but my Shifu doesn't know any more.
Other names are Wushi Lu Lian quan, Lin kuen Ng sahp Lu.

Wong Ying Home
01-10-2006, 10:26 AM
There are no book with a 50 rows shown nor videos. there is one book out of china that lists all 50 rows.

It is very unlikely you will ever find an instructional video/dvd on this set as it it is cosidered one of the three pillars of eagle claw and not taught openly


wong ying

01-10-2006, 11:23 AM
If my memory serves me right, wasn't there a book in Chinese published in the 1930's by GGM Lau Fat Meng. who was Sifu Lillly Lau's father. that was called 50 rows of ?

Anyway it had pictures of GGM Lau doing the set. I remember seeing it and someone next to me told me that it was one of Eagle Claw top set, 50 rows of locks. I took a quick look and it was one picture per page, with description of each arm lock. The book was 4 x 6 inches and had about 150 pages (guessing here). It appeared to me that all 50 rows were represented but since I dio not know the style, I put it back. Now this was over 35 years ago so my guess that this book is out of print. The book was published in Hong Kong. Anyone who has this book will regard it as a treasure.

01-10-2006, 11:44 AM
treasure indeed.

are not a large portion of most modern kung fu's chin na attributed to eagle claw?

or have I seen one too many movies?????

Wong Ying Home
01-10-2006, 03:13 PM
I have four of the books with GGLFM in them, I am not aware of a book published with him showing Lin kune. I will ask my SiFu Gini Lau if she knows of the book your talking about.

01-11-2006, 12:06 AM
Wong Ying Home,

Well, I believe I'm wrong. Do not waste your time asking your sifu. I went over my notes and I did not see it there. Sorry if I got everyone's hopes up. Next time I'll check before answering. :(

01-11-2006, 05:10 AM

I know which book you're talking about. I sold it when I moved from a house to an apartment. I've gone through most of the applications with friends. Unfortunately I only remeber a few of them now. I always thought they'll publish a version in english but that has not been the case. Haven't been able to find that book since.

But I'm sure you won't miss much of the grappling stuff if you enrol in a local BJJ school.

01-11-2006, 09:11 AM
There are very few actual eagle claw books out (under 10) and some are indeed out of print.

There was a combination 10 Road Walking fist and the 50 Road Linking Fist forms in a book from china attritubed to the Chan Tzi Ching lineage. Sorry can't remember the author right now have to dig it out? (wong ying do you knowwho?)

. Now the 10 road is 95% the same as the one I learned plus they give 2 additional alternate roads as well.

Now the 50 road set I would say does contain alot of the techniques int he version I learned but in different orders etc.

If you have connections in china the (ISBN 7-5434-0929-0/G*242) it seems to have been a series of books as this one is marked #4, probably of different styles. The last printing was in 1988.

Send me your e-mail and I'll attatch a picture of the cover.

Lau Fat Man books: The only ones I have are the Big Hero, A basics book (? title), A Link Kuen, but only text), 108 chin na book. I know there is a book where he demonstrates the pudao or ringed powel chopper which you can see a page of it on Master Lilly Lau's site.

I know that one of Grandmaster Lau's books and the recent book of Master Gao is available at:

you'll have to check the chinese book section.

check out my eagle claw site under the products section. Quite a few links on where to find books and videos on the style

Hey Wong Ying, how's it going? a new year:D

take care

Wong Ying Home
01-11-2006, 09:40 AM
Am very well...check your post box at home...there should be something there very shortly pending the Uk/US postal service

Happy new year to you

Wong Ying

hakka jai
01-12-2006, 07:30 AM
Hi guys,
Do any of you guys know of/study southern eagle claw????.

hakka jai:)

Wong Ying Home
01-12-2006, 11:07 AM
I have some info on golden eagle from Taiwan...pretty rare though not many teaching it these days.

Think of footwork like Chow Gar Tong Long, ...it uses very similar short triangle footwork

01-12-2006, 01:52 PM
Lily lau has posted a very detailed free E-Book that was done over 3 months in seperate magazine articles. It is the 108 paired qinna form. I studied the first part a bit with my wife and it has great anti-grappling techniques along with the great grappling techniques. Beatifully built form however it will take allot of dedication to come close to doing it peroperly with the E-Book although it is very detailed as stated earlier. However learning anything from a book requires attention to detail and dedication. I am Jew so for the price I could not pass it up. Now I want to try and study it again. Here I was trying to slim down my workout due to my chronic pain and now I have a great urge to study it again. The first section alone has enough techiques to last a lifetime. Well it's not exactly what you are looking for however it is a priceless piece of work. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and have a training partner willing to put in the time with you. Regards.
