View Full Version : Shane Lacey getting big publicity

01-10-2006, 02:44 PM
My favorite morning show "THE DOGHOUSE" has moved to New York and took over Howard Sterns old studio. As i've said, i'm a big fan of the DOGHOUSE so i tune into 92.3fm from the computer and listen (east coast time=10 -2 pm// westcoast 7-11am)...

but anyways, i knew Shane Lacey made a big effect on the doghouse, so i tuned in yesterday and low and behold who is the dogshouse pumping new york up about, Mr, Shane Lacey of the Buk Sing Kwoon himself.

They were recounting shane's street exploits, and my new favorite one is about shane not wanting to hurt this group of guys so he told him mother who came around and said the the boys, "please leave my son alone, he doesn't want to hurt you boys so its best to go away" or somesorts.

another one was how shane faced off with someone with a gun, who had big group of friends, and shane kept telling them no matter the gun or not to put the gun away and he won't have to kick all their asses. well no one seemed to listen so he supposedly wiped them all out before they could blink.

anyways, reagardless of who it's about, the main thing is Choy Lee Fut got some more free publicity on the New York air waves, and especially bay area choy lee fut.

As we say in the bay......"ERRRAAYYY!!!!!