View Full Version : Beimo [short film ] again

01-27-2006, 05:32 PM

for those that have been asking me here is a link to that short film
Chow is a teenage street fighter in 1950s Hong Kong. Scarred by the memory of his parent's murder at the hands of Japanese soldiers during the WW2 invasion of China, Chow is about to face his biggest challenge:

A fight with a Japanese street fighter.

The film is the first to feature semi-authentic Wing Chun vs. Kyokushin Karate in a cinematic context.
Added on January 26, 2006, 01:42 AM by sschwartz23
Video Details //
Runtime: 09:30 | Views: 222 | Comments: 0
Tags: wing, chun, kung, fu, chinese, beimo, fight, hong, kong, world, war, bruce, lee, rooftop, short, film
Channels: Entertainment, Short Movies
Recorded: 2005-11-11 User Details //
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User Name: sschwartz23
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01-27-2006, 09:43 PM
0, it is a sad story where only if human learn more to love then hatre to avoid this to happen.

1, I am not sure it is Kyokushin from the way how the karateka moves.
2, Kyokushin is not Japanese but Korean founded. So, what is the point to fight?

3, when is the movie maker in HK moves away from hatret and anger?
4, This movie might be named as ex-centric behaviour of an poor abused kid.

5, what is the point? just because One is fill with anger and hatret one can do what one likes? What is that behavior different then those cruel solder?

6, Again, this movie shows, one becomes what one hates.

and the last

7, is WCK proudly become "the instrument of thy anger, hatret, and violence?"

Just some thoughts. how sad is human being without the concept of Love thy neighbour.

01-27-2006, 11:52 PM
d@mn hen why did you have to gay it all up , just enjoy the flick for gods sake :rolleyes:

01-28-2006, 02:56 AM
Woa! I thought this short film is more a message of forgiveness in a highly emotionally charged and climatic showdown. Johnny is portrayed as a very troubled orphan whose parents were brutally murdered by Japanese soldiers during WWII. His story is told so very human and movingly when we see him as a lost little boy standing all alone in the WC kwoon. Watch again those haunting eyes of that little kid when he is asked if he's really want to fight by Gary Sifu....

I won't comment much about the physical fight as I felt that the Beimo at heart has gradually transcended more into an spiritual struggle of Johnny to preserve his precarious inner balance - learn to control his anger demon or irreversibly be consumed by it. In the end, he barely did the unthinkable. He remembered the Reverend's talks with his mother's Cross dangling between him and his down and beaten up opponent. For a fleet wavering moment he finally prayed for God to forgive him and miraculously learn to forgive the unforgivable. Offering his hand to the loser, he has won his soul.:D

01-28-2006, 07:32 AM
Kyokushin is not Japanese but Korean founded. So, what is the point to fight?

Highly debatable.

While Oyama was indeed of Korean Heritage the roots of Kyokushin very much appear to be closely related to Shotokan, the mother of most mainland karate systems; Shotokan was the first official Mainland system that was officially 'japanified' and accepted at the Budokan. This was a 'defanging' and restructuring process indended to make Shotokan more 'Japanese' and appropriate for teaching to young school children in large groups <and also Americans LOL> . Shotokan has its roots in Okinowan Te, which much more closely resembles Fukienese Chinese Martial Arts similar to WCK.

01-28-2006, 08:09 AM
Thanks for the clip Ernie!

Anyone have real Beimo footage of WCK?

Sure would be interesting to actually see real WCK fighting, which these days seems more and more to be rumor and hearsay, or a vision from an old Kung-Fu episode its: Listened for but not heard; Looked for but not seen... Is it real or is it a dream? :p

01-28-2006, 12:06 PM
Highly debatable.

While Oyama was indeed of Korean Heritage the roots of Kyokushin very much appear to be closely related to Shotokan,......

imho, kyokushin, upper body and structure is yee chuan influence. kicks are muay thai influence.......

01-28-2006, 12:59 PM
In the end, he barely did the unthinkable. He remembered the Reverend's talks with his mother's Cross dangling between him and his down and beaten up opponent. For a fleet wavering moment he finally prayed for God to forgive him and miraculously learn to forgive the unforgivable. Offering his hand to the loser, he has won his soul.:D

thus i have heard,
even the tax collector will be loving kind in the time you had paid tax. :D

it is said in chinese while one is rich making donation is easy. how about when one is poor?

how many time after one let out the explosive emotion or revenge within one, one then feel content or guilty, then switch to be reasonable or love as long as one didnt meet the next adversity? is that a true forgiving or just a temperory satisfaction of one's will fulfill?

is it possible to be able to love and forgive when the condition is bad? that is a difficult question.

imho, i see wck has been protrate and implied as an evil tool in the movie. as evil as the solder's gun because in catoness speaking in the clip. wck is only about fighting and keep the fire or anger to fight.... thus i see it as giving wck a negative image.

so, say the chow guy really changes after the fight. he forgive, the question is then will he still train in wck? or his value or paradigm of living has shifted that he will not longer go back to the wck school due to chow has a different value based.

for me, bei mo is about competing the martial skill one can be win or lost but not about discharging emotional anger with a blind eyes. it is about skill. here it gives a wrong impression of wck is an instrument of thy blind emotional discharge. so, even one win one actually has lost. lmhho.

just some thoughts.

01-28-2006, 02:02 PM
The movie actually includes some real Beimo footage, from a fight between a Wong Shun Leung guy on a rooftop. You can find that complete footage out on the net.

01-28-2006, 03:41 PM
Iis said in chinese while one is rich making donation is easy. how about when one is poor?

I lived 12 years in Latinamerica, and the people that gave/shared the most selflessly were the poor, not the rich... Human qualities shine through the most and in its purest form during times of struggle. Even if many things in that vid are debatable or corny, Sheldon did a terrific job with this. I just hope he follows through with his movie directing ambitions.

01-28-2006, 03:45 PM
as usual Hen you live in a world of dreams and wishful thinking not reality which is closer to human nature ,,,,,,, if you don't live and experience your darkness how will you ever know that you are free from it

one of my coaches and close friends told me people think he is to ballistic and vicious when he fights and trains

but he explained the more time i spend getting to know myself in when the $hit hits the fan

the calmer i will be in life since things will not shake me

this man has lived through war been in fire fights and hand to hand

he is one of the calmest most grounded people i know

why -------- he has been there and knows himself and he still trains just as hard as before , but he understands why he trains ;)

01-28-2006, 04:14 PM
I lived 12 years in Latinamerica, and the people that gave/shared the most selflessly were the poor, not the rich...

Human qualities shine through the most and in its purest form during times of struggle. Even if many things in that vid are debatable or corny, Sheldon did a terrific job with this.

I just hope he follows through with his movie directing ambitions.

Indeed, that is a very respectfull type of living!
isnt it great to live the love thy neighbour way?

promoting love and helping each other IMHO is alway great especially for the kid.

01-28-2006, 04:49 PM
Screw that my neighbors out of control brats make way to much noise , i should smack the $hit out of there parents for producing such stupid children ;)

01-28-2006, 10:57 PM
Thanks, Ernie, for posting the link again.
I enjoyed the parts where Gary was on screen. I got a chuckle out of the LA skyline with the Spanish style tiled roofs, complete with tell-tale satellite dishes standing in for the 50's HK rooftops (seen in the Wu Jun Nam footage).

Mr Punch
01-29-2006, 04:29 AM
That was all right.

Hendrik, as a gaijin over here who is generally oversensitive towards anything racist against the Japanese (and at the same time the very opposite of an apologist!) I didn't find that piece remotely offensive. A bit of a spurious connection maybe, but not offensive! And furthermore, personally I didn't find it to portray wing chun as a tool of destruction either.

I mean, of course someone got battered but one thing I do know is that wing chun is definitely not a method of flower arranging...! :)

But as a primarily foreign language speaker and a living breathing cultural stereotype myself, the main problem with the movie was that the subtitles were nearly all translated into perfect English and not once was there an insult to the Shaolin temple or one instance of mouths moving out of sync! And where the hell were the long white beards!?:D

01-29-2006, 02:41 PM
That was all right.

Hendrik, as a gaijin over here who is generally oversensitive towards anything racist against the Japanese (and at the same time the very opposite of an apologist!) I didn't find that piece remotely offensive. A bit of a spurious connection maybe, but not offensive! And furthermore, personally I didn't find it to portray wing chun as a tool of destruction either.

I mean, of course someone got battered but one thing I do know is that wing chun is definitely not a method of flower arranging...! :)

But as a primarily foreign language speaker and a living breathing cultural stereotype myself, the main problem with the movie was that the subtitles were nearly all translated into perfect English and not once was there an insult to the Shaolin temple or one instance of mouths moving out of sync! And where the hell were the long white beards!?:D


Great to know your perspective. Great sharing indeed and appreciate for your sharing.

The angle where I view from, IMHO, is that:

1, I am not looking at it in a racism way. where I view from is that : We can talk about history but we dont have to provoke the hatre and anger.

As a Chinese decendent myself, I learn lots about the Rape of Najing since very young. However, I was always caution to not let the term " Rape of Najing" become a hot botton which drive one nuts and justified to do anything one like to other because " They did it to me." There are good and evil people in every race so one dont blind oneself to stereo type everyone.

The mentality of stuck in " They did it to me, so I can do what I like to other" is a deep hell a poor victim can get stuck. Which means they will victimized others and create more victims.. It is every unhealty kind of mentality which keep snow balling or spiral in. IMHHO.

2, what is the clip really delivering to the audiance?

Eventhought the script writter tries to conclude the clip with Good ending similar to lots of Chinese movie because if the movie is not end with appropriate ending even if it is a plot mainly for sensual excitation. The gorvenment is not going to let it broadcast.

IMHO, my perspective only and no one has to be agreed, this clip is deliver emotional or sensual excitation massage which influence one for violance with " I can do what I want because they did it to me." " anger is ok" get it out with violance is ok"...

And, as we know, sensual excitation massage "program" one deeper more then " logical reasoning" because the sensual excitation massage excite one and a continous of excitation in the sameway will lead one to react as programmed or imitate the action taken. in this case, " because they did it to me" " it is ok to be anger and then act violance. ... (which in term forgot about the consequence of the act of violance."

So, IMHO, The question is what is the influence behind the excitation? How many time our emotion lead our reaction instead of our logical thinking?

3, WCK is sure not for flower arranging. However, WCK needs not to be equivalent to the guns of the Japanese solder who kill a kid's parents infront of the kid or an instrument of anger.

IMHO. Where is WCK's basic value similar to all what was teached in CMA --- be endurance, be tolerate, be cool and calm, do good for the community. In this movie, IMHO, WCK become " thy instrument of anger ."

4, Saying this above, I didnt say a thing about the actors because it is all about the content of the message in this clip or the scrip writter which I am critic. Actors often doesnt even have a clue of how the movie piece up at the end. So, that has to be clear and understood in one's mind.

On the other hand, may be the script writter have good intention, wants to write about it is no good to be stuck in hatre and anger, WCK is a superior fighting art.... and only because s/he lack of technics of communication that the clip become turn distorted against his/her will. that also is a good possibilities. We dont know.

Since there might be young kids or young teenagers who is browsing this forum, or admiring WCK, what is the message we want to give them? if it is our own kid?

Again, I can be eccentric also. this is just my view, no one has to be agree with me.

01-29-2006, 03:40 PM

in speaking with Sheldon over the process of making his film
his concern was to show how things ''really'' are or ''really feel'' no pulled punches not how some may ''want'' them to be .

as for kids on the forum ,,, not our job to raise if a parent can't keep track of his kid ,,,, well they should not be parents now should they ,,,,,,,,
i would never allow my life to be restricted because of some one else bad parenting skills ,,,,


perhaps you should make your own sesame street version were every one hold hands and sings kum bye ya :cool:

to censor a persons art and expression is a very weak minded and dangerous position

IMO-thus i have heard

01-29-2006, 04:13 PM
d@mn hen why did you have to gay it all up , just enjoy the flick for gods sake :rolleyes:

LOL. Thats pretty funny.

01-30-2006, 10:01 AM

online review !

01-30-2006, 10:16 AM
Who is that good looking talented actor who play Chow!?

I wish i can get his autograph!


Just dropped by to say hi

01-30-2006, 10:26 AM
Who is that good looking talented actor who play Chow!?

I wish i can get his autograph!


Just dropped by to say hi

Now i know i'm rubbing off on you hahaha [insert kick to the balls here ! ]

jyu is Johnny the main actor in the short film .

01-30-2006, 10:58 AM
Props, jyu.:cool:

01-30-2006, 11:02 AM

This is movie a full feature? Or just a short film? I am interested in buying it if it is a full length movie on DVD. I liked it very much and thank you sharing this clip.

01-30-2006, 12:38 PM

This is movie a full feature? Or just a short film? I am interested in buying it if it is a full length movie on DVD. I liked it very much and thank you sharing this clip.

nope just a short film :D

I'm sure there will be more to come

01-30-2006, 11:58 PM
Who is that good looking talented actor who play Chow!?

I wish i can get his autograph!

Dunno dude, but he looks really gay! :D

'Sup Johnny! See ya on Wednesday.