View Full Version : what a shame

01-28-2006, 11:12 AM
you know i have to say that all the flame wars and talking smack with each other sometimes gets out of hand. I guess its "out of sight-----I don't mind---if they get ****ed off!!!".

if it wasn't for this mentality maybe we would all become better acqauinted and even make some good friends. through the use of our computers we could be pretty cold to each other. but if we attempted to contact each other since we've been battling for so long now, you may just realize there are some cool people here on this forum.

the first i met was SOW CHOY----mr Joe Keit the CLF playboy. it doesn't matter if we all disagree because when i met joe in Texas we had a cool time. but last night i gave GREEN CLOUD a call and had a cool long conversation. the guy is really a nice guy and i look forward to keeping in touch with him. hopefully make some friends out of dave and mike someday too.

What a shame that so many of us are too stubborn to reach out and make contacts like the way some of us are doing. i'm sure only the real ones would do so, but thats great. we don't need the trolls interfering with our little community. and yes this forum has become a little community where we all come to commune whether negative or positive. admit it. we are all addicted to this forum, that's why we keep coming back regardless of who we dislike.

Follow this example and reach out and make a friend instead of an enemy. maybe one day we can all come to each others aid when a troll gets on here talking a whole bunch of mess.

ending, i wouldn't be surprised if i get hated on for posting this, but i'm a big boy--literally and can take it.


wind draft
01-28-2006, 02:34 PM
I'm telling you it's because of the COMPUTER INTERACTING! I bet these flame war wouldn't happen if these people met face to face and talked say at a tournament. But because we all write back and forth on the internet thru this chat forum, lots of misunderstanding and miscommunication occurs. And occurs a lot!! We don't know the intention or emotional tone of each other or even facial expression and that can lead to lots of problem in just reading text on the screen. MISINTERPRETATION i would say.

01-28-2006, 03:59 PM
I'm telling you it's because of the COMPUTER INTERACTING! I bet these flame war wouldn't happen if these people met face to face and talked say at a tournament. But because we all write back and forth on the internet thru this chat forum, lots of misunderstanding and miscommunication occurs. And occurs a lot!! We don't know the intention or emotional tone of each other or even facial expression and that can lead to lots of problem in just reading text on the screen. MISINTERPRETATION i would say.

I think you are right about that. But also I think that people don't make any effort to sort out that miscommunication. They think that because it's on a forum its doesn't count...where as in face to face you would say "what do you mean by that?" and try to get to some level of mutual understanding. People just don't want to make the effort with people that they only know by a screen name. Internet talk is pretty cheap compared to face to face dialogue and there's really no real emotional investment in the outcome of the interaction.

The people with poor social skills to begin with thrive in this environment because they can "stir it up" without having make any real connection...I think these are the people that most commonly are labeled as "trolls."

01-28-2006, 05:50 PM
Trolls get their power from their audience's insecurities. If folks truly believed in what they did, then they wouldn't get offended when someone else tries to pop their bubble.

Although, I must admit that reading all of the defense mechanisms - and cheesy kung fu theatre lines - come out in the flame wars is entertaining.

01-28-2006, 09:50 PM
Word Watchman.

Green Cloud
01-29-2006, 09:27 AM
Hey frank I think you jinxed me. Now there's something wrong with my phone:p

Anyway I've learning a lot about being involved with forums. I think the key to dealing with trolls is to use restraint. Not that I've displayed any restraint my self, but then again I'm new at this geek stuff.

I think the key is to qualify who you are talking to, if the other guy seems childish and petty well assume youre talking to a child. You have to put the flame out before it starts. Ignore and don't aknowledge the trolls existence. Unless your in the mood to kill some time, then let the games begin.

01-29-2006, 10:22 AM

I guess im a troll :P I have bad social skills and tend to thrive more online than I do face to face.

Actually, I can just sit and think out what I want to say, while face to face if I were to do that I would just be giving whoever I was talking to a blank stare. :D :D

Maybe whenever a flame war starts they should trade phone #'s and duke it out voice-to-voice? :P I bet that would stop a lot of the internet bashing, and probably make the people realize "Hey, this is pretty stupid :p "

01-30-2006, 01:32 PM
you know i have to say that all the flame wars and talking smack with each other sometimes gets out of hand. I guess its "out of sight-----I don't mind---if they get ****ed off!!!".

if it wasn't for this mentality maybe we would all become better acqauinted and even make some good friends. through the use of our computers we could be pretty cold to each other. but if we attempted to contact each other since we've been battling for so long now, you may just realize there are some cool people here on this forum.

the first i met was SOW CHOY----mr Joe Keit the CLF playboy. it doesn't matter if we all disagree because when i met joe in Texas we had a cool time. but last night i gave GREEN CLOUD a call and had a cool long conversation. the guy is really a nice guy and i look forward to keeping in touch with him. hopefully make some friends out of dave and mike someday too.

What a shame that so many of us are too stubborn to reach out and make contacts like the way some of us are doing. i'm sure only the real ones would do so, but thats great. we don't need the trolls interfering with our little community. and yes this forum has become a little community where we all come to commune whether negative or positive. admit it. we are all addicted to this forum, that's why we keep coming back regardless of who we dislike.

Follow this example and reach out and make a friend instead of an enemy. maybe one day we can all come to each others aid when a troll gets on here talking a whole bunch of mess.

ending, i wouldn't be surprised if i get hated on for posting this, but i'm a big boy--literally and can take it.


this is an MA forum, not a dating service

seriously, what you are talking about is really nothing new - this has been going on since the beginning of the forum. I've met several people from KFM, as have several others. We've also had challenge matches that actually did happen between members here. Heck, the WC and the mantis guys have actually held gatherings for members. At the end of the day, we are human - you may choose to meet whom you want to meet and will likely not want to meet everyone.

As for trolls, we are the fire that fuels them. When you ignore them, they go away. Once again, we are human. On the inside, we like trolls. Why? they give us something to talk about. They fuel discussion. I'll be the first to admit that I really liked Ego - he was a great troll. stop fueling them, and they burn out.

Judge Pen
01-30-2006, 01:44 PM
I get bored, so arguing some pointless point on the internet is fun. But I've enjoyed the meetings I've had with people from here. I'm looking forward to meeting more this weekend at Oso's tournament.

Golden Tiger
01-31-2006, 05:48 AM
I get bored, so arguing some pointless point on the internet is fun. But I've enjoyed the meetings I've had with people from here. I'm looking forward to meeting more this weekend at Oso's tournament.

In case I forget JP...good luck!

01-31-2006, 08:27 AM
i don't know what dating has to do with anything here this forum.

maybe you want to date some of us, but for me, hey dude this is not that type of party. i'll have none of that!!!!!:eek:

01-31-2006, 08:38 AM
frank, do you have msnm or skype?
its very expensive for me to make international calls. I try converse via msnm when ever I can. not many ppl here seem to have that tho...

01-31-2006, 08:50 AM
i still have your phone number, and will get a calling card where we could talk very cheaply.

i will call you soon eddie.


David Jamieson
01-31-2006, 08:51 AM
an internet forum is no place for the thin skinned. :p

in other words, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

noone can control someone else and what they have to say on these venues. It is pointless to even try. Just blow it off and move on or make your argument and try not to get dragged into a poo flinging fest which in turns leaves a little sh1t on everyone involved. Which is the aim of the troll, ie: make YOU look stupid.

quite often, trolls have the most fun on a martial arts boards because they seem to be filled with pompous asses and the words "I" and "me" a lot. This reveals many things to anyone who looks.

also, I can't think of many who are not critical of others, even you frank, so the hypocrit is the best target of all for the internet troll.

Mind your own self, and the rest is just cake.

01-31-2006, 08:54 AM
it's still a shame:D

David Jamieson
01-31-2006, 08:58 AM
There are a lot of traits of human behaviour that are far more of a shame than some bitter and empty words thrown onto an internet forum.

Insults and personal attacks on character are generally the last refuge of an ignorant person who doesn't possess the faculties to have an argument of any merit.

Looking at it that way makes it easy to decide which threads to contribute to and which ones to just click off of an move on. :p

01-31-2006, 10:02 AM