View Full Version : Training in my sifu's kitchen.

Chief Fox
01-30-2006, 09:47 AM
So I've been attending the same school for three years now. For the first two years I would have one instructor during the week and a different instructo on Saturdays.

The classes were very different. The classes during the week focused on conditioning and forms. We also sparred but didn't do much application at all. Typically the classes were very scattered.

Now the class on the weekends were completely different. They were more regimented. We all worked on the same material. We broke things down step by step, correcting each position along the way. Then we were introduced to the applications. Sifu would demonstrate on one of us and more times then not that person would end up flying across the floor as a result of sifus power. He would never injure us but he would say that there is only one way to do this stuff. We all understood and it made sense.

Well over a year ago, the weekend insturctor stopped teaching class. It turns out that he's got bad knees and it became too painful for him. We also recently found out that he was never paid for his time. 8 years of saturday classes from the goodness of his heart. The school has also gone through some changes so I suspect that he wasn't too happy with that either.

Anyway, about a month ago, two other students and I decided to seek sifu out to see if he would be interested in private classes with us. HE WAS INTERESTED! He also was kinda honored that we actually wanted to train with him. We told him that we didn't want to disrespect our school but a lot has changed and we really missed his classes.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. We showed up at his house, we cleared out his kithcen and he said welcome to the school. We went through the Tai Mantis form Jet Kun. We got about half way through and then worked on applications. Sifu has not lost his touch or his power at all. My one class mate was slammed into the refridgerator and I ended up on my back on the kitchen floor after I got swept by sifu. Of course it was in good ol' mantis style because I didn't even see it coming.

We practiced the form as a group, then went through three different applications of the form, then we "played" and experimented on our own a bit. Then sifu talked a bit about his philosophy of combat. Basically, don't stop until your opponent is on the ground and you're walking on his soft squishy body.

Then we kicked the pads a bit. Then sifu brought out his electric guitar and totally jammed for us. It was awesome.

So it was the same old class and it was great. Exactly what we were looking for. So my classmates and I are going to get together and review and we'll go back to sifu's kitchen probably twice a month. I hope his knees are ok today.

I told him that I've built myself a wooden dummy and he asked how much I would charge him to build one. I said no charge for you. So I'll be starting that up here in a couple of weeks.

01-30-2006, 09:51 AM

01-30-2006, 10:16 AM
so, there were different teachers (sifu) all teaching out of the same school?

sounds like you might should think about a permanent switch if this guy is no longer teaching there.

you say 'Tai Mantis' do you mean Tai Chi Mantis?

Did he give you a translation for "Jet Kun"

01-30-2006, 11:34 AM
Yes. it is an honor and privilage to learn from the Sifu himself and privately.

I think most people started with learning and practicing with senior students and instructors first.

Mega good for you.


01-30-2006, 11:42 AM
While he is jamming on his gee-tar don;t forget to cook him something...important to feed you Sifu.

A happy Sifu is one who will give more knowledge....

Chief Fox
01-30-2006, 11:51 AM
so, there were different teachers (sifu) all teaching out of the same school?

sounds like you might should think about a permanent switch if this guy is no longer teaching there.

you say 'Tai Mantis' do you mean Tai Chi Mantis?

Did he give you a translation for "Jet Kun"
To be honest, I don't know. He called it Tai Mantis and explained that it is Northern. I can explain the first few moves of the form if you'd like to see if you're familiar with it.

I am considering a permanent swich to this guy. The only variable is his knees. He likes to get in there and mix it up and I'm not sure if he would be interested if his knees couldn't handle it. I know that I'm going to try to make it as easy as possible for him to continue with the lessons.

I don't really know how to describe it other than it felt right. It was truely an honor. I didn't think about the food. Great idea.

01-30-2006, 12:01 PM
I didn't think about the food. Great idea.

Consider it paybakc for your running advice:D

01-30-2006, 12:01 PM
Oh, and my motto..."If it feels right do it"....keep up the training :D

01-30-2006, 12:21 PM
well, while it's good for a teacher to be able to mix it up w/ his students it's not totally necessary...if he can coach you guys well enough so you beat the crap out of each other on a regular basis then well enough I think. every teacher eventually gets too old to play hard.

I'd be curious, when it becomes appopriate to ask for more history, about the style and form. Tai mantis could be short for tai chi mantis but maybe not. "Jet Kun" could maybe be Lien Jeet...my very limited history of mantis points towards a possible Korean connection as a lot of the terminology became 'koreanized' when some mantis teachers moved there...who knows?

as GCCLF says "if it feels right"

sounds like maybe a good step though. congrats.

01-30-2006, 08:30 PM
I am considering a permanent swich to this guy.
I don't really know how to describe it other than it felt right. It was truely an honor.

It sounds like you were meant to train with him.
So do it! ;)

01-31-2006, 10:46 PM
May I ask who is this gentleman that is teaching you Jeet Kun (swiftly follow)? This set is pretty unique to CCK TCPM (my style also) as far as I am aware. It sounds to me that he's affiliated with Kam Yuen or Paul Eng's Tai Mantis organization. I believe your Bengbu/Bung Bo is not the same version as the CCK TCPM's. Did you get the Bengbu from him as well?

Warm regards


02-01-2006, 09:38 PM
awesome dude.

might want to consider one of your garages or basements though. unless its big enough ... im sure hed rather do it at his house than anywhere else.